Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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QTL Analysis of Flag Leaf Angle in Rice

DONG Guo-jun 1; Hiroshi FUJIMOTO 2; TENG Sheng 1; HU Xing-ming 1; ZENG Da-li 1; GUO Long-biao 1; QIAN Qian 1; *   

  1. (1Key Laboratory for Rice Biology; Ministry of Agriculture; P.R. China; China National Rice Research Institute; Hangzhou 310006; China; 2Japan International Research Center of Agricultural Sciences; Tsukuba; Ibaraki 305-8686; Japan)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2003-07-10 Published:2003-07-10
  • Contact: QIAN Qian


董国军1; 藤本宽2; 滕胜1; 胡兴明1; 曾大力1; 郭龙彪1; 钱前1,*   

  1. 1中国水稻研究所 农业部水稻生物学重点实验室, 浙江 杭州 310006; 2日本国际农林水产业研究中心, 日本 筑波 3058686

Abstract: A DH population derived from the cross of Zhaiyeqing 8/Jingxi 17, which were significantly different in flag leaf angle, was used in QTL analysis of flag leaf angle in rice. The flag leaf angles of DH population were investigated at heading stage. QTL analysis was taken based on the constructed molecular linkage map. Four QTLs (qFLA-1, qFLA-2, qFLA-3 and qFLA-12) were detected on chromosome 1, 2, 3 and 12, respectively, and their variations were 10.6%, 11.8%, 9.8% and 8.1%, respectively. The additive effects of qFLA-1 and qFLA-2 were contributed by Jingxi 17, whereas those of qFLA-3 and qFLA-12 were contributed by Zhaiyeqing 8. Pyramiding of increasing alleles enlarged the flag leaf angle. The prospective application of the QTLs for flag leaf character in rice breeding was also discussed.

Key words: rice, flag leaf angle, doubled haploid population

摘要: 以剑叶角度差异显著的籼稻窄叶青8号和粳稻京系17以及由它们构建的加倍单倍体群体为材料,在抽穗期测量其剑叶角度,并利用该群体构建的分子图谱进行数量性状座位分析。分别在第1、2、3和12染色体上检测到4个QTL(qFLA-1、qFLA-2、qFLA-3和qFLA-12),贡献率分别为10.6%、11.8%、9.8%和8.1%,其中qFLA-1、qFLA-2的加性效应来自京系17,qFLA-3和qFLA-12的加性效应来自窄叶青8号。多个增效等位基因的聚合明显提高剑叶角度。讨论了这些控制剑叶张开性状的QTL在常规稻和杂交稻育种上的应用前景。

关键词: 水稻, 剑叶角度, 加倍单倍体群体, 数量性状基因座位