Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Genetic Analysis and Molecular Mapping of LightSensitive RedRoot Mutant in Rice (Oryza sativa)

ZHANG Junzhi, LIU Xiao, LI Chao, XIAO Ke, DONG Yanjun*   

  1. Laboratory of Plant Genetics and Functional Genes, College of Life and Environment Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China; *Corresponding author, E-mail:
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2008-11-10 Published:2008-11-10


张俊芝,刘 晓,李 超,肖 珂,董彦君*   

  1. 上海师范大学 生命与环境科学学院 植物遗传与功能基因研究室, 上海 200234; *通讯联系人, E-mail:

Abstract: The lightsensitive redroot mutant, designated as HG1, was newly observed in an indica rice variety, Nankinkodo, when the roots were exposed to natural light under hydroculture conditions. The root color of the mutant began to turn slightred when the roots were exposed to the light at the intensity of 29 μmol/(m2·s), and turned darkred at 180 μmol/(m2· s), which suggested that the root color of the mutant was very sensitive to light. Furthermore, genetic analyses showed that the character of lightsensitive redroot in the HG1 mutant was controlled by a single dominant gene, tentatively designated as Lsr. With the SSR markers, Lsr gene was mapped between RM252 and RM303 on chromosome 4 with the genetic distances of 9.8 cM and 6.4 cM, respectively. The results obtained from the study could be useful for fine mapping and cloning of Lsr gene in rice.

Key words: rice, lightsensitivity, redroot mutant, genetic analysis, gene mapping

摘要: 在自然光条件下水培籼稻品种Nankinkodo中,发现根为红色的自然突变体,命名为HG1。水培条件下该突变体在光照强度大于29 μmol/(m2·s)的可见光下,根开始转红,在光照强度为180 μmol/(m2·s)的可见光下,呈鲜红,具有明显的光照敏感性。遗传分析表明,该突变体光照敏感性的红根性状由1对显性基因控制, 暂命名为Lsr。利用微卫星标记将Lsr基因定位在第4染色体上RM252与RM303之间,遗传距离分别为9.8 cM和6.4 cM, 这为Lsr基因的精细定位和克隆奠定了基础。

关键词: 水稻, 光照敏感性, 红根突变体, 遗传分析, 基因定位