Chinese Journal OF Rice Science ›› 2022, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (1): 77-86.DOI: 10.16819/j.1001-7216.2022.210310

• Research Papers • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Characteristics of Nitrogen Absorption and Utilization of an indica-japonica Hybrid Rice, Yongyou 2640

YUAN Rui1,2, ZHOU Qun1,2, WANG Zhiqin1,2, ZHANG Hao1,2, GU Junfei1,2, LIU Lijun1,2, ZHANG Weiyang1,2(), YANG Jianchang1,2()   

  1. 1Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology / Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Cultivation and Physiology/Agricultural College of Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China
    2Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China
  • Received:2021-03-21 Revised:2021-05-26 Online:2022-01-10 Published:2022-01-10
  • Contact: ZHANG Weiyang, YANG Jianchang


袁锐1,2, 周群1,2, 王志琴1,2, 张耗1,2, 顾骏飞1,2, 刘立军1,2, 张伟杨1,2(), 杨建昌1,2()   

  1. 1江苏省作物遗传生理重点实验室/江苏省作物栽培生理重点实验室/扬州大学 农学院,江苏 扬州225009
    2扬州大学 江苏省粮食作物现代产业技术协同创新中心,江苏 扬州225009
  • 通讯作者: 张伟杨,杨建昌
  • 基金资助:


【Objective】It is very important to elucidate the characteristics and mechanism of nitrogen (N) uptake and utilization in indica-japonica hybrid rice. 【Method】 An indica-japonica hybrid rice combination Yongyou 2640 and two inbred rice cultivars of Lianjing 7 (japonica) and Yangdao 6 (indica) were field-grown, and six N application rates (0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 kg/hm 2) and a 15N tracer micro-area experiment were designed. 【Result】 With increasing N rates (from 0 to 400 kg/hm 2), the grain yield of Yongyou 2640 increased, and that of Lianjing 7 and Yangdao 6 increased first and then decreased, and the highest grain yield was found at the N rate of 300 kg/hm 2. At the same N rate, grain yield of Yongyou 2640 was higher than that of Lianjing 7 or Yangdao 6. A higher grain yield of Yongyou 2640 was mainly attributed to the higher above-ground dry matter and total amount of spikelets. The accumulation of 15N in grains increased, whereas the distribution ratio of 15N in grain decreased gradually correspondingly with increasing N application rates. A high N rate caused a drop in N harvest index. The distribution ratio of 15N in grains of Yongyou 2640 was higher than that of Lianjing 7 or Yangdao 6, while lower than that of the two control cultivars in the stems, sheaths and leaves of Yongyou 2640. The activities of nitrate reductase, glutamine syntetase and glutamate synthase in leaves of the three rice cultivars were enhanced with increasing N rates. At the same nitrogen rate, the activities of above enzymes in Yongyou 2640 were significantly higher than those of Lianjing 7 or Yangdao 6. 【Conclusion】 The indica-japonica hybrid rice Yongyou 2640 is characterized by stronger nitrogen uptake and utilization capacity as compared with inbred japonica rice cultivar (Lianjing 7) or indica rice cultivar (Yangdao 6).

Key words: rice, 15N tracer technique, nitrogen rate, uptake and distribution


【目的】探明籼粳杂交稻甬优2640的氮素吸收利用特点。【方法】籼粳杂交稻甬优2640、常规粳稻连粳7号和常规籼稻扬稻6号种植于大田,设置6种施氮量处理(0、100、200、300、400、500 kg/hm 2)和 15N示踪微区试验。【结果】在0~400 N kg/hm 2范围内,甬优2640的稻谷产量随施氮量的增加而提高;连粳7号和扬稻6号的产量则是先增加后降低,在施氮量300 kg/hm 2时产量最高;相同施氮量下,甬优2640的产量均高于连粳7号和扬稻6号。甬优2640产量较高,这得益于地上部较高的干物质量和库容量(总颖花量)。适量增施氮肥提高了籽粒中 15N积累量,但其在籽粒中的分配比例却随施氮量的增加而降低。甬优2640穗中的 15N分配比例高于连粳7号和扬稻6号。高施氮量降低水稻氮收获指数。增施氮肥明显提高3个水稻品种穗分化期、抽穗期和灌浆中期叶片的硝酸还原酶、谷氨酰胺合成酶和谷氨酸合酶活性;相同施氮量下,甬优2640的各种酶活性显著高于连粳7号和扬稻6号。【结论】籼粳杂交稻甬优2640较常规水稻品种具有更强的氮素吸收与利用能力。

关键词: 水稻, 15N示踪技术, 施氮量, 吸收分配