Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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The Primary Study on Floret and Grain Development Simulation in Rice

LIU Xin-wei; MENG Ya-li; ZHOU Zhi-guo; CAO Wei-xing   

  1. (Key Laboratory of Crop Growth Regulation; Ministry of Agriculture; P. R. China; Nanjing Agricultural University; Nanjing210095; China)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2004-05-10 Published:2004-05-10
  • Contact: CAO Wei-xing


柳新伟; 孟亚利; 周治国; 曹卫星*   

  1. 南京农业大学 农业部作物生长调控重点开放实验室, 江苏 南京 210095

Abstract: A process-based simulation model for predicting initiated and degenerated floret numbers, grain number and filling dynamics in rice was developed on the basis of published results and field experiments. The model quantified the relationships of panicle organ developmentto physiological development time and environment factors, and non-uniformity of grains on a rice panicle to anthesis timing and assimilate supply, and further simulated the dynamic changes of grain filling at different panicle positions as superior and inferior grains. Testing of the model indicated that the model could effectivelypredict the dynamics of floret development and grain filling in rice.

Key words: rice, floret, grain, development, filling, simulation

摘要: 在文献资料与田间试验研究的基础上,建立了基于过程的水稻颖花原基分化与退化数、结实粒数以及灌浆动态预测的机理模型。模型量化了穗部器官发育与生理发育时间(PDT)及环境因子的动态关系,确定了穗部籽粒发育的不均衡性与开花时间和同化物供应状况的关系,进一步模拟了不同类型品种强势粒与弱势粒不同粒位的灌浆动态。模型验证结果表明,此模型对颖花动态和籽粒灌浆过程有较好的预测性。

关键词: 水稻, 颖花, 籽粒, 发育, 灌浆, 模拟