Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Studies on Photosynthetic Rate and Function Duration of Rice Germplasm Resources

CAO Shu-qing 1; ZHAI Hu-qu 1; YANG Tu-nan 2; ZHANG Rong-xian 1; *; KUANG Ting-yun 3   

  1. ( 1 Agronomy Department; Nanjing Agricultural University; Nanjing 210095; China; 2Zhenjiang Agricultural Science Institute; Zhenjiang 212400; Jiangs
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2001-01-10 Published:2001-01-10


曹树青1; 翟虎渠1; 杨图南2; 张荣铣1,*; 匡廷云3   

  1. 1南京农业大学 农学系,江苏 南京 210095; 2 江苏省丘陵地区镇江地区农业科学研究所,江苏 镇江 212400; 3 中国科学院 植物研究所,北京 100093; * 通讯联系人

Abstract: Two hundred and thirty rice germplasm resources were used to analyse their photosynthetic rates (P n) and function duration (RSP). The results showed that the variation coefficient of P n and RSP of individuals within a rice variety was 2.0%-11.0% and 3.5%-9.5%, but it was 11.1% and 11.2% among rice varieties, respectively. Analysis of statistics with experimental results showed that the difference of P n and RSP among rice varieties was significant at 1% level, but not between indica and japonica rice. The numbers of indica rice with high Pn and japonica rice with long RSP were relatively more. According to the clustering results, 42 rice varieties were separated into three groups, i.e. high, middle and low of P n and RSP, respectively. Two dimension compositor was made in rice varieties for Pn and RSP, and this coordinate was divided into 4 quadrants. The distribution frequency of indica and japonica rice varieties was the highest in the second and first quadrant, respectively. Some rice varieties regarded as special photosynthesis resources were screened out, such as Xieyou 9308, Lunhui 422, Wuyujing 8, NPT, Shanyou 129. They might be used to optimize rice crossing and study photosynthesis heredity improving in rice.

Key words: photosynthetic rate, photosynthetic function duration, germplasm resource, rice

摘要: 对230份水稻种质资源进行了光合速率及光合功能期测定,结果显示水稻种质资源的光合速率及光合功能期的品种内变异系数分别集中在2.0%~11.0%和3.5%~9.5%,而其品种间变异系数分别为11.1%和11.2%。统计分析表明,水稻品种间光合速率和光合功能期存在极显著差异,但籼、粳亚种间差异不显著。进一步分析籼粳亚种间品种分布,发现籼稻光合速率偏高者居多,而粳稻光合功能期偏长者居多,且其变异幅度大于籼稻。根据聚类结果,42个水稻品种可分别划分为光合速率高、中、低类和光合功能期长、中、短类3个类群。对供试水稻种质资源光合速率及光合功能期进行二维排序并将坐标分成4个象限。籼稻和粳稻分别在象限Ⅱ和I的分布频率最大,分别为33.4%和33.3%。从4个象限中选出一些具有特异光合性状的典型材料,如协优9308、轮回422、武育粳8号、NPT、汕优129等,可用于优化水稻杂交配组及光合遗传改良研究。

关键词: 光合速率, 光合功能期, 品种资源, 水稻