中国水稻科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 226-236.DOI: 10.16819/j.1001-7216.2018.7149
张浪, 周玲红, 魏甲彬, 成小琳, 徐华勤*(), 肖志祥, 唐启源, 唐剑武
Lang ZHANG, Linghong ZHOU, Jiabin WEI, Xiaolin CHENG, Huaqin XU*(), Zhixiang XIAO, Qiyuan TANG, Jianwu TANG
Huaqin XU
【目的】以长江中下游地区冬季休闲稻田为研究对象,研究冬季种养制度对后季稻田土壤肥力及水稻产量的影响,以期为南方稻田生态保育提供理论依据。【方法】设置紫云英养鸡(milk vetch+ chicken, MC)、黑麦草养鸡(ryegrass + chicken, RC)、单种紫云英(milk vetch, M)、单种黑麦草(ryegrass, R)及冬闲(winter fallow, WF) 5个处理。【结果】冬季种养期间,MC和RC两处理水稻产量均显著高于其他处理,且MC处理增产效果最佳。MC和RC两处理能显著提高双季稻田有机质、全氮、铵态氮和硝态氮含量,与冬闲相比分别提高了17.36%和22.95%、73.73%和250.48%、76.36%和85.11%、67.89%和70.05%;土壤全磷和速效磷含量以M处理最高;各处理对全钾含量影响不大。相关分析表明,水稻理论产量与成熟期土壤硝态氮、铵态氮、全氮、有机质含量显著相关(P<0.05),冬季种养主要通过提高有效穗数影响水稻产量。【结论】与冬闲和单种绿肥相比,绿肥过腹还田有利于土壤有机质、全氮、铵态氮、硝态氮含量的提高;与单种绿肥相比,绿肥过腹还田更有利于水稻分蘖数、叶面积系数和干物质量与稻谷产量的形成,且紫云英养鸡处理效果最显著。冬季种养结合模式下,有机质、全氮、铵态氮、硝态氮利于增源扩库,促进水稻增产。因此,冬闲田种养结合可满足后季水稻生长的养分需求,在稻田生态保育的基础上促进水稻增产,对长江中下游地区稻田可持续发展具有极其重要的指导意义。
张浪, 周玲红, 魏甲彬, 成小琳, 徐华勤, 肖志祥, 唐启源, 唐剑武. 冬季种养结合对双季稻生长与土壤肥力的影响[J]. 中国水稻科学, 2018, 32(3): 226-236.
Lang ZHANG, Linghong ZHOU, Jiabin WEI, Xiaolin CHENG, Huaqin XU, Zhixiang XIAO, Qiyuan TANG, Jianwu TANG. Effects ofRicePlanting Combined with ChickenRaisingin Winter on Double-cropping Rice Growth and Soil Fertility[J]. Chinese Journal OF Rice Science, 2018, 32(3): 226-236.
图1 种养结合对双季稻田土壤有机质含量的影响 MC–紫云英养鸡; RC–黑麦草养鸡;R–黑麦草;M–紫云英; WF–冬闲。柱上相同小写字母表示同一时期不同处理间差异未达0.05显著水平。下同。
Fig.1. Effects of rice planting combined with chicken grazing on soil organic matter in double-croppingpaddyfield. MC, Milk vetch+chicken; RC, Ryegrass + chicken; R, Ryegrass; M, Milk vetch; WF, Winterfallow.The same as below.
图2 种养结合对双季稻田土壤全氮、磷、钾含量的影响
Fig.2. Effects of rice planting combined with chicken grazingon soil total nitrogen content, total phosphorus content and total potassium content in double-croppingpaddyfield.
图3 种养结合对稻田土壤铵态氮含量的影响 A–早稻;B–晚稻。MC–紫云英养鸡; RC–黑麦草养鸡;R–黑麦草;M–紫云英; WF–冬闲。下同。
Fig.3. Effects of rice planting combined with chicken grazing on ammonium nitrogen content in soil of paddyfield. A,Early rice;B, Later rice. MC, Milk vetch+ chicken; RC, Ryegrass + chicken; R, Ryegrass; M, Milk vetch; WF, Winterfallow.The same as below.
处理 Treatment | 有效穗数 Effective panicle number (×104·hm-2) | 每穗粒数 Grain number per panicle | 结实率 Seed-setting rate /% | 千粒重 Thousand-grain Weight/g (g) | 理论产量 Theoretical yield /(t·hm-2) | 实际产量 Actual yield /(t·hm-2) |
早稻 Early rice growth period | ||||||
RC | 310.27±12.93a | 113±3.1ab | 76.71±0.02a | 26.29±0.94a | 7.03±0.09a | 6.19±0.17a |
MC | 301.97±3.38ab | 116±3.6ab | 75.47±0.03ab | 26.81±0.86a | 7.12±0.07a | 6.34±0.13a |
R | 280.03±2.22b | 111±1.2b | 79.87±0.04a | 26.95±0.44a | 6.69±0.04b | 6.17±0.17ab |
M | 283.78±1.37b | 124±0.9a | 70.17±0.01b | 26.67±0.35a | 6.59±0.14b | 6.06±0.05ab |
WF | 244.50±3.28c | 113±4.2ab | 79.82±0.03a | 27.63±0.28a | 6.08±0.08c | 5.64±0.12b |
晚稻 Later rice growth period | ||||||
RC | 396.64±10.61ab | 88.8±1.2c | 82.97±0.01ab | 27.37±0.14a | 8.00±0.17a | 7.15±0.18a |
MC | 424.44±6.13a | 84.7±1.4d | 82.62±0.02ab | 27.53±0.10a | 8.17±0.16a | 7.04±0.18a |
R | 371.14±11.89bc | 90.5±0.7bc | 80.77±0.01ab | 27.26±0.11a | 7.39±0.10b | 6.70±0.24ab |
M | 356.31±5.35c | 96.0±0.1a | 78.94±0.02b | 27.32±0.23a | 7.37±0.00b | 6.89±0.17a |
WF | 318.21±19.77d | 92.7±1.2ab | 83.58±0.01a | 27.38±0.06a | 6.74±0.24c | 6.10±0.35b |
表1 种养结合对水稻产量构成因素的影响
Table 1 Effects of rice planting combined with chicken grazing on yield components of rice.
处理 Treatment | 有效穗数 Effective panicle number (×104·hm-2) | 每穗粒数 Grain number per panicle | 结实率 Seed-setting rate /% | 千粒重 Thousand-grain Weight/g (g) | 理论产量 Theoretical yield /(t·hm-2) | 实际产量 Actual yield /(t·hm-2) |
早稻 Early rice growth period | ||||||
RC | 310.27±12.93a | 113±3.1ab | 76.71±0.02a | 26.29±0.94a | 7.03±0.09a | 6.19±0.17a |
MC | 301.97±3.38ab | 116±3.6ab | 75.47±0.03ab | 26.81±0.86a | 7.12±0.07a | 6.34±0.13a |
R | 280.03±2.22b | 111±1.2b | 79.87±0.04a | 26.95±0.44a | 6.69±0.04b | 6.17±0.17ab |
M | 283.78±1.37b | 124±0.9a | 70.17±0.01b | 26.67±0.35a | 6.59±0.14b | 6.06±0.05ab |
WF | 244.50±3.28c | 113±4.2ab | 79.82±0.03a | 27.63±0.28a | 6.08±0.08c | 5.64±0.12b |
晚稻 Later rice growth period | ||||||
RC | 396.64±10.61ab | 88.8±1.2c | 82.97±0.01ab | 27.37±0.14a | 8.00±0.17a | 7.15±0.18a |
MC | 424.44±6.13a | 84.7±1.4d | 82.62±0.02ab | 27.53±0.10a | 8.17±0.16a | 7.04±0.18a |
R | 371.14±11.89bc | 90.5±0.7bc | 80.77±0.01ab | 27.26±0.11a | 7.39±0.10b | 6.70±0.24ab |
M | 356.31±5.35c | 96.0±0.1a | 78.94±0.02b | 27.32±0.23a | 7.37±0.00b | 6.89±0.17a |
WF | 318.21±19.77d | 92.7±1.2ab | 83.58±0.01a | 27.38±0.06a | 6.74±0.24c | 6.10±0.35b |
参数 Parameter | 理论产量 Theoretical yield /(t·hm-2) | 分蘖 Tiller number | 叶面积指数 LAI | 干物质量 Dry matter /(kg·m2) | 有效穗数 Effective panicles /(×104·hm-2) | 每穗粒数 Grain number /panicle | 千粒重 Thousand-grain weight/g | 结实率 Seed-setting rate/% |
早稻Early rice growth duration | ||||||||
硝态氮Nitrate N | 0.8079 | 0.4603 | 0.5006 | 0.6516 | 0.8181 | 0.7393 | 0.6230 | 0.4240 |
铵态氮Ammonium N | 0.9294* | 0.6808 | 0.9340* | 0.8906* | 0.9153* | 0.5249 | 0.7949 | 0.2819 |
速效磷Available P | 0.6319 | 0.8815* | 0.9440* | 0.6460 | 0.5780 | 0.0262 | 0.7212 | 0.6733 |
全氮Total N | 0.9458* | 0.4306 | 0.8484 | 0.9175* | 0.9613** | 0.6841 | 0.6862 | 0.1780 |
全磷Total P | 0.6121 | 0.7080 | 0.9408* | 0.6541 | 0.5845 | 0.0779 | 0.6065 | 0.7363 |
全钾Total K | 0.2133 | 0.3907 | 0.0594 | 0.0078 | 0.2261 | 0.3051 | 0.1966 | 0.5978 |
有机质Organic matter | 0.9530* | 0.6363 | 0.8727 | 0.9528* | 0.9107* | 0.4969 | 0.8764 | 0.3024 |
晚稻 Late rice growth duration | ||||||||
硝态氮Nitrate N | 0.9036* | 0.781 | 0.7894 | 0.8796* | 0.9817** | 0.1293 | 0.2138 | 0.2138 |
铵态氮Ammonium N | 0.9256* | 0.4757 | 0.7409 | 0.7412 | 0.8095 | 0.0241 | 0.7779 | 0.7779 |
速效磷Available P | 0.3315 | 0.6893 | 0.6656 | 0.6503 | 0.5027 | 0.8240 | 0.2028 | 0.2028 |
全氮Total N | 0.8767 | 0.8065 | 0.9501* | 0.9185* | 0.7901 | 0.2763 | 0.5428 | 0.5428 |
全磷Total P | 0.2902 | 0.8162 | 0.6131 | 0.6348 | 0.4519 | 0.5934 | 0.4041 | 0.4041 |
全钾Total K | 0.0943 | 0.3972 | 0.5615 | 0.4173 | 0.1032 | 0.9113* | 0.1248 | 0.1248 |
有机质Organic matter | 0.8799* | 0.9647** | 0.9328* | 0.9852** | 0.9431* | 0.3094 | 0.1522 | 0.1522 |
表2 双季稻产量、各产量构成因素与土壤理化性状之间的相关性
Table 2 Correlation between rice yields, yield components and soil chemical properties.
参数 Parameter | 理论产量 Theoretical yield /(t·hm-2) | 分蘖 Tiller number | 叶面积指数 LAI | 干物质量 Dry matter /(kg·m2) | 有效穗数 Effective panicles /(×104·hm-2) | 每穗粒数 Grain number /panicle | 千粒重 Thousand-grain weight/g | 结实率 Seed-setting rate/% |
早稻Early rice growth duration | ||||||||
硝态氮Nitrate N | 0.8079 | 0.4603 | 0.5006 | 0.6516 | 0.8181 | 0.7393 | 0.6230 | 0.4240 |
铵态氮Ammonium N | 0.9294* | 0.6808 | 0.9340* | 0.8906* | 0.9153* | 0.5249 | 0.7949 | 0.2819 |
速效磷Available P | 0.6319 | 0.8815* | 0.9440* | 0.6460 | 0.5780 | 0.0262 | 0.7212 | 0.6733 |
全氮Total N | 0.9458* | 0.4306 | 0.8484 | 0.9175* | 0.9613** | 0.6841 | 0.6862 | 0.1780 |
全磷Total P | 0.6121 | 0.7080 | 0.9408* | 0.6541 | 0.5845 | 0.0779 | 0.6065 | 0.7363 |
全钾Total K | 0.2133 | 0.3907 | 0.0594 | 0.0078 | 0.2261 | 0.3051 | 0.1966 | 0.5978 |
有机质Organic matter | 0.9530* | 0.6363 | 0.8727 | 0.9528* | 0.9107* | 0.4969 | 0.8764 | 0.3024 |
晚稻 Late rice growth duration | ||||||||
硝态氮Nitrate N | 0.9036* | 0.781 | 0.7894 | 0.8796* | 0.9817** | 0.1293 | 0.2138 | 0.2138 |
铵态氮Ammonium N | 0.9256* | 0.4757 | 0.7409 | 0.7412 | 0.8095 | 0.0241 | 0.7779 | 0.7779 |
速效磷Available P | 0.3315 | 0.6893 | 0.6656 | 0.6503 | 0.5027 | 0.8240 | 0.2028 | 0.2028 |
全氮Total N | 0.8767 | 0.8065 | 0.9501* | 0.9185* | 0.7901 | 0.2763 | 0.5428 | 0.5428 |
全磷Total P | 0.2902 | 0.8162 | 0.6131 | 0.6348 | 0.4519 | 0.5934 | 0.4041 | 0.4041 |
全钾Total K | 0.0943 | 0.3972 | 0.5615 | 0.4173 | 0.1032 | 0.9113* | 0.1248 | 0.1248 |
有机质Organic matter | 0.8799* | 0.9647** | 0.9328* | 0.9852** | 0.9431* | 0.3094 | 0.1522 | 0.1522 |
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