Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Model of Dry Matter Production and Light Interception for Rice in Plastic Film Mulched Upland

PENG Shi-zhang; LI Rong-chao   

  1. (Research Institute of Science and Technology; Hohai University; Nanjing 210098; China)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2002-10-10 Published:2002-10-10


彭世彰; 李荣超   

  1. 河海大学 科学研究院, 江苏 南京210098

Abstract: Relationship between dry matter production and light interception by canopy was analyzed based on the data of canopy structure and rice dry matter measured in different growth stages of rice experimental field under plastic film mulched upland (RPFMU) and water saving irrigation condition. Two formulas are proposed that comparatively reasonable to describe the regulation of dry matter growth of RPFMU.

Key words: rice, plastic film mulched upland, dry matter production, light interception, model

摘要: 根据覆膜旱作节水灌溉水稻群体结构试验中观测的冠层结构参数及各生育阶段水稻干物质等试验资料,分析了冠层光截获与干物质生产之间的相互关系。提出了两种描述覆膜旱作节水灌溉的水稻干物质-光截获表达式。

关键词: 水稻, 覆膜旱作, 干物质生产, 光截获