Chinese Journal OF Rice Science ›› 2023, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 529-542.DOI: 10.16819/j.1001-7216.2023.221111
• Research Papers • Previous Articles Next Articles
XIAO Dakang1, HU Ren1, HAN Tianfu2, ZHANG Weifeng3, HOU Jun1,*(), REN Keyu2,*(
肖大康1, 胡仁1, 韩天富2, 张卫峰3, 侯俊1,*(), 任科宇2,*(
*email: 基金资助:
XIAO Dakang, HU Ren, HAN Tianfu, ZHANG Weifeng, HOU Jun, REN Keyu. Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer Consumption and Operation on Rice Yield and Its Components in China:A Meta-analysis[J]. Chinese Journal OF Rice Science, 2023, 37(5): 529-542.
肖大康, 胡仁, 韩天富, 张卫峰, 侯俊, 任科宇. 氮肥用量和运筹对我国水稻产量及其构成因子影响的整合分析[J]. 中国水稻科学, 2023, 37(5): 529-542.
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解释变量 Explanatory variables | 分组 Group |
施氮量 N application level/(kg·hm−2) | ≤50; (50-100]; (100-150]; (150-200]; (200-250]; (250-300]; (300-350];>350 |
基肥+分蘖肥比例 N ratio of basal+tillering fertilizer/total N/% | ≤30; (30-50]; (50-70];>70 |
穗肥比例 Ratio of topdressing for panicle initiation/% | ≤10; (10-30]; (30-50];>50 |
水稻种植区域 Rice planting area | 长江流域单双季稻区、南方单双季稻区、云贵川湘山地高原单季稻区、东北单季稻区 Single and double cropping rice area in the Yangtze River basin; Single and double cropping rice area in South China; Single-season rice region in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Hunan provinces; Single-season rice region in Northease China |
有机质含量 SOM(soil organic matter)/(g·kg−1) | ≤10; 10-20; >20 |
全氮含量 TN(total nitrogen)/(g·kg−1) | ≤1; 1-1.5; >1.5 |
碱解氮含量 AN(available nitrogen)/(mg·kg−1) | ≤90; 90-150; >150 |
速效磷含量 AP(available phosphorus)/(mg·kg−1) | ≤10; 10-20; >20 |
速效钾含量 AK(available potassium)/(mg·kg−1) | ≤80; 80-160; >160 |
Table 1. Classification and grouping of explanatory variables of nitrogen management on rice yield and component factors.
解释变量 Explanatory variables | 分组 Group |
施氮量 N application level/(kg·hm−2) | ≤50; (50-100]; (100-150]; (150-200]; (200-250]; (250-300]; (300-350];>350 |
基肥+分蘖肥比例 N ratio of basal+tillering fertilizer/total N/% | ≤30; (30-50]; (50-70];>70 |
穗肥比例 Ratio of topdressing for panicle initiation/% | ≤10; (10-30]; (30-50];>50 |
水稻种植区域 Rice planting area | 长江流域单双季稻区、南方单双季稻区、云贵川湘山地高原单季稻区、东北单季稻区 Single and double cropping rice area in the Yangtze River basin; Single and double cropping rice area in South China; Single-season rice region in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Hunan provinces; Single-season rice region in Northease China |
有机质含量 SOM(soil organic matter)/(g·kg−1) | ≤10; 10-20; >20 |
全氮含量 TN(total nitrogen)/(g·kg−1) | ≤1; 1-1.5; >1.5 |
碱解氮含量 AN(available nitrogen)/(mg·kg−1) | ≤90; 90-150; >150 |
速效磷含量 AP(available phosphorus)/(mg·kg−1) | ≤10; 10-20; >20 |
速效钾含量 AK(available potassium)/(mg·kg−1) | ≤80; 80-160; >160 |
Fig. 2. Increase range of actual yield (A), theoretical yield (B), number of effective panicles (C), number of grains per panicle (D), seed setting rate (E) and thousand grain weight (F) of rice under various nitrogen levels. n is the number of samples; The dotted line is the auxiliary line.
Fig. 3. Increase range of actual yield (A), theoretical yield (B), number of effective panicles (C), number of grains per panicle (D), seed setting rate (E) and 1000-grain weight (F) of rice under different basal+tillering fertilizer ratios. n is the number of samples; The dotted line is the auxiliary line.
Fig. 4. Increase range of actual yield (A), theoretical yield (B), number of effective panicles (C), number of grains per panicle (D), seed setting rate (E) and 1000 grain weight (F) of rice under different ratios of topdressing for panicle initiation. n is the number of samples.
Fig. 5. Increase range of actual yield, theoretical yield, effective panicles (A), grains per panicle (B), seed setting rate (C) and 1000 grain weight (D) of rice in different rice areas. YRR, Single and double cropping rice area in the Yangtze River basin; SR, Single and double cropping rice area in South China; YSSR, Yunnan-Guizhou Sichuan-Hunan mountainous plateau single-season rice region; NER, Northeast single-season rice region.
项目 Item | 有效穗数Number of effective panicles | 每穗粒数Number of grains per panicle | 结实率Seed setting rate | ||||||||||||||
增幅Increase/% | Bootstrap CI/% | n | 增幅Increase/% | Bootstrap CI/% | n | 增幅Increase/% | Bootstrap CI/% | n | |||||||||
SOM (g·kg−1) | ≤10 | 35.43 | 31.78, | 39.11 | 111 | 18.72 | 14.58, | 23.01 | 111 | −6.19 | −7.55, | −4.86 | 111 | ||||
10-20 | 26.19 | 22.09, | 29.65 | 226 | 20.83 | 17.93, | 24.00 | 211 | −3.11 | −6.00, | −0.88 | 208 | |||||
>20 | 35.05 | 33.78, | 36.33 | 986 | 11.76 | 10.68, | 12.77 | 986 | −4.07 | −5.13, | −3.38 | 986 | |||||
TN (g·kg−1) | ≤1 | 41.72 | 36.45, | 47.18 | 106 | 14.64 | 11.58, | 17.74 | 88 | −3.05 | −4.70, | −1.46 | 88 | ||||
1-1.5 | 31.59 | 29.18, | 33.75 | 435 | 8.59 | 7.50, | 9.74 | 434 | −5.20 | −6.58, | −4.27 | 435 | |||||
>1.5 | 33.96 | 32.46, | 35.46 | 594 | 14.04 | 12.52, | 15.43 | 584 | −4.16 | −5.87, | −3.13 | 594 | |||||
AN (mg·kg−1) | ≤90 | 38.00 | 36.10, | 39.99 | 309 | 9.97 | 8.56, | 11.34 | 309 | −3.90 | −4.66, | −3.19 | 309 | ||||
90-150 | 32.46 | 30.50, | 34.25 | 485 | 19.34 | 17.59, | 21.17 | 488 | −4.35 | −4.97, | −3.69 | 485 | |||||
>150 | 33.22 | 31.05, | 35.35 | 235 | 6.62 | 3.94, | 8.74 | 235 | −6.42 | −10.27, | −3.99 | 235 | |||||
AP (mg·kg−1) | ≤10 | 29.03 | 23.08, | 33.60 | 148 | 10.62 | 6.52, | 14.00 | 148 | −8.95 | −15.60, | −4.24 | 148 | ||||
10-20 | 35.09 | 33.08, | 37.05 | 388 | 14.20 | 12.61, | 15.84 | 388 | −3.56 | −4.15, | −2.98 | 388 | |||||
>20 | 33.58 | 32.27, | 34.96 | 922 | 15.02 | 13.91, | 16.21 | 907 | −4.07 | −4.52, | −3.59 | 904 | |||||
AK (mg·kg−1) | ≤80 | 35.84 | 33.90, | 37.82 | 357 | 11.39 | 10.31, | 12.55 | 357 | −3.20 | −3.74, | −2.65 | 357 | ||||
80-160 | 33.58 | 32.05, | 35.08 | 920 | 16.77 | 15.49, | 18.13 | 905 | −4.69 | −5.95, | −3.76 | 902 | |||||
>160 | 29.12 | 26.63, | 31.59 | 194 | 7.51 | 5.18, | 9.77 | 194 | −5.51 | −6.76, | −4.30 | 194 | |||||
项目 Item | 千粒重Thousand grain weight | 实际产量Actual yield | 理论产量Theoretical yield | ||||||||||||||
增幅Increase/% | Bootstrap CI/% | n | 增幅Increase/% | Bootstrap CI/% | n | 增幅Increase/% | Bootstrap CI/% | n | |||||||||
SOM (g·kg−1) | ≤10 | −3.94 | −9.95, | 0.75 | 111 | 43.40 | 38.39, | 48.60 | 111 | 44.89 | 33.55, | 55.35 | 111 | ||||
10-20 | −1.53 | −3.20, | −0.19 | 229 | 39.49 | 33.26, | 44.56 | 223 | 45.15 | 33.38, | 55.01 | 208 | |||||
>20 | −1.30 | −2.11, | −0.42 | 986 | 43.88 | 41.99, | 45.83 | 956 | 42.89 | 40.45, | 45.31 | 986 | |||||
TN (g·kg−1) | ≤1 | −5.12 | −11.28, | −0.35 | 106 | 55.02 | 48.78, | 61.91 | 106 | 51.33 | 37.20, | 64.54 | 88 | ||||
1-1.5 | −0.58 | −2.98, | 2.45 | 435 | 35.66 | 33.43, | 38.15 | 417 | 33.51 | 28.21, | 37.77 | 423 | |||||
>1.5 | −1.93 | −2.78, | −0.91 | 594 | 41.03 | 38.22, | 43.52 | 576 | 43.96 | 40.33, | 47.14 | 594 | |||||
AN (mg·kg−1) | ≤90 | −2.50 | −4.34, | −0.93 | 309 | 47.92 | 44.54, | 51.69 | 309 | 42.19 | 38.56, | 45.56 | 309 | ||||
90-150 | −0.79 | −2.00, | 1.34 | 488 | 41.72 | 38.21, | 44.67 | 458 | 49.17 | 45.73, | 52.79 | 473 | |||||
>150 | 0.53 | −0.78, | 2.83 | 235 | 39.67 | 37.08, | 42.40 | 229 | 33.62 | 26.30, | 40.02 | 235 | |||||
AP (mg·kg−1) | ≤10 | −1.18 | −5.20, | 3.28 | 148 | 31.00 | 21.99, | 38.24 | 148 | 28.42 | 13.03, | 42.28 | 148 | ||||
10-20 | −3.12 | −4.86, | −1.74 | 388 | 42.49 | 40.27, | 44.82 | 379 | 44.14 | 40.17, | 47.73 | 388 | |||||
>20 | −1.25 | −2.22, | 0.02 | 925 | 44.83 | 42.56, | 47.08 | 898 | 45.62 | 42.92, | 48.48 | 904 | |||||
AK (mg·kg−1) | ≤80 | −1.51 | −3.85, | 0.70 | 357 | 44.86 | 40.72, | 49.32 | 336 | 44.27 | 40.02, | 48.16 | 357 | ||||
80-160 | −1.68 | −2.79, | −0.29 | 923 | 42.72 | 40.62, | 44.67 | 908 | 46.24 | 42.36, | 50.10 | 902 | |||||
>160 | −1.66 | −2.34, | −0.97 | 194 | 35.77 | 29.12, | 40.97 | 194 | 28.99 | 25.29, | 32.66 | 194 |
Table 4. Increase range of rice yield and its components under various soil total nitrogen and available nitrogen contents.
项目 Item | 有效穗数Number of effective panicles | 每穗粒数Number of grains per panicle | 结实率Seed setting rate | ||||||||||||||
增幅Increase/% | Bootstrap CI/% | n | 增幅Increase/% | Bootstrap CI/% | n | 增幅Increase/% | Bootstrap CI/% | n | |||||||||
SOM (g·kg−1) | ≤10 | 35.43 | 31.78, | 39.11 | 111 | 18.72 | 14.58, | 23.01 | 111 | −6.19 | −7.55, | −4.86 | 111 | ||||
10-20 | 26.19 | 22.09, | 29.65 | 226 | 20.83 | 17.93, | 24.00 | 211 | −3.11 | −6.00, | −0.88 | 208 | |||||
>20 | 35.05 | 33.78, | 36.33 | 986 | 11.76 | 10.68, | 12.77 | 986 | −4.07 | −5.13, | −3.38 | 986 | |||||
TN (g·kg−1) | ≤1 | 41.72 | 36.45, | 47.18 | 106 | 14.64 | 11.58, | 17.74 | 88 | −3.05 | −4.70, | −1.46 | 88 | ||||
1-1.5 | 31.59 | 29.18, | 33.75 | 435 | 8.59 | 7.50, | 9.74 | 434 | −5.20 | −6.58, | −4.27 | 435 | |||||
>1.5 | 33.96 | 32.46, | 35.46 | 594 | 14.04 | 12.52, | 15.43 | 584 | −4.16 | −5.87, | −3.13 | 594 | |||||
AN (mg·kg−1) | ≤90 | 38.00 | 36.10, | 39.99 | 309 | 9.97 | 8.56, | 11.34 | 309 | −3.90 | −4.66, | −3.19 | 309 | ||||
90-150 | 32.46 | 30.50, | 34.25 | 485 | 19.34 | 17.59, | 21.17 | 488 | −4.35 | −4.97, | −3.69 | 485 | |||||
>150 | 33.22 | 31.05, | 35.35 | 235 | 6.62 | 3.94, | 8.74 | 235 | −6.42 | −10.27, | −3.99 | 235 | |||||
AP (mg·kg−1) | ≤10 | 29.03 | 23.08, | 33.60 | 148 | 10.62 | 6.52, | 14.00 | 148 | −8.95 | −15.60, | −4.24 | 148 | ||||
10-20 | 35.09 | 33.08, | 37.05 | 388 | 14.20 | 12.61, | 15.84 | 388 | −3.56 | −4.15, | −2.98 | 388 | |||||
>20 | 33.58 | 32.27, | 34.96 | 922 | 15.02 | 13.91, | 16.21 | 907 | −4.07 | −4.52, | −3.59 | 904 | |||||
AK (mg·kg−1) | ≤80 | 35.84 | 33.90, | 37.82 | 357 | 11.39 | 10.31, | 12.55 | 357 | −3.20 | −3.74, | −2.65 | 357 | ||||
80-160 | 33.58 | 32.05, | 35.08 | 920 | 16.77 | 15.49, | 18.13 | 905 | −4.69 | −5.95, | −3.76 | 902 | |||||
>160 | 29.12 | 26.63, | 31.59 | 194 | 7.51 | 5.18, | 9.77 | 194 | −5.51 | −6.76, | −4.30 | 194 | |||||
项目 Item | 千粒重Thousand grain weight | 实际产量Actual yield | 理论产量Theoretical yield | ||||||||||||||
增幅Increase/% | Bootstrap CI/% | n | 增幅Increase/% | Bootstrap CI/% | n | 增幅Increase/% | Bootstrap CI/% | n | |||||||||
SOM (g·kg−1) | ≤10 | −3.94 | −9.95, | 0.75 | 111 | 43.40 | 38.39, | 48.60 | 111 | 44.89 | 33.55, | 55.35 | 111 | ||||
10-20 | −1.53 | −3.20, | −0.19 | 229 | 39.49 | 33.26, | 44.56 | 223 | 45.15 | 33.38, | 55.01 | 208 | |||||
>20 | −1.30 | −2.11, | −0.42 | 986 | 43.88 | 41.99, | 45.83 | 956 | 42.89 | 40.45, | 45.31 | 986 | |||||
TN (g·kg−1) | ≤1 | −5.12 | −11.28, | −0.35 | 106 | 55.02 | 48.78, | 61.91 | 106 | 51.33 | 37.20, | 64.54 | 88 | ||||
1-1.5 | −0.58 | −2.98, | 2.45 | 435 | 35.66 | 33.43, | 38.15 | 417 | 33.51 | 28.21, | 37.77 | 423 | |||||
>1.5 | −1.93 | −2.78, | −0.91 | 594 | 41.03 | 38.22, | 43.52 | 576 | 43.96 | 40.33, | 47.14 | 594 | |||||
AN (mg·kg−1) | ≤90 | −2.50 | −4.34, | −0.93 | 309 | 47.92 | 44.54, | 51.69 | 309 | 42.19 | 38.56, | 45.56 | 309 | ||||
90-150 | −0.79 | −2.00, | 1.34 | 488 | 41.72 | 38.21, | 44.67 | 458 | 49.17 | 45.73, | 52.79 | 473 | |||||
>150 | 0.53 | −0.78, | 2.83 | 235 | 39.67 | 37.08, | 42.40 | 229 | 33.62 | 26.30, | 40.02 | 235 | |||||
AP (mg·kg−1) | ≤10 | −1.18 | −5.20, | 3.28 | 148 | 31.00 | 21.99, | 38.24 | 148 | 28.42 | 13.03, | 42.28 | 148 | ||||
10-20 | −3.12 | −4.86, | −1.74 | 388 | 42.49 | 40.27, | 44.82 | 379 | 44.14 | 40.17, | 47.73 | 388 | |||||
>20 | −1.25 | −2.22, | 0.02 | 925 | 44.83 | 42.56, | 47.08 | 898 | 45.62 | 42.92, | 48.48 | 904 | |||||
AK (mg·kg−1) | ≤80 | −1.51 | −3.85, | 0.70 | 357 | 44.86 | 40.72, | 49.32 | 336 | 44.27 | 40.02, | 48.16 | 357 | ||||
80-160 | −1.68 | −2.79, | −0.29 | 923 | 42.72 | 40.62, | 44.67 | 908 | 46.24 | 42.36, | 50.10 | 902 | |||||
>160 | −1.66 | −2.34, | −0.97 | 194 | 35.77 | 29.12, | 40.97 | 194 | 28.99 | 25.29, | 32.66 | 194 |
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