中国水稻科学 ›› 2017, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (1): 50-64.DOI: 10.16819/j.1001-7216.2017.6072
王海月1, 李玥1, 孙永健1,*(), 李应洪1, 蒋明金1, 王春雨1, 赵建红1, 孙园园2, 徐徽1, 严奉君1, 马均1,*(
Haiyue WANG1, Yue LI1, Yongjian SUN1,*, Yinghong LI1, Mingjin JIANG1, Chunyu WANG1, Jianhong ZHAO1, Yuanyuan SUN2, Hui XU1, Fengjun YAN1, Jun MA1,*
Yongjian SUN, Jun MA
目的 在高施氮水平和常规施氮水平下,研究缓释氮肥配施对机插稻氮素利用和产量的影响及其生理机制,为机插稻的氮肥高效利用提供依据。方法 以中迟熟杂交籼稻川谷优7329为材料,采用二因素裂区设计,设置不同的施氮水平及5种缓释氮肥与常规氮肥(尿素)配施处理,并设置不施氮处理,分析不同施氮水平下缓释氮肥与常规氮肥配施对机插稻氮素利用和产量的影响及其生理机制,并探讨氮素利用和产量与生理响应之间的关系。结果 结果表明,施氮水平、缓释氮肥与常规氮肥配施对机插稻氮素利用特征及产量均存在显著或极显著的影响,机插稻拔节、抽穗及结实期对氮素的吸收利用以及结实期茎鞘的氮素转运量与干物质量、氮素积累量、氮肥表观利用率、每穗实粒数及最终产量显著或极显著正相关(r=0.38*~0.69**)。与常规氮肥运筹相比,缓释氮肥与常规氮肥配施、全缓释氮肥施用处理的机插稻成熟期干物质积累量、氮素积累总量、光合势、叶面积指数、氮肥表观利用率及穗部氮素增加量均显著提高,进而促进增产。结论 据产量及氮素利用效率表现,机插稻产量在180 kg/hm2施氮水平下较高,且在缓释氮肥与常规氮肥配施比例为7∶3一次性施用时产量最高,较其他氮肥运筹产量高0.84%~26.59%,氮肥表观利用率高0.28%~47.02%,为最优氮肥运筹模式。但不同施氮水平下,随着缓释氮肥配施比例的降低,群体叶面积指数、光合势及物质积累等指标也降低,且在施氮处理为全常规氮肥时最低,均不利于机插稻氮肥利用效率及最终产量的提高。
王海月, 李玥, 孙永健, 李应洪, 蒋明金, 王春雨, 赵建红, 孙园园, 徐徽, 严奉君, 马均. 不同施氮水平下缓释氮肥配施对机插稻氮素利用特征及产量的影响[J]. 中国水稻科学, 2017, 31(1): 50-64.
Haiyue WANG, Yue LI, Yongjian SUN, Yinghong LI, Mingjin JIANG, Chunyu WANG, Jianhong ZHAO, Yuanyuan SUN, Hui XU, Fengjun YAN, Jun MA. Effects of Slow-release Urea on Nitrogen Utilization and Yield in Mechanically-transplanted Rice under Different Nitrogen Application Rates[J]. Chinese Journal OF Rice Science, 2017, 31(1): 50-64.
处理 Treatment | 有效穗数 Effective panicle number /(×104hm-2) | 每穗实粒数 Filled spikelet number per panicle | 结实率 Seed setting rate /% | 千粒重 1000-grain weight /g | 实际产量 Actual grain yield /(kg·hm-2) |
N1 | |||||
R0 | 226.3±0.5 d | 116.2±0.6 d | 90.98±0.78 a | 36.13±0.18 a | 9 491.2±168.6 d |
R1 | 238.6±2.0 b | 133.8±1.6 a | 86.86±0.83 b | 36.64±1.05 a | 11 661.3±110.9 a |
R2 | 254.5±5.6 a | 130.2±1.4 b | 86.57±0.59 b | 36.45±0.40 a | 11 808.6±66.2 a |
R3 | 227.8±4.1 cd | 135.9±1.8 a | 84.83±1.14 c | 37.01±1.03 a | 11 424.7±355.2 b |
R4 | 255.4±1.5 a | 122.8±2.0 c | 85.75±0.96 bc | 36.44±0.83 a | 11 408.2±192.8 b |
R5 | 230.2±1.9 c | 127.7±0.7 b | 83.07±0.24 d | 36.64±0.80 a | 10 706.9±179.1 c |
平均 Average | 238.8±0.2 | 127.8±0.4 | 86.34±0.58 | 36.55±0.23 | 11 083.5±44.3 |
N2 | |||||
R0 | 226.3±0.5 d | 116.2±0.6 d | 90.98±0.78 a | 36.13±0.18 a | 9 491.2±168.6 d |
R1 | 258.4±3.9 a | 136.9±0.7 b | 85.35±1.18 c | 34.03±0.61 c | 11 914.9±99.9 ab |
R2 | 255.3±1.2 ab | 142.4±1.5 c | 87.39±0.86 b | 34.49±0.26 c | 12 015.4±26.2 a |
R3 | 236.0±6.0 c | 140.6±6.3 a | 87.64±1.24 b | 35.41±0.43 ab | 11 704.6±22.9 b |
R4 | 251.9±1.2 b | 129.8±1.1 a | 87.22±1.82 b | 35.84±1.05 ab | 11 696.9±32.8 b |
R5 | 226.4±1.6 d | 139.9±0.7 a | 83.96±0.48 d | 34.76±0.09 bc | 10 999.2±78.6 c |
平均 Average | 242.4±1.7 | 134.3±0.9 | 87.09±0.20 | 35.11±0.16 | 11 303.7±30.3 |
F值 F value | |||||
N | 14.43* | 75.51* | 2.95 | 436.12** | 125.34** |
R | 107.37** | 83.02** | 36.75** | 1.75 | 184.32** |
N×R | 12.68** | 7.30** | 3.28* | 2.82* | 2.79* |
表 1 不同施氮水平下缓释氮肥与常规氮肥配施对机插稻产量及其构成因素的影响
Table 1 Effects of slow-release urea combined with conventional urea on yield and its components in mechanically-transplanted rice under different N application rates.
处理 Treatment | 有效穗数 Effective panicle number /(×104hm-2) | 每穗实粒数 Filled spikelet number per panicle | 结实率 Seed setting rate /% | 千粒重 1000-grain weight /g | 实际产量 Actual grain yield /(kg·hm-2) |
N1 | |||||
R0 | 226.3±0.5 d | 116.2±0.6 d | 90.98±0.78 a | 36.13±0.18 a | 9 491.2±168.6 d |
R1 | 238.6±2.0 b | 133.8±1.6 a | 86.86±0.83 b | 36.64±1.05 a | 11 661.3±110.9 a |
R2 | 254.5±5.6 a | 130.2±1.4 b | 86.57±0.59 b | 36.45±0.40 a | 11 808.6±66.2 a |
R3 | 227.8±4.1 cd | 135.9±1.8 a | 84.83±1.14 c | 37.01±1.03 a | 11 424.7±355.2 b |
R4 | 255.4±1.5 a | 122.8±2.0 c | 85.75±0.96 bc | 36.44±0.83 a | 11 408.2±192.8 b |
R5 | 230.2±1.9 c | 127.7±0.7 b | 83.07±0.24 d | 36.64±0.80 a | 10 706.9±179.1 c |
平均 Average | 238.8±0.2 | 127.8±0.4 | 86.34±0.58 | 36.55±0.23 | 11 083.5±44.3 |
N2 | |||||
R0 | 226.3±0.5 d | 116.2±0.6 d | 90.98±0.78 a | 36.13±0.18 a | 9 491.2±168.6 d |
R1 | 258.4±3.9 a | 136.9±0.7 b | 85.35±1.18 c | 34.03±0.61 c | 11 914.9±99.9 ab |
R2 | 255.3±1.2 ab | 142.4±1.5 c | 87.39±0.86 b | 34.49±0.26 c | 12 015.4±26.2 a |
R3 | 236.0±6.0 c | 140.6±6.3 a | 87.64±1.24 b | 35.41±0.43 ab | 11 704.6±22.9 b |
R4 | 251.9±1.2 b | 129.8±1.1 a | 87.22±1.82 b | 35.84±1.05 ab | 11 696.9±32.8 b |
R5 | 226.4±1.6 d | 139.9±0.7 a | 83.96±0.48 d | 34.76±0.09 bc | 10 999.2±78.6 c |
平均 Average | 242.4±1.7 | 134.3±0.9 | 87.09±0.20 | 35.11±0.16 | 11 303.7±30.3 |
F值 F value | |||||
N | 14.43* | 75.51* | 2.95 | 436.12** | 125.34** |
R | 107.37** | 83.02** | 36.75** | 1.75 | 184.32** |
N×R | 12.68** | 7.30** | 3.28* | 2.82* | 2.79* |
图1 不同施氮水平下缓释肥与常规氮肥配施比例对机插稻产量的影响
Fig.1. Effects of ratios of slow-release urea to conventional urea on yield in mechanically-transplanted rice under different N application rates.
图2 不同施氮量下缓释氮肥与常规氮肥配施对机插稻分蘖动态的影响
Fig. 2. Effects of slow-release urea combined with conventional urea on the dynamic changes of stem and tiller numbers in mechanically-transplanted rice under different N application rates.
处理 Treatment | 净光合速率 Pn/(μmol·m-2 s-1) | 气孔导度 Gs/(mol·m-2s-1) | |||||
齐穗期 FHS | 齐穗后15 d 15 d after FHS | 齐穗后30 d 30 d after FHS | 齐穗期 FHS | 齐穗后15 d 15 d after FHS | 齐穗后30 d 30 d after FHS | ||
N1 | |||||||
R0 | 18.31±0.30 e | 15.34±0.25 d | 11.38±0.06 c | 0.73±0.01 e | 0.45±0.00 c | 0.22±0.01 d | |
R1 | 22.74±0.16 b | 19.43±0.46 a | 15.26±0.24 a | 1.04±0.04 b | 0.84±0.02 a | 0.56±0.04 a | |
R2 | 23.89±0.39 a | 19.47±0.33 a | 15.28±0.21 a | 1.15±0.01 a | 0.88±0.03 a | 0.49±0.01 b | |
R3 | 21.21±0.67 c | 18.48±0.42 ab | 15.08±0.17 a | 0.96±0.06 c | 0.67±0.08 b | 0.49±0.02 b | |
R4 | 21.47±0.35 c | 18.53±0.10 ab | 15.20±0.13 a | 0.98±0.14 bc | 0.68±0.04 b | 0.51±0.01 b | |
R5 | 20.35±0.32 d | 17.24±0.38 c | 13.64±0.31 b | 0.84±0.02 d | 0.60±0.02 b | 0.35±0.01 c | |
平均 Average | 21.33±0.12 | 18.08±0.08 | 14.31±0.08 | 0.95±0.03 | 0.69±0.02 | 0.44±0.01 | |
N2 | |||||||
R0 | 18.31±0.30 e | 15.34±0.25 e | 11.38±0.06 d | 0.73±0.01 e | 0.45±0.00 d | 0.22±0.01 e | |
R1 | 23.77±0.96 ab | 18.43±1.25 ab | 17.15±1.03 a | 0.93±0.03 d | 0.81±0.16 ab | 0.55±0.00 a | |
R2 | 24.46±0.17 a | 18.73±0.95 a | 17.34±0.72 a | 1.11±0.01 ab | 0.51±0.01 cd | 0.47±0.02 c | |
R3 | 21.67±0.73 d | 17.48±1.63 bc | 12.37±0.71 c | 1.03±0.01 bc | 0.84±0.15 a | 0.51±0.00 b | |
R4 | 23.65±0.73 b | 17.16±0.09 c | 14.94±0.36 b | 1.13±0.10 a | 0.71±0.08 b | 0.48±0.02 bc | |
R5 | 22.77±0.13 c | 16.25±0.08 d | 12.69±1.52 c | 1.00±0.07 cd | 0.59±0.03 c | 0.42±0.00 d | |
平均 Average | 22.44±0.15 | 17.23±0.31 | 14.31±0.48 | 0.99±0.00 | 0.65±0.01 | 0.44±0.00 | |
F值F value | |||||||
N | 572.79** | 18.17* | 0.00 | 5.89 | 33.33* | 0.79 | |
R | 86.96** | 22.75** | 65.24** | 28.38** | 16.68** | 225.38** | |
N×R | 5.08** | 0.61 | 14.30** | 4.58** | 7.38** | 5.43** | |
处理 Treatment | 胞间CO2浓度 Ci/(μmol·mol-1) | 表观叶肉导度 AMC/(mmol·m-2 s-1) | |||||
齐穗期 FHS | 齐穗后15 d 15 d after FHS | 齐穗后30 d 30 d after FHS | 齐穗期 FHS | 齐穗后15 d 15 d after FHS | 齐穗后30 d 30 d after FHS | ||
N1 | |||||||
R0 | 320.3±0.0 a | 336.9±4.9 a | 347.5±9.8 a | 57.17±0.92 e | 45.52±0.09 d | 32.77±0.77 e | |
R1 | 312.4±1.0 c | 315.7±0.6 c | 313.1±2.1 c | 72.81±0.74 b | 61.53±1.56 a | 46.27±1.48 c | |
R2 | 310.8±0.4 c | 311.8±2.0 c | 306.8±4.3 c | 76.89±1.36 a | 62.46±1.32 a | 49.81±0.76 a | |
R3 | 315.5±1.4 b | 324.7±2.1 b | 327.8±2.7 b | 67.22±1.86 c | 56.92±1.58 b | 48.17±0.85 b | |
R4 | 312.5±1.6 c | 324.2±3.5 b | 330.0±5.5 b | 68.71±1.32 c | 57.15±0.33 b | 46.37±0.13 c | |
R5 | 315.6±0.6 b | 330.6±1.2 a | 339.7±1.9 a | 64.50±1.12 d | 52.13±1.35 c | 40.15±1.06 d | |
平均 Average | 314.5±0.3 | 324.0±0.4 | 327.5±0.4 | 67.88±0.39 | 55.95±0.26 | 43.93±0.27 | |
N2 | |||||||
R0 | 320.3±0.0 a | 336.9±4.9 a | 347.5±9.8 a | 57.17±0.92 d | 45.52±0.09 c | 32.77±0.77 c | |
R1 | 297.1±1.3 d | 293.3±0.5 d | 312.7±3.5 bc | 80.01±2.90 ab | 62.82±4.15 a | 54.82±2.69 a | |
R2 | 299.2±0.5 d | 296.4±1.4 cd | 304.7±13.0 c | 81.73±0.72 a | 63.20±3.48 a | 57.04±4.79 a | |
R3 | 306.0±2.9 b | 314.3±2.3 b | 313.3±3.9 bc | 70.82±3.05 c | 55.58±4.79 b | 39.50±2.77 c | |
R4 | 302.9±0.2 c | 298.5±5.3 c | 310.6±12.2 bc | 78.09±2.38 b | 57.50±0.72 b | 48.16±3.06 b | |
R5 | 293.4±6.7 e | 292.4±9.0 d | 320.4±5.5 b | 77.61±1.35 b | 55.61±1.94 b | 39.65±5.42 c | |
平均 Average | 303.2±1.9 | 305.3±0.8 | 318.2±2.5 | 74.24±0.81 | 56.70±1.10 | 45.32±1.65 | |
F值 F value | |||||||
N | 79.99* | 7350.34** | 61.05* | 186.73** | 1.19 | 1.73 | |
R | 57.47** | 49.79** | 21.53** | 114.34** | 41.82** | 51.76** | |
N×R | 20.44** | 14.41** | 2.26 | 10.11** | 0.67 | 8.79** |
表2 不同施氮水平下缓释氮肥与常规氮肥配施对机插稻光合特性的影响
Table 2 Effects of slow-release urea combined with conventional urea on photosynthetic characteristics in mechanically-transplanted rice under different N application rates.
处理 Treatment | 净光合速率 Pn/(μmol·m-2 s-1) | 气孔导度 Gs/(mol·m-2s-1) | |||||
齐穗期 FHS | 齐穗后15 d 15 d after FHS | 齐穗后30 d 30 d after FHS | 齐穗期 FHS | 齐穗后15 d 15 d after FHS | 齐穗后30 d 30 d after FHS | ||
N1 | |||||||
R0 | 18.31±0.30 e | 15.34±0.25 d | 11.38±0.06 c | 0.73±0.01 e | 0.45±0.00 c | 0.22±0.01 d | |
R1 | 22.74±0.16 b | 19.43±0.46 a | 15.26±0.24 a | 1.04±0.04 b | 0.84±0.02 a | 0.56±0.04 a | |
R2 | 23.89±0.39 a | 19.47±0.33 a | 15.28±0.21 a | 1.15±0.01 a | 0.88±0.03 a | 0.49±0.01 b | |
R3 | 21.21±0.67 c | 18.48±0.42 ab | 15.08±0.17 a | 0.96±0.06 c | 0.67±0.08 b | 0.49±0.02 b | |
R4 | 21.47±0.35 c | 18.53±0.10 ab | 15.20±0.13 a | 0.98±0.14 bc | 0.68±0.04 b | 0.51±0.01 b | |
R5 | 20.35±0.32 d | 17.24±0.38 c | 13.64±0.31 b | 0.84±0.02 d | 0.60±0.02 b | 0.35±0.01 c | |
平均 Average | 21.33±0.12 | 18.08±0.08 | 14.31±0.08 | 0.95±0.03 | 0.69±0.02 | 0.44±0.01 | |
N2 | |||||||
R0 | 18.31±0.30 e | 15.34±0.25 e | 11.38±0.06 d | 0.73±0.01 e | 0.45±0.00 d | 0.22±0.01 e | |
R1 | 23.77±0.96 ab | 18.43±1.25 ab | 17.15±1.03 a | 0.93±0.03 d | 0.81±0.16 ab | 0.55±0.00 a | |
R2 | 24.46±0.17 a | 18.73±0.95 a | 17.34±0.72 a | 1.11±0.01 ab | 0.51±0.01 cd | 0.47±0.02 c | |
R3 | 21.67±0.73 d | 17.48±1.63 bc | 12.37±0.71 c | 1.03±0.01 bc | 0.84±0.15 a | 0.51±0.00 b | |
R4 | 23.65±0.73 b | 17.16±0.09 c | 14.94±0.36 b | 1.13±0.10 a | 0.71±0.08 b | 0.48±0.02 bc | |
R5 | 22.77±0.13 c | 16.25±0.08 d | 12.69±1.52 c | 1.00±0.07 cd | 0.59±0.03 c | 0.42±0.00 d | |
平均 Average | 22.44±0.15 | 17.23±0.31 | 14.31±0.48 | 0.99±0.00 | 0.65±0.01 | 0.44±0.00 | |
F值F value | |||||||
N | 572.79** | 18.17* | 0.00 | 5.89 | 33.33* | 0.79 | |
R | 86.96** | 22.75** | 65.24** | 28.38** | 16.68** | 225.38** | |
N×R | 5.08** | 0.61 | 14.30** | 4.58** | 7.38** | 5.43** | |
处理 Treatment | 胞间CO2浓度 Ci/(μmol·mol-1) | 表观叶肉导度 AMC/(mmol·m-2 s-1) | |||||
齐穗期 FHS | 齐穗后15 d 15 d after FHS | 齐穗后30 d 30 d after FHS | 齐穗期 FHS | 齐穗后15 d 15 d after FHS | 齐穗后30 d 30 d after FHS | ||
N1 | |||||||
R0 | 320.3±0.0 a | 336.9±4.9 a | 347.5±9.8 a | 57.17±0.92 e | 45.52±0.09 d | 32.77±0.77 e | |
R1 | 312.4±1.0 c | 315.7±0.6 c | 313.1±2.1 c | 72.81±0.74 b | 61.53±1.56 a | 46.27±1.48 c | |
R2 | 310.8±0.4 c | 311.8±2.0 c | 306.8±4.3 c | 76.89±1.36 a | 62.46±1.32 a | 49.81±0.76 a | |
R3 | 315.5±1.4 b | 324.7±2.1 b | 327.8±2.7 b | 67.22±1.86 c | 56.92±1.58 b | 48.17±0.85 b | |
R4 | 312.5±1.6 c | 324.2±3.5 b | 330.0±5.5 b | 68.71±1.32 c | 57.15±0.33 b | 46.37±0.13 c | |
R5 | 315.6±0.6 b | 330.6±1.2 a | 339.7±1.9 a | 64.50±1.12 d | 52.13±1.35 c | 40.15±1.06 d | |
平均 Average | 314.5±0.3 | 324.0±0.4 | 327.5±0.4 | 67.88±0.39 | 55.95±0.26 | 43.93±0.27 | |
N2 | |||||||
R0 | 320.3±0.0 a | 336.9±4.9 a | 347.5±9.8 a | 57.17±0.92 d | 45.52±0.09 c | 32.77±0.77 c | |
R1 | 297.1±1.3 d | 293.3±0.5 d | 312.7±3.5 bc | 80.01±2.90 ab | 62.82±4.15 a | 54.82±2.69 a | |
R2 | 299.2±0.5 d | 296.4±1.4 cd | 304.7±13.0 c | 81.73±0.72 a | 63.20±3.48 a | 57.04±4.79 a | |
R3 | 306.0±2.9 b | 314.3±2.3 b | 313.3±3.9 bc | 70.82±3.05 c | 55.58±4.79 b | 39.50±2.77 c | |
R4 | 302.9±0.2 c | 298.5±5.3 c | 310.6±12.2 bc | 78.09±2.38 b | 57.50±0.72 b | 48.16±3.06 b | |
R5 | 293.4±6.7 e | 292.4±9.0 d | 320.4±5.5 b | 77.61±1.35 b | 55.61±1.94 b | 39.65±5.42 c | |
平均 Average | 303.2±1.9 | 305.3±0.8 | 318.2±2.5 | 74.24±0.81 | 56.70±1.10 | 45.32±1.65 | |
F值 F value | |||||||
N | 79.99* | 7350.34** | 61.05* | 186.73** | 1.19 | 1.73 | |
R | 57.47** | 49.79** | 21.53** | 114.34** | 41.82** | 51.76** | |
N×R | 20.44** | 14.41** | 2.26 | 10.11** | 0.67 | 8.79** |
处理 Treatment | 叶面积指数 LAI | 齐穗期高效 叶面积指数 High effective LAI at full heading stage | 齐穗期高效 叶面积率 High effective leaf area rate at full heading stage /% | 拔节-齐穗 光合势 Photosynthetic potential at jointing-full heading /(×104m2 d·hm-2) | 拔节-齐穗 群体生长率 Crop growth rate at jointing-full heading /(g·m-2 d-1) | |
拔节期 Jointing stage | 齐穗期 Full heading stage | |||||
N1 | ||||||
R0 | 2.37±0.45 b | 3.21±0.13 d | 2.04±0.08 e | 63.52±0.14 f | 94.76±8.01 c | 20.89±0.38 b |
R1 | 3.83±0.63 a | 4.49±0.45 bc | 3.38±0.34 bc | 75.30±0.06 b | 141.51±10.89 b | 24.64±0.91 a |
R2 | 4.10±0.59 a | 6.13±0.64 a | 4.64±0.48 a | 75.83±0.04 a | 173.89±20.91 a | 25.64±0.44 a |
R3 | 4.40±0.37 a | 4.98±0.87 b | 3.67±0.64 b | 73.60±0.06 c | 159.53±20.63 a | 22.09±0.49 b |
R4 | 4.06±0.34 a | 4.22±0.43 bc | 2.90±0.29 cd | 68.71±0.07 d | 140.74±12.93 b | 22.37±0.18 b |
R5 | 3.90±0.53 a | 4.14±0.29 c | 2.82±0.20 d | 68.09±0.14 e | 136.71±12.77 b | 20.84±0.62 b |
平均 Average | 3.78±0.18 | 4.53±0.28 | 3.24±0.20 | 70.84±0.03 | 141.19±7.63 | 22.75±0.34 |
N2 | ||||||
R0 | 2.37±0.45 c | 3.21±0.13 c | 2.04±0.08 c | 63.52±0.14 d | 94.76±8.01 c | 20.89±0.38 bc |
R1 | 4.25±0.56 ab | 7.69±1.31 a | 4.90±0.84 a | 63.72±0.04 c | 203.03±16.94 a | 23.43±6.68 ab |
R2 | 4.32±0.49 ab | 7.87±0.69 a | 5.02±0.44 a | 63.79±0.03 c | 207.16±18.34 a | 24.26±2.75 a |
R3 | 4.68±0.49 a | 5.11±0.71 b | 3.63±0.51 b | 70.92±0.02 a | 166.46±7.39 b | 21.28±4.12 bc |
R4 | 4.19±0.40 ab | 5.09±0.09 b | 3.61±0.06 b | 70.83±0.09 a | 157.91±5.58 b | 20.08±4.39 c |
R5 | 4.06±0.27 b | 5.13±0.67 b | 3.48±0.45 b | 67.71±0.12 b | 156.25±15.52 b | 19.68±2.35 c |
平均 Average | 3.98±0.38 | 5.68±0.17 | 3.78±0.12 | 66.75±0.06 | 164.26±3.52 | 21.60±3.25 |
F值 F value | ||||||
N | 2.99 | 21.73* | 9.15 | 9683.17** | 57.24* | 0.32 |
R | 21.53** | 24.62** | 28.45** | 7356.86** | 32.51** | 3.56* |
N×R | 0.19 | 5.04** | 2.60 | 8108.31** | 3.70* | 3.37* |
表 3 不同施氮水平下缓释氮肥与常规氮肥配施对机插稻光合物质生产的影响
Table 3 Effects of slow-release urea combined with conventional urea on photosynthetic production in mechanically-transplanted rice under different N application rates.
处理 Treatment | 叶面积指数 LAI | 齐穗期高效 叶面积指数 High effective LAI at full heading stage | 齐穗期高效 叶面积率 High effective leaf area rate at full heading stage /% | 拔节-齐穗 光合势 Photosynthetic potential at jointing-full heading /(×104m2 d·hm-2) | 拔节-齐穗 群体生长率 Crop growth rate at jointing-full heading /(g·m-2 d-1) | |
拔节期 Jointing stage | 齐穗期 Full heading stage | |||||
N1 | ||||||
R0 | 2.37±0.45 b | 3.21±0.13 d | 2.04±0.08 e | 63.52±0.14 f | 94.76±8.01 c | 20.89±0.38 b |
R1 | 3.83±0.63 a | 4.49±0.45 bc | 3.38±0.34 bc | 75.30±0.06 b | 141.51±10.89 b | 24.64±0.91 a |
R2 | 4.10±0.59 a | 6.13±0.64 a | 4.64±0.48 a | 75.83±0.04 a | 173.89±20.91 a | 25.64±0.44 a |
R3 | 4.40±0.37 a | 4.98±0.87 b | 3.67±0.64 b | 73.60±0.06 c | 159.53±20.63 a | 22.09±0.49 b |
R4 | 4.06±0.34 a | 4.22±0.43 bc | 2.90±0.29 cd | 68.71±0.07 d | 140.74±12.93 b | 22.37±0.18 b |
R5 | 3.90±0.53 a | 4.14±0.29 c | 2.82±0.20 d | 68.09±0.14 e | 136.71±12.77 b | 20.84±0.62 b |
平均 Average | 3.78±0.18 | 4.53±0.28 | 3.24±0.20 | 70.84±0.03 | 141.19±7.63 | 22.75±0.34 |
N2 | ||||||
R0 | 2.37±0.45 c | 3.21±0.13 c | 2.04±0.08 c | 63.52±0.14 d | 94.76±8.01 c | 20.89±0.38 bc |
R1 | 4.25±0.56 ab | 7.69±1.31 a | 4.90±0.84 a | 63.72±0.04 c | 203.03±16.94 a | 23.43±6.68 ab |
R2 | 4.32±0.49 ab | 7.87±0.69 a | 5.02±0.44 a | 63.79±0.03 c | 207.16±18.34 a | 24.26±2.75 a |
R3 | 4.68±0.49 a | 5.11±0.71 b | 3.63±0.51 b | 70.92±0.02 a | 166.46±7.39 b | 21.28±4.12 bc |
R4 | 4.19±0.40 ab | 5.09±0.09 b | 3.61±0.06 b | 70.83±0.09 a | 157.91±5.58 b | 20.08±4.39 c |
R5 | 4.06±0.27 b | 5.13±0.67 b | 3.48±0.45 b | 67.71±0.12 b | 156.25±15.52 b | 19.68±2.35 c |
平均 Average | 3.98±0.38 | 5.68±0.17 | 3.78±0.12 | 66.75±0.06 | 164.26±3.52 | 21.60±3.25 |
F值 F value | ||||||
N | 2.99 | 21.73* | 9.15 | 9683.17** | 57.24* | 0.32 |
R | 21.53** | 24.62** | 28.45** | 7356.86** | 32.51** | 3.56* |
N×R | 0.19 | 5.04** | 2.60 | 8108.31** | 3.70* | 3.37* |
处理 Treatment | 茎鞘 Stem and sheath | 叶片 Leaf | ||||||
拔节期 JS | 齐穗期 FHS | 成熟期 MS | 拔节期 JS | 齐穗期 FHS | 成熟期 MS | |||
N1 | ||||||||
R0 | 1.61±0.04 b | 6.59±0.14 d | 4.60±0.21 b | 1.12±0.05 c | 1.85±0.04 b | 1.46±0.08 b | ||
R1 | 2.21±0.09 a | 8.07±0.06 ab | 5.20±0.03 a | 1.89±0.05 a | 2.53±0.04 a | 2.48±0.04 a | ||
R2 | 2.21±0.01 a | 8.49±0.03 a | 5.23±0.03 a | 1.89±0.09 a | 2.66±0.15 a | 2.47±0.03 a | ||
R3 | 2.23±0.02 a | 7.54±0.17 c | 5.09±0.02 a | 1.91±0.01 a | 2.46±0.01 a | 2.33±0.12 a | ||
R4 | 2.28±0.08 a | 7.57±0.11 bc | 5.17±0.03 a | 1.97±0.07 a | 2.48±0.03 a | 2.37±0.16 a | ||
R5 | 1.76±0.03 b | 6.75±0.23 d | 4.88±0.04 ab | 1.51±0.04 b | 2.05±0.05 b | 2.45±0.07 a | ||
平均 Average | 2.05±0.01 | 7.50±0.36 | 5.03±0.03 | 1.71±0.03 | 2.34±0.03 | 2.26±0.03 | ||
N2 | ||||||||
R0 | 1.61±0.04 d | 6.59±0.14 d | 4.60±0.21 b | 1.12±0.05 c | 1.85±0.04 c | 1.46±0.08 c | ||
R1 | 2.55±0.54 ab | 8.05±1.30 ab | 5.37±0.31 a | 2.34±0.58 a | 3.12±1.18 a | 3.28±0.08 a | ||
R2 | 2.35±0.30 bc | 7.75±0.68 ab | 5.43±0.55 a | 2.17±0.35 ab | 2.66±0.64 ab | 3.46±1.09 a | ||
R3 | 2.73±0.29 a | 7.56±0.21 bc | 5.43±0.18 a | 2.17±0.32 ab | 2.66±0.73 ab | 2.99±0.46 ab | ||
R4 | 2.55±0.35 ab | 7.14±0.07 c | 5.75±0.19 a | 2.07±0.36 ab | 2.47±0.84 b | 2.98±0.34 ab | ||
R5 | 2.12±0.18 c | 8.33±0.48 a | 5.21±1.04 a | 1.94±0.15 b | 2.37±1.21 b | 2.65±0.62 b | ||
平均 Average | 2.32±0.08 | 7.57±0.04 | 5.30±0.13 | 1.97±0.11 | 2.52±0.76 | 2.80±0.29 | ||
F值 F value | ||||||||
N | 24.84* | 0.11 | 16.06 | 20.28* | 0.17 | 9.16 | ||
R | 11.59** | 10.32** | 3.74* | 13.44** | 6.86** | 12.31** | ||
N×R | 0.77 | 5.28** | 0.39 | 0.75 | 0.81 | 1.43 | ||
处理 Treatment | 穗 Panicle | 植株 Plant | ||||||
齐穗期 FHS | 成熟期 MS | 拔节期 JS | 齐穗期 FHS | 成熟期 MS | ||||
N1 | ||||||||
R0 | 1.39±0.05 d | 8.91±0.05 c | 2.73±0.08 b | 9.83±0.14 c | 14.96±0.34 b | |||
R1 | 1.89±0.21 a | 9.69±0.06 a | 4.10±0.14 a | 12.48±0.17 ab | 17.37±0.08 a | |||
R2 | 1.82±0.03 ab | 9.74±0.05 a | 4.10±0.08 a | 12.97±0.21 a | 17.44±0.06 a | |||
R3 | 1.65±0.04 c | 9.64±0.04 a | 4.14±0.02 a | 11.65±0.16 b | 17.06±0.06 a | |||
R4 | 1.66±0.04 bc | 9.62±0.03 a | 4.26±0.07 a | 11.71±0.14 b | 17.16±0.19 a | |||
R5 | 1.55±0.04 cd | 9.30±0.02 b | 3.27±0.06 b | 10.36±0.25 c | 16.62±0.10 a | |||
平均 Average | 1.66±0.04 | 9.48±0.02 | 3.77±0.03 | 11.50±0.10 | 16.77±0.04 | |||
N2 | ||||||||
R0 | 1.39±0.05 b | 8.91±0.05 c | 2.73±0.08 c | 9.83±0.14 d | 14.96±0.34 d | |||
R1 | 1.69±0.40 a | 9.77±0.31 b | 4.90±1.11 a | 12.86±2.83 a | 18.41±0.69 bc | |||
R2 | 1.54±0.12 ab | 10.93±0.44 a | 4.53±0.65 ab | 11.96±1.38 abc | 19.82±1.81 a | |||
R3 | 1.50±0.07 ab | 10.72±0.21 a | 4.89±0.60 a | 11.72±0.89 bc | 19.14±0.61 ab | |||
R4 | 1.50±0.06 ab | 10.90±0.09 a | 4.62±0.71 ab | 11.12±0.79 c | 19.63±0.52 a | |||
R5 | 1.62±0.05 a | 9.97±0.60 b | 4.07±0.30 b | 12.32±1.15 ab | 17.83±1.35 c | |||
平均 Average | 1.54±0.08 | 10.20±0.14 | 4.29±0.19 | 11.63±1.13 | 18.30±0.41 | |||
F值 F value | ||||||||
N | 3.89 | 62.49* | 22.67* | 0.04 | 49.32* | |||
R | 5.24** | 30.02** | 12.53** | 12.08** | 19.75** | |||
N×R | 1.27 | 8.15** | 0.63 | 3.10* | 2.49 |
表 4 不同施氮水平下缓释氮肥与常规氮肥配施对机插稻干物质积累的影响
Table 4 Effects of slow-release urea combined with conventional urea on biomass accumulation in mechanically-transplanted rice under different N application rates.t/hm2
处理 Treatment | 茎鞘 Stem and sheath | 叶片 Leaf | ||||||
拔节期 JS | 齐穗期 FHS | 成熟期 MS | 拔节期 JS | 齐穗期 FHS | 成熟期 MS | |||
N1 | ||||||||
R0 | 1.61±0.04 b | 6.59±0.14 d | 4.60±0.21 b | 1.12±0.05 c | 1.85±0.04 b | 1.46±0.08 b | ||
R1 | 2.21±0.09 a | 8.07±0.06 ab | 5.20±0.03 a | 1.89±0.05 a | 2.53±0.04 a | 2.48±0.04 a | ||
R2 | 2.21±0.01 a | 8.49±0.03 a | 5.23±0.03 a | 1.89±0.09 a | 2.66±0.15 a | 2.47±0.03 a | ||
R3 | 2.23±0.02 a | 7.54±0.17 c | 5.09±0.02 a | 1.91±0.01 a | 2.46±0.01 a | 2.33±0.12 a | ||
R4 | 2.28±0.08 a | 7.57±0.11 bc | 5.17±0.03 a | 1.97±0.07 a | 2.48±0.03 a | 2.37±0.16 a | ||
R5 | 1.76±0.03 b | 6.75±0.23 d | 4.88±0.04 ab | 1.51±0.04 b | 2.05±0.05 b | 2.45±0.07 a | ||
平均 Average | 2.05±0.01 | 7.50±0.36 | 5.03±0.03 | 1.71±0.03 | 2.34±0.03 | 2.26±0.03 | ||
N2 | ||||||||
R0 | 1.61±0.04 d | 6.59±0.14 d | 4.60±0.21 b | 1.12±0.05 c | 1.85±0.04 c | 1.46±0.08 c | ||
R1 | 2.55±0.54 ab | 8.05±1.30 ab | 5.37±0.31 a | 2.34±0.58 a | 3.12±1.18 a | 3.28±0.08 a | ||
R2 | 2.35±0.30 bc | 7.75±0.68 ab | 5.43±0.55 a | 2.17±0.35 ab | 2.66±0.64 ab | 3.46±1.09 a | ||
R3 | 2.73±0.29 a | 7.56±0.21 bc | 5.43±0.18 a | 2.17±0.32 ab | 2.66±0.73 ab | 2.99±0.46 ab | ||
R4 | 2.55±0.35 ab | 7.14±0.07 c | 5.75±0.19 a | 2.07±0.36 ab | 2.47±0.84 b | 2.98±0.34 ab | ||
R5 | 2.12±0.18 c | 8.33±0.48 a | 5.21±1.04 a | 1.94±0.15 b | 2.37±1.21 b | 2.65±0.62 b | ||
平均 Average | 2.32±0.08 | 7.57±0.04 | 5.30±0.13 | 1.97±0.11 | 2.52±0.76 | 2.80±0.29 | ||
F值 F value | ||||||||
N | 24.84* | 0.11 | 16.06 | 20.28* | 0.17 | 9.16 | ||
R | 11.59** | 10.32** | 3.74* | 13.44** | 6.86** | 12.31** | ||
N×R | 0.77 | 5.28** | 0.39 | 0.75 | 0.81 | 1.43 | ||
处理 Treatment | 穗 Panicle | 植株 Plant | ||||||
齐穗期 FHS | 成熟期 MS | 拔节期 JS | 齐穗期 FHS | 成熟期 MS | ||||
N1 | ||||||||
R0 | 1.39±0.05 d | 8.91±0.05 c | 2.73±0.08 b | 9.83±0.14 c | 14.96±0.34 b | |||
R1 | 1.89±0.21 a | 9.69±0.06 a | 4.10±0.14 a | 12.48±0.17 ab | 17.37±0.08 a | |||
R2 | 1.82±0.03 ab | 9.74±0.05 a | 4.10±0.08 a | 12.97±0.21 a | 17.44±0.06 a | |||
R3 | 1.65±0.04 c | 9.64±0.04 a | 4.14±0.02 a | 11.65±0.16 b | 17.06±0.06 a | |||
R4 | 1.66±0.04 bc | 9.62±0.03 a | 4.26±0.07 a | 11.71±0.14 b | 17.16±0.19 a | |||
R5 | 1.55±0.04 cd | 9.30±0.02 b | 3.27±0.06 b | 10.36±0.25 c | 16.62±0.10 a | |||
平均 Average | 1.66±0.04 | 9.48±0.02 | 3.77±0.03 | 11.50±0.10 | 16.77±0.04 | |||
N2 | ||||||||
R0 | 1.39±0.05 b | 8.91±0.05 c | 2.73±0.08 c | 9.83±0.14 d | 14.96±0.34 d | |||
R1 | 1.69±0.40 a | 9.77±0.31 b | 4.90±1.11 a | 12.86±2.83 a | 18.41±0.69 bc | |||
R2 | 1.54±0.12 ab | 10.93±0.44 a | 4.53±0.65 ab | 11.96±1.38 abc | 19.82±1.81 a | |||
R3 | 1.50±0.07 ab | 10.72±0.21 a | 4.89±0.60 a | 11.72±0.89 bc | 19.14±0.61 ab | |||
R4 | 1.50±0.06 ab | 10.90±0.09 a | 4.62±0.71 ab | 11.12±0.79 c | 19.63±0.52 a | |||
R5 | 1.62±0.05 a | 9.97±0.60 b | 4.07±0.30 b | 12.32±1.15 ab | 17.83±1.35 c | |||
平均 Average | 1.54±0.08 | 10.20±0.14 | 4.29±0.19 | 11.63±1.13 | 18.30±0.41 | |||
F值 F value | ||||||||
N | 3.89 | 62.49* | 22.67* | 0.04 | 49.32* | |||
R | 5.24** | 30.02** | 12.53** | 12.08** | 19.75** | |||
N×R | 1.27 | 8.15** | 0.63 | 3.10* | 2.49 |
处理 Treatment | 茎鞘 Stem and sheath | 叶片 Leaf | ||||||
拔节期 JS | 齐穗期 FHS | 成熟期 MS | 拔节期 JS | 齐穗期 FHS | 成熟期 MS | |||
N1 | ||||||||
R0 | 14.82±0.62 d | 30.69±0.63 d | 18.94±0.85 d | 31.68±1.36 c | 31.88±0.59 c | 9.91±0.57 c | ||
R1 | 27.62±1.14 a | 49.42±0.35 a | 28.10±0.14 ab | 58.29±1.43 a | 51.26±0.72 ab | 23.17±0.38 ab | ||
R2 | 24.78±0.19 ab | 53.76±0.22 a | 29.22±0.16 a | 57.17±2.81 a | 58.80±3.27 a | 24.51±0.30 a | ||
R3 | 22.30±0.21 bc | 40.51±0.88 b | 25.17±0.10 c | 53.99±0.04 ab | 47.30±0.24 b | 20.90±1.06 ab | ||
R4 | 25.05±0.91 ab | 40.68±0.59 b | 26.23±0.14 c | 58.24±1.99 a | 49.25±0.67 ab | 21.43±1.47 ab | ||
R5 | 20.08±0.46 c | 35.19±1.19 c | 21.19±0.18 d | 47.03±1.27 ab | 37.14±0.91 c | 19.43±0.50 b | ||
平均 Average | 22.44±0.14 | 41.71±0.21 | 24.81±0.12 | 51.07±0.70 | 45.94±0.53 | 19.89±0.29 | ||
N2 | ||||||||
R0 | 14.82±0.62 d | 30.69±0.63 d | 18.94±0.85 d | 31.68±1.36 c | 31.88±0.59 c | 9.91±0.57 d | ||
R1 | 37.27±7.84 a | 70.68±11.42 a | 29.19±1.66 ab | 78.59±19.35 a | 71.96±27.13 a | 34.73±0.85 a | ||
R2 | 28.44±3.66 b | 52.99±4.66 b | 29.76±3.02 a | 68.09±11.20 ab | 54.42±13.12 b | 31.94±10.08 b | ||
R3 | 31.51±3.44 b | 49.92±1.42 b | 24.37±0.78 c | 65.21±9.47 b | 57.41±15.70 b | 29.50±4.58 b | ||
R4 | 27.76±3.75 b | 43.96±0.44 c | 26.91±0.91 ab | 58.31±10.08 b | 50.98±17.41 b | 30.77±3.50 b | ||
R5 | 19.26±1.95 c | 44.91±2.57 c | 26.45±5.27 bc | 60.12±4.68 b | 49.75±25.35 b | 18.28±4.27 c | ||
平均 Average | 26.51±1.26 | 48.86±2.83 | 25.94±0.60 | 60.33±3.88 | 52.73±16.31 | 25.85±2.78 | ||
F值F value | ||||||||
N | 28.15* | 18.93* | 13.49 | 23.78* | 0.49 | 11.97 | ||
R | 23.70** | 54.94** | 21.75** | 15.29** | 12.83** | 28.62** | ||
N×R | 3.06* | 8.76** | 1.67 | 1.47 | 2.52 | 3.71* | ||
处理 Treatment | 穗 Panicle | 植株 Plant | ||||||
齐穗期 FHS | 成熟期 MS | 拔节期 JS | 齐穗期 FHS | 成熟期 MS | ||||
N1 | ||||||||
R0 | 21.89±0.79 d | 73.96±0.44 e | 46.50±1.76 c | 84.46±1.24 c | 102.81±1.85 d | |||
R1 | 31.89±3.42 a | 115.27±0.68 b | 85.91±2.55 a | 132.56±3.24 a | 166.55±0.84 a | |||
R2 | 28.78±0.51 ab | 119.80±0.63 a | 81.95±2.68 a | 141.34±3.99 a | 173.53±0.57 a | |||
R3 | 25.88±0.71 bc | 100.27±0.37 c | 76.29±0.17 ab | 113.70±0.95 b | 146.34±0.60 b | |||
R4 | 26.34±0.58 bc | 100.07±0.31 c | 83.29±1.55 a | 116.27±1.30 b | 147.74±1.58 b | |||
R5 | 24.02±0.55 cd | 85.53±0.15 d | 67.11±1.45 b | 96.35±1.65 c | 126.14±0.60 c | |||
平均 Average | 26.47±0.58 | 99.15±0.22 | 73.51±0.73 | 114.11±1.26 | 143.85±0.13 | |||
N2 | ||||||||
R0 | 21.89±0.79 c | 73.96±0.44 e | 46.50±1.76 d | 84.46±1.24 c | 102.81±1.85 e | |||
R1 | 29.89±7.20 a | 134.08±2.29 ab | 115.86±27.19 a | 172.53±45.07 a | 198.01±4.78 a | |||
R2 | 25.60±2.08 b | 136.58±5.48 a | 96.53±14.78 b | 133.01±18.98 b | 198.28±16.39 a | |||
R3 | 25.49±1.08 b | 130.80±2.54 b | 96.72±12.86 b | 132.82±16.81 b | 184.66±5.60 b | |||
R4 | 25.09±0.95 b | 119.88±0.98 c | 86.08±13.82 bc | 120.03±17.07 b | 177.56±4.48 c | |||
R5 | 26.36±0.75 ab | 108.66±6.56 d | 79.39±6.27c | 121.03±24.13 b | 153.39±7.47 d | |||
平均 Average | 25.72±1.34 | 117.33±1.36 | 86.84±5.13 | 127.31±19.95 | 169.12±3.46 | |||
F值F value | ||||||||
N | 0.49 | 430.47** | 25.09* | 1.17 | 139.47** | |||
R | 8.57** | 320.26** | 17.30** | 27.93** | 146.04** | |||
N×R | 0.89 | 20.27** | 1.53 | 4.08* | 6.57** |
表5 不同施氮水平下缓释氮肥与常规氮肥配施对机插稻氮素积累的影响
Table 5 Effects of slow-release urea combined with conventional urea on N accumulation in mechanically-transplanted rice under different N application
处理 Treatment | 茎鞘 Stem and sheath | 叶片 Leaf | ||||||
拔节期 JS | 齐穗期 FHS | 成熟期 MS | 拔节期 JS | 齐穗期 FHS | 成熟期 MS | |||
N1 | ||||||||
R0 | 14.82±0.62 d | 30.69±0.63 d | 18.94±0.85 d | 31.68±1.36 c | 31.88±0.59 c | 9.91±0.57 c | ||
R1 | 27.62±1.14 a | 49.42±0.35 a | 28.10±0.14 ab | 58.29±1.43 a | 51.26±0.72 ab | 23.17±0.38 ab | ||
R2 | 24.78±0.19 ab | 53.76±0.22 a | 29.22±0.16 a | 57.17±2.81 a | 58.80±3.27 a | 24.51±0.30 a | ||
R3 | 22.30±0.21 bc | 40.51±0.88 b | 25.17±0.10 c | 53.99±0.04 ab | 47.30±0.24 b | 20.90±1.06 ab | ||
R4 | 25.05±0.91 ab | 40.68±0.59 b | 26.23±0.14 c | 58.24±1.99 a | 49.25±0.67 ab | 21.43±1.47 ab | ||
R5 | 20.08±0.46 c | 35.19±1.19 c | 21.19±0.18 d | 47.03±1.27 ab | 37.14±0.91 c | 19.43±0.50 b | ||
平均 Average | 22.44±0.14 | 41.71±0.21 | 24.81±0.12 | 51.07±0.70 | 45.94±0.53 | 19.89±0.29 | ||
N2 | ||||||||
R0 | 14.82±0.62 d | 30.69±0.63 d | 18.94±0.85 d | 31.68±1.36 c | 31.88±0.59 c | 9.91±0.57 d | ||
R1 | 37.27±7.84 a | 70.68±11.42 a | 29.19±1.66 ab | 78.59±19.35 a | 71.96±27.13 a | 34.73±0.85 a | ||
R2 | 28.44±3.66 b | 52.99±4.66 b | 29.76±3.02 a | 68.09±11.20 ab | 54.42±13.12 b | 31.94±10.08 b | ||
R3 | 31.51±3.44 b | 49.92±1.42 b | 24.37±0.78 c | 65.21±9.47 b | 57.41±15.70 b | 29.50±4.58 b | ||
R4 | 27.76±3.75 b | 43.96±0.44 c | 26.91±0.91 ab | 58.31±10.08 b | 50.98±17.41 b | 30.77±3.50 b | ||
R5 | 19.26±1.95 c | 44.91±2.57 c | 26.45±5.27 bc | 60.12±4.68 b | 49.75±25.35 b | 18.28±4.27 c | ||
平均 Average | 26.51±1.26 | 48.86±2.83 | 25.94±0.60 | 60.33±3.88 | 52.73±16.31 | 25.85±2.78 | ||
F值F value | ||||||||
N | 28.15* | 18.93* | 13.49 | 23.78* | 0.49 | 11.97 | ||
R | 23.70** | 54.94** | 21.75** | 15.29** | 12.83** | 28.62** | ||
N×R | 3.06* | 8.76** | 1.67 | 1.47 | 2.52 | 3.71* | ||
处理 Treatment | 穗 Panicle | 植株 Plant | ||||||
齐穗期 FHS | 成熟期 MS | 拔节期 JS | 齐穗期 FHS | 成熟期 MS | ||||
N1 | ||||||||
R0 | 21.89±0.79 d | 73.96±0.44 e | 46.50±1.76 c | 84.46±1.24 c | 102.81±1.85 d | |||
R1 | 31.89±3.42 a | 115.27±0.68 b | 85.91±2.55 a | 132.56±3.24 a | 166.55±0.84 a | |||
R2 | 28.78±0.51 ab | 119.80±0.63 a | 81.95±2.68 a | 141.34±3.99 a | 173.53±0.57 a | |||
R3 | 25.88±0.71 bc | 100.27±0.37 c | 76.29±0.17 ab | 113.70±0.95 b | 146.34±0.60 b | |||
R4 | 26.34±0.58 bc | 100.07±0.31 c | 83.29±1.55 a | 116.27±1.30 b | 147.74±1.58 b | |||
R5 | 24.02±0.55 cd | 85.53±0.15 d | 67.11±1.45 b | 96.35±1.65 c | 126.14±0.60 c | |||
平均 Average | 26.47±0.58 | 99.15±0.22 | 73.51±0.73 | 114.11±1.26 | 143.85±0.13 | |||
N2 | ||||||||
R0 | 21.89±0.79 c | 73.96±0.44 e | 46.50±1.76 d | 84.46±1.24 c | 102.81±1.85 e | |||
R1 | 29.89±7.20 a | 134.08±2.29 ab | 115.86±27.19 a | 172.53±45.07 a | 198.01±4.78 a | |||
R2 | 25.60±2.08 b | 136.58±5.48 a | 96.53±14.78 b | 133.01±18.98 b | 198.28±16.39 a | |||
R3 | 25.49±1.08 b | 130.80±2.54 b | 96.72±12.86 b | 132.82±16.81 b | 184.66±5.60 b | |||
R4 | 25.09±0.95 b | 119.88±0.98 c | 86.08±13.82 bc | 120.03±17.07 b | 177.56±4.48 c | |||
R5 | 26.36±0.75 ab | 108.66±6.56 d | 79.39±6.27c | 121.03±24.13 b | 153.39±7.47 d | |||
平均 Average | 25.72±1.34 | 117.33±1.36 | 86.84±5.13 | 127.31±19.95 | 169.12±3.46 | |||
F值F value | ||||||||
N | 0.49 | 430.47** | 25.09* | 1.17 | 139.47** | |||
R | 8.57** | 320.26** | 17.30** | 27.93** | 146.04** | |||
N×R | 0.89 | 20.27** | 1.53 | 4.08* | 6.57** |
处理 Treatment | 氮素转运量 N translation amount /(kg·hm-2) | 氮素转运率 N translation efficiency/% | 氮素贡献率 N contribution rate/% | 穗部氮素增加量 N increment in panicle /(kg·hm-2) | ||||
茎鞘 Stem and sheath | 叶片 Leaf | 茎鞘 Stem and sheath | 叶片 Leaf | 茎鞘 Stem and sheath | 叶片 Leaf | |||
N1 | ||||||||
R0 | 11.75±0.98 b | 21.97±0.61 b | 38.27±2.85 bc | 68.93±1.61 a | 15.89±1.40 bc | 29.71±0.90 a | 52.07±0.36 e | |
R1 | 21.31±0.26 a | 28.09±0.67 ab | 43.13±0.26 ab | 54.79±0.77 bc | 18.49±0.17 ab | 24.36±0.44 ab | 83.39±3.29 b | |
R2 | 24.54±0.07 a | 34.29±3.05 a | 45.64±0.07 a | 58.25±2.02 ab | 20.48±0.10 a | 28.63±2.56 a | 91.02±0.85 a | |
R3 | 15.34±0.95 b | 26.40±0.97 ab | 37.85±1.52 bc | 55.82±2.14 bc | 15.30±1.01 bc | 26.33±0.88 ab | 74.39±0.41 c | |
R4 | 14.45±0.45 b | 27.82±1.78 ab | 35.51±0.60 c | 56.47±3.19 bc | 14.44±0.46 c | 27.80±1.80 a | 73.73±0.80 c | |
R5 | 14.00±1.06 b | 17.72±0.82 c | 39.74±1.65 abc | 47.69±1.38 c | 16.36±1.22 bc | 20.72±0.93 b | 61.50±0.67 d | |
平均 Average | 16.90±0.09 | 26.05±0.81 | 40.03±0.07 | 56.99±0.96 | 16.83±0.05 | 26.26±0.65 | 72.68±0.38 | |
N2 | ||||||||
R0 | 11.75±0.98 d | 21.97±0.61 bc | 38.27±2.85 b | 68.93±1.61 a | 15.89±1.40 bc | 29.71±0.90 a | 52.07±0.36 e | |
R1 | 41.49±9.87 a | 37.23±26.43 a | 58.24±4.24 a | 47.74±16.13 bc | 30.86±6.80 a | 27.58±19.13 ab | 104.19±5.09 b | |
R2 | 23.23±2.80 b | 22.48±19.47 bc | 43.83±3.24 b | 38.19±27.55 de | 17.08±2.76 bc | 16.86±15.03 c | 110.98±6.69 a | |
R3 | 25.55±2.13 b | 27.91±19.06 abc | 51.13±2.85 a | 45.45±18.55 cd | 19.53±1.56 b | 21.23±14.18 bc | 105.30±1.93 a | |
R4 | 17.05±0.70 c | 20.21±20.76 c | 38.78±1.73 b | 33.85±26.09 e | 14.22±0.50 c | 16.85±17.25 c | 94.79±1.92 c | |
R5 | 18.47±7.45 c | 31.47±26.51 ab | 40.62±15.04 b | 56.51±20.24 ab | 16.89±6.53 bc | 28.09±22.03 c | 82.30±7.30 d | |
平均 Average | 22.92±3.31 | 26.88±18.67 | 45.15±3.47 | 48.44±17.93 | 19.08±2.38 | 23.39±14.68 | 91.61±0.64 | |
F值 F value | ||||||||
N | 9.79 | 0.00 | 6.44 | 1.19 | 2.21 | 0.11 | 1096.16** | |
R | 28.31** | 1.75 | 7.14** | 8.56** | 10.01** | 1.51 | 133.08** | |
N×R | 9.28** | 2.84 | 3.66* | 1.94 | 6.31** | 3.05* | 10.94** |
表6 不同施氮水平下缓释氮肥与常规氮肥配施对机插稻氮素转运的影响
Table 6 Effects of slow-release urea combined with conventional urea on N translocation in mechanically-transplanted rice under different N application rates.
处理 Treatment | 氮素转运量 N translation amount /(kg·hm-2) | 氮素转运率 N translation efficiency/% | 氮素贡献率 N contribution rate/% | 穗部氮素增加量 N increment in panicle /(kg·hm-2) | ||||
茎鞘 Stem and sheath | 叶片 Leaf | 茎鞘 Stem and sheath | 叶片 Leaf | 茎鞘 Stem and sheath | 叶片 Leaf | |||
N1 | ||||||||
R0 | 11.75±0.98 b | 21.97±0.61 b | 38.27±2.85 bc | 68.93±1.61 a | 15.89±1.40 bc | 29.71±0.90 a | 52.07±0.36 e | |
R1 | 21.31±0.26 a | 28.09±0.67 ab | 43.13±0.26 ab | 54.79±0.77 bc | 18.49±0.17 ab | 24.36±0.44 ab | 83.39±3.29 b | |
R2 | 24.54±0.07 a | 34.29±3.05 a | 45.64±0.07 a | 58.25±2.02 ab | 20.48±0.10 a | 28.63±2.56 a | 91.02±0.85 a | |
R3 | 15.34±0.95 b | 26.40±0.97 ab | 37.85±1.52 bc | 55.82±2.14 bc | 15.30±1.01 bc | 26.33±0.88 ab | 74.39±0.41 c | |
R4 | 14.45±0.45 b | 27.82±1.78 ab | 35.51±0.60 c | 56.47±3.19 bc | 14.44±0.46 c | 27.80±1.80 a | 73.73±0.80 c | |
R5 | 14.00±1.06 b | 17.72±0.82 c | 39.74±1.65 abc | 47.69±1.38 c | 16.36±1.22 bc | 20.72±0.93 b | 61.50±0.67 d | |
平均 Average | 16.90±0.09 | 26.05±0.81 | 40.03±0.07 | 56.99±0.96 | 16.83±0.05 | 26.26±0.65 | 72.68±0.38 | |
N2 | ||||||||
R0 | 11.75±0.98 d | 21.97±0.61 bc | 38.27±2.85 b | 68.93±1.61 a | 15.89±1.40 bc | 29.71±0.90 a | 52.07±0.36 e | |
R1 | 41.49±9.87 a | 37.23±26.43 a | 58.24±4.24 a | 47.74±16.13 bc | 30.86±6.80 a | 27.58±19.13 ab | 104.19±5.09 b | |
R2 | 23.23±2.80 b | 22.48±19.47 bc | 43.83±3.24 b | 38.19±27.55 de | 17.08±2.76 bc | 16.86±15.03 c | 110.98±6.69 a | |
R3 | 25.55±2.13 b | 27.91±19.06 abc | 51.13±2.85 a | 45.45±18.55 cd | 19.53±1.56 b | 21.23±14.18 bc | 105.30±1.93 a | |
R4 | 17.05±0.70 c | 20.21±20.76 c | 38.78±1.73 b | 33.85±26.09 e | 14.22±0.50 c | 16.85±17.25 c | 94.79±1.92 c | |
R5 | 18.47±7.45 c | 31.47±26.51 ab | 40.62±15.04 b | 56.51±20.24 ab | 16.89±6.53 bc | 28.09±22.03 c | 82.30±7.30 d | |
平均 Average | 22.92±3.31 | 26.88±18.67 | 45.15±3.47 | 48.44±17.93 | 19.08±2.38 | 23.39±14.68 | 91.61±0.64 | |
F值 F value | ||||||||
N | 9.79 | 0.00 | 6.44 | 1.19 | 2.21 | 0.11 | 1096.16** | |
R | 28.31** | 1.75 | 7.14** | 8.56** | 10.01** | 1.51 | 133.08** | |
N×R | 9.28** | 2.84 | 3.66* | 1.94 | 6.31** | 3.05* | 10.94** |
处理 Treatment | 氮素收获指数 NHI/% | 氮素干物质 生产效率NBPE /( kg·kg-1) | 氮素稻谷 生产效率NGPE /( kg·kg-1) | 氮肥偏生产力 NPP /( kg·kg-1) | 氮肥农学利用率 NAE /( kg·kg-1) | 氮肥表观利用率 NAUE /% |
N1 | ||||||
R0 | 71.95±0.87 a | 145.60±0.66 a | 92.33±1.23 a | - | - | - |
R1 | 69.21±0.25 ab | 104.27±0.14 d | 70.02±0.65 d | 77.74±0.74 a | 14.47±1.51 a | 42.49±1.69 a |
R2 | 69.04±0.23 ab | 100.52±0.08 d | 68.05±0.57 d | 78.72±0.44 a | 15.45±1.55 a | 47.15±0.88 a |
R3 | 68.52±0.52 b | 116.62±0.04 c | 78.07±2.60 c | 76.17±2.37 b | 12.89±3.37 b | 29.02±1.17 b |
R4 | 67.74±0.75 b | 116.13±0.06 c | 77.23±1.91 c | 76.05±1.29 b | 12.78±0.26 b | 29.95±2.29 b |
R5 | 67.80±0.39 b | 125.44±1.55 b | 84.88±1.30 b | 71.38±1.20 c | 8.11±0.71 c | 15.56±1.18 c |
平均 Average | 69.05±0.17 | 118.10±0.36 | 78.43±0.31 | 76.01±0.33 | 12.74±1.25 | 32.83±1.41 |
N2 | ||||||
R0 | 71.95±0.87 a | 145.60±0.66 a | 92.33±1.23 a | - | - | - |
R1 | 67.72±0.50 b | 92.97±1.37 c | 60.20±1.57 e | 66.20±0.56 ab | 13.47±1.44 ab | 52.89±2.98 a |
R2 | 69.07±3.76 ab | 104.45±8.84 b | 60.87±4.86 de | 66.75±0.14 a | 14.02±0.92 a | 53.04±8.08 a |
R3 | 70.86±2.07 a | 103.61±0.70 b | 63.42±1.99 cd | 65.03±0.13 b | 12.29±0.99 b | 45.48±2.11 b |
R4 | 67.54±1.64 b | 110.59±0.44 b | 65.90±1.59 c | 64.98±0.18 b | 12.25±0.76 b | 41.53±1.57 b |
R5 | 70.94±5.10 a | 107.03±16.90 b | 71.84±4.01 b | 61.11±0.44 c | 8.38±0.65c | 28.10±5.07 c |
平均 Average | 69.68±1.36 | 110.71±1.15 | 69.09±0.93 | 64.81±0.05 | 12.08±0.93 | 44.21±1.09 |
F值 F value | ||||||
N | 0.43 | 63.85* | 377.60** | 4528.56** | 8.80 | 53.69* |
R | 3.09* | 49.29** | 103.00** | 32.23** | 32.12** | 51.05** |
N×R | 1.12 | 3.00* | 6.47** | 0.51 | 0.51 | 1.26 |
表7 不同施氮水平下缓释氮肥与常规氮肥配施对机插稻氮素利用的影响
Table 7 Effects of slow-release urea combined with conventional urea on N use efficiency in mechanically-transplanted rice under different N application rates.
处理 Treatment | 氮素收获指数 NHI/% | 氮素干物质 生产效率NBPE /( kg·kg-1) | 氮素稻谷 生产效率NGPE /( kg·kg-1) | 氮肥偏生产力 NPP /( kg·kg-1) | 氮肥农学利用率 NAE /( kg·kg-1) | 氮肥表观利用率 NAUE /% |
N1 | ||||||
R0 | 71.95±0.87 a | 145.60±0.66 a | 92.33±1.23 a | - | - | - |
R1 | 69.21±0.25 ab | 104.27±0.14 d | 70.02±0.65 d | 77.74±0.74 a | 14.47±1.51 a | 42.49±1.69 a |
R2 | 69.04±0.23 ab | 100.52±0.08 d | 68.05±0.57 d | 78.72±0.44 a | 15.45±1.55 a | 47.15±0.88 a |
R3 | 68.52±0.52 b | 116.62±0.04 c | 78.07±2.60 c | 76.17±2.37 b | 12.89±3.37 b | 29.02±1.17 b |
R4 | 67.74±0.75 b | 116.13±0.06 c | 77.23±1.91 c | 76.05±1.29 b | 12.78±0.26 b | 29.95±2.29 b |
R5 | 67.80±0.39 b | 125.44±1.55 b | 84.88±1.30 b | 71.38±1.20 c | 8.11±0.71 c | 15.56±1.18 c |
平均 Average | 69.05±0.17 | 118.10±0.36 | 78.43±0.31 | 76.01±0.33 | 12.74±1.25 | 32.83±1.41 |
N2 | ||||||
R0 | 71.95±0.87 a | 145.60±0.66 a | 92.33±1.23 a | - | - | - |
R1 | 67.72±0.50 b | 92.97±1.37 c | 60.20±1.57 e | 66.20±0.56 ab | 13.47±1.44 ab | 52.89±2.98 a |
R2 | 69.07±3.76 ab | 104.45±8.84 b | 60.87±4.86 de | 66.75±0.14 a | 14.02±0.92 a | 53.04±8.08 a |
R3 | 70.86±2.07 a | 103.61±0.70 b | 63.42±1.99 cd | 65.03±0.13 b | 12.29±0.99 b | 45.48±2.11 b |
R4 | 67.54±1.64 b | 110.59±0.44 b | 65.90±1.59 c | 64.98±0.18 b | 12.25±0.76 b | 41.53±1.57 b |
R5 | 70.94±5.10 a | 107.03±16.90 b | 71.84±4.01 b | 61.11±0.44 c | 8.38±0.65c | 28.10±5.07 c |
平均 Average | 69.68±1.36 | 110.71±1.15 | 69.09±0.93 | 64.81±0.05 | 12.08±0.93 | 44.21±1.09 |
F值 F value | ||||||
N | 0.43 | 63.85* | 377.60** | 4528.56** | 8.80 | 53.69* |
R | 3.09* | 49.29** | 103.00** | 32.23** | 32.12** | 51.05** |
N×R | 1.12 | 3.00* | 6.47** | 0.51 | 0.51 | 1.26 |
指标 Index | 总干物质量 Dry matter amount | 总氮素 积累量 N accumulation | 氮肥农学 利用率 NAE | 氮肥表观 利用率 NAUE | 每穗实粒数 Spikelet number panicle | 产量 Grain yield |
氮素积累量 N accumulation amount | ||||||
拔节期 JS | 0.70** | 0.85** | 0.39* | 0.64** | 0.70** | 0.83** |
齐穗期 FHS | 0.56** | 0.77** | 0.40* | 0.65** | 0.60** | 0.73** |
成熟期 MS | 0.90** | 1.00** | 0.50** | 0.97** | 0.78** | 0.91** |
结实期氮素转运量 N translocation amount | ||||||
茎鞘 Stem-sheath | 0.42* | 0.69** | 0.38* | 0.61** | 0.54** | 0.59** |
叶片 Leaf | 0.02 | 0.17 | 0.17 | 0.14 | 0.18 | 0.20 |
结实期净光合速率 Pn | ||||||
齐穗期 FHS | 0.77** | 0.89** | 0.48** | 0.75** | 0.72** | 0.89** |
齐穗后15 d 15 d after FHS | 0.42** | 0.62** | 0.72** | 0.38* | 0.49** | 0.78** |
齐穗后30 d 30 d after FHS | 0.58** | 0.72** | 0.56** | 0.52** | 0.50** | 0.78** |
拔节-齐穗光合势 Photosynthetic potential | 0.71** | 0.86** | 0.36* | 0.65** | 0.78** | 0.82** |
拔节-齐穗群体生长率 Crop growth rate | 0.01 | 0.15 | 0.10 | 0.10 | 0.16 | 0.19 |
表8 氮素积累转运、光合生产与干物质量、氮素利用特征及产量的相关性
Table 8 Correlation coefficients between N accumulation translocation, photosynthetic production and N use efficiency, dry matter, and yield.
指标 Index | 总干物质量 Dry matter amount | 总氮素 积累量 N accumulation | 氮肥农学 利用率 NAE | 氮肥表观 利用率 NAUE | 每穗实粒数 Spikelet number panicle | 产量 Grain yield |
氮素积累量 N accumulation amount | ||||||
拔节期 JS | 0.70** | 0.85** | 0.39* | 0.64** | 0.70** | 0.83** |
齐穗期 FHS | 0.56** | 0.77** | 0.40* | 0.65** | 0.60** | 0.73** |
成熟期 MS | 0.90** | 1.00** | 0.50** | 0.97** | 0.78** | 0.91** |
结实期氮素转运量 N translocation amount | ||||||
茎鞘 Stem-sheath | 0.42* | 0.69** | 0.38* | 0.61** | 0.54** | 0.59** |
叶片 Leaf | 0.02 | 0.17 | 0.17 | 0.14 | 0.18 | 0.20 |
结实期净光合速率 Pn | ||||||
齐穗期 FHS | 0.77** | 0.89** | 0.48** | 0.75** | 0.72** | 0.89** |
齐穗后15 d 15 d after FHS | 0.42** | 0.62** | 0.72** | 0.38* | 0.49** | 0.78** |
齐穗后30 d 30 d after FHS | 0.58** | 0.72** | 0.56** | 0.52** | 0.50** | 0.78** |
拔节-齐穗光合势 Photosynthetic potential | 0.71** | 0.86** | 0.36* | 0.65** | 0.78** | 0.82** |
拔节-齐穗群体生长率 Crop growth rate | 0.01 | 0.15 | 0.10 | 0.10 | 0.16 | 0.19 |
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