Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Analysis on Relationship between Characters of Leaf Type and Yield Components

YANG Cong-dang; YUAN Ping-rong; ZHOU Neng; ZHU De-feng; YANG Ai-bing; ZHENG Xue-yu; HUANG Qing-yu; YING Ji-feng   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2001-01-10 Published:2001-01-10


杨从党1; 袁平荣1; 周; 能1; 朱德峰2; 杨爱兵3; 郑学玉3; 黄庆宇4; 应继锋5   

  1. 1云南省农业科学院 粮食作物研究所,云南 昆明 650205; 2 中国水稻研究所,浙江 杭州 310006; 3云南省 宾川县农科站,云南 宾川 674100;4云南省 永胜县涛源乡农科站,云南 永胜 674205; 5 国际水稻研究所,菲律宾 马尼拉 933信箱

Abstract: Using nine high yielding varieties, the characters of leaf type and yield components under field condition were investigated in 1996 and 1998, and relationship between them were analyzed. When the angles between leaf and stem were less than 20°, the larger the angles of flag leaf, second and third leaf from the top were, the more the seed setting rate and theoretical yield were, there were positive correlation between them. The 1000 grain weight was correlated with the length of flag leaf, but negatively correlated with the length of second and third leaf from the top, which showed that the length of flag leaf was one of the effective components to 1000 grain weight. When the curvature of leaf was less than 0.015, there was negative correlation between curvature of flag leaf and spikelets per panicle. It suggested that the larger the curvature of flag leaf was, the less the spikelets per panicle were.

Key words: rice, plant type, leaf, yield component

摘要: 于1996和1998年对国内外9份高产水稻品种灌浆结实期的叶型特性与产量构成因素进行了相关分析,结果表明:(1)在叶片角度(叶片与茎秆之间的夹角)较小时(<20°),结实率和理论产量都随着功能叶(剑叶、倒2叶和倒3叶)的叶片角度增加而增加,相关性达到极显著水平;(2)千粒重与剑叶长度呈显著的正相关(r=0.9119**),而与倒2叶、倒3叶的长度呈负相关(r=-0.7029*、-0.8277*),表明剑叶是决定千粒重大小的因素之一,而其余功能叶的影响较小;(3)在叶片曲率较小(<0.015)时,剑叶的曲率与穗粒数呈显著负相关(r=-0.9057**),表明叶片曲率越大,其相应的籽粒数越少,即披散型叶片不可能提供充足的灌浆物质。

关键词: 水稻, 株型, 叶片, 产量构成因素