中国水稻科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (6): 628-641.DOI: 10.16819/j.1001-7216.2023.230403
吴玉红1, 李艳华2, 王吕1, 秦宇航1, 李杉杉2, 郝兴顺1,*(), 张庆路2,*(
), 崔月贞1, 肖飞1
WU Yuhong1, LI Yanhua2, WANG Lü1, QIN Yuhang1, LI Shanshan2, HAO Xingshun1,*(), ZHANG Qinglu2,*(
), CUI Yuezhen1, XIAO Fei1
About author:
First author contact:#These author contributed equally to this paper
【目的】 研究紫云英稻草联合还田与氮肥减量配施对水稻群体质量、产量、氮素吸收和稻米品质的影响,以期为水稻减肥、增效和提质提供理论依据。【方法】 田间试验于2019-2021年在陕西汉中进行,采用随机区组设计,设置4个处理:1)稻草不还田+常规施氮(GN100);2)紫云英稻草联合还田+常规施氮(GSN100);3)紫云英稻草联合还田+氮肥减量20%(GSN80);4)紫云英稻草联合还田+氮肥减量30%(GSN70)。水稻齐穗期和成熟期调查地上部生物量和籽粒产量,分析地上部含氮量和氮素累积量,测定籽粒外观品质、加工品质、蛋白质含量、直链淀粉含量和胶稠度。紫云英及紫云英+稻草氮素释放特征试验于2021年在水稻季进行,采用尼龙网袋填埋法,在埋设的第9、20、31、40、50、69、87、106、125、146天取样品测定腐解残体全氮含量。【结果】 与GN100相比,紫云英稻草联合还田各处理显著促进水稻齐穗期至成熟期地上部生长,其中群体生长速率显著增加39.83%。与GN100相比,GSN100、GSN80、GSN70处理下稻谷两年平均增产3.08%、7.21%和3.92%。紫云英稻草联合还田处理提高水稻齐穗期和成熟期穗干物质量,促进水稻齐穗期后干物质向穗的转运。与GN100相比,GSN100、GSN80和GSN70处理下齐穗期后干物质对穗的贡献率两年平均增幅分别为1.93%、23.59%和14.43%。紫云英稻草联合处理提高了成熟期茎和穗氮素累积量,与GN100处理相比,GSN100、GSN80和GSN70处理成熟期茎和穗氮素累积量两年平均增幅分别为40.74%和23.20%,且均表现为GSN80最高。稻米品质随着紫云英稻草联合还田年限的增加而明显改善。与GN100相比,紫云英稻草联合还田处理显著降低稻米直链淀粉和蛋白质含量,并能提高胶稠度,其中,直链淀粉降幅为7.54%~17.10%,蛋白质含量降幅为4.28%~5.88%,胶稠度增幅为2.64%~12.51%,且GSN80和GSN70改善效果更佳。同时,GSN80和GSN70显著降低稻米垩白粒率和垩白度。尼龙网袋腐解试验结果显示,紫云英稻草联合还田显著提高水稻生育后期土壤氮素供应水平,在填埋后106~146 d腐解期内氮素累积释放量较紫云英单一还田显著增加11.97%。【结论】 紫云英-水稻轮作下紫云英稻草联合还田,可提高水稻生育后期土壤氮素供应,促进水稻齐穗期后干物质积累、氮素吸收和氮素转运,提高水稻产量,降低稻米蛋白质和直链淀粉含量,增加胶稠度,提高稻米外观品质、加工品质和食味品质,而减氮20%~30%条件下更有利于构建高产群体,实现水稻产量和稻米品质协同提高。紫云英稻草联合还田氮肥减量20%~30%适宜优质籼稻增产、减肥、提质。
吴玉红, 李艳华, 王吕, 秦宇航, 李杉杉, 郝兴顺, 张庆路, 崔月贞, 肖飞. 陕南稻区紫云英稻草联合还田配施减量氮肥协同提升水稻产量与稻米品质[J]. 中国水稻科学, 2023, 37(6): 628-641.
WU Yuhong, LI Yanhua, WANG Lü, QIN Yuhang, LI Shanshan, HAO Xingshun, ZHANG Qinglu, CUI Yuezhen, XIAO Fei. Improvement of Yield and Quality of Rice by Combining Returning of Green Manure (Astragalus smicus L.) and Rice Straw with Reduced Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer in Southern Shaanxi Province[J]. Chinese Journal OF Rice Science, 2023, 37(6): 628-641.
年度 Year | 水稻Rice | 紫云英Chinese milk vetch | |||||
播种时间 Sowing date | 移栽时间 Transplanting date | 齐穗期 Full heading stage | 成熟期 Maturing stage | 播种时间 Sowing date | 翻压期Incorporating date | ||
2019-2020 | 2020-04-10 | 2020-05-26 | 2020-08-10 | 2020-09-23 | 2019-09-28 | 2020-04-24 | |
2020-2021 | 2021-04-10 | 2021-05-27 | 2021-08-05 | 2021-09-20 | 2020-09-30 | 2021-04-26 |
表1 水稻、紫云英主要生育时期
Table 1. Main growth stages of rice and Chinese milk vetch.
年度 Year | 水稻Rice | 紫云英Chinese milk vetch | |||||
播种时间 Sowing date | 移栽时间 Transplanting date | 齐穗期 Full heading stage | 成熟期 Maturing stage | 播种时间 Sowing date | 翻压期Incorporating date | ||
2019-2020 | 2020-04-10 | 2020-05-26 | 2020-08-10 | 2020-09-23 | 2019-09-28 | 2020-04-24 | |
2020-2021 | 2021-04-10 | 2021-05-27 | 2021-08-05 | 2021-09-20 | 2020-09-30 | 2021-04-26 |
图2 紫云英+稻秆氮素累积释放量的动态变化 方柱上方相同小写字母表示处理间在5%水平差异不显著。
Fig. 2. Dynamic changes of nitrogen release amount from straw-Chinese milk vetch returning. Common lowercase letters above the bars indicate no significant difference among treatments at the 5% level.
图3 紫云英稻草联合还田与氮肥减量对水稻抽穗期至成熟期群体生长速率的影响 GN100-紫云英翻压稻草不还田+常规施氮;GSN100-紫云英稻草联合还田+常规施氮;GSN80-紫云英稻草联合还田+氮肥减量20%;GSN70-紫云英稻草联合还田+氮肥减量30%。Y-年度;N-氮肥;Y×N-年度和氮肥的交互作用。方柱上方相同小写字母表示处理间在5%水平上差异不显著;**, P<0.01。
Fig. 3. Effect of straw-Chinese milk vetch returning and nitrogen reduction on crop growth rate from heading stage to maturity stage. GN100, Chinese milk vetch with no rice straw returning and conventional nitrogen application; GSN100, Incorporating winter-planted milk vetch and rice straw into the field with conventional nitrogen application; GSN80, Incorporating winter-planted milk vetch and rice straw into the field with a 20% reduction in nitrogen fertilizer; GSN70, Incorporating winter-planted milk vetch and rice straw into the field with a 30% reduction in nitrogen fertilizer. Y, Year; N, Nitrogen; Y×N, Interaction between year and nitrogen fertilizer. Common lowercase letters above the bars indicate no significant difference among treatments at the 5% level; **, P<0.01.
图4 紫云英稻草联合还田与氮肥减量对水稻籽粒产量的影响 方柱上方相同小写字母表示处理间在5%水平上差异不显著;**, P<0.01。
Fig. 4. Effect of straw-Chinese milk vetch returning and nitrogen reduction on rice yield. Common lowercase letters above the bars indicate no significant difference among treatments at the 5% level; **, P<0.01.
年度 Year | 处理 Treatment | 齐穗期Full heading stage | 成熟期Ripening stage | ||||||
茎鞘 Stem and sheath | 叶片 Leaf | 穗 Panicle | 茎鞘 Stem and sheath | 叶片 Leaf | 穗 Panicle | ||||
2020 | GN100 | 6.15±0.10 b | 3.63±0.22 a | 1.90±0.18 b | 4.17±0.40 b | 2.86±0.15 a | 8.55±0.33 c | ||
GSN100 | 7.13±0.34 a | 3.60±0.13 a | 2.16±0.13 ab | 4.44±0.37 b | 3.25±0.21 a | 10.46±1.27 b | |||
GSN80 | 6.58±0.07 b | 3.58±0.13 a | 2.41±0.05 a | 5.42±0.16 a | 3.05±0.08 a | 11.88±0.44 a | |||
GSN70 | 7.36±0.09 a | 3.41±0.09 a | 2.17±0.14 ab | 5.07±0.29 a | 3.15±0.34 a | 10.32±0.18 b | |||
平均值Mean | 6.81±0.55 | 3.55±0.10 | 2.16±0.21 | 4.77±0.58 | 3.08±0.17 | 10.30±1.36 | |||
2021 | GN100 | 6.60±0.02 a | 3.29±0.03 b | 1.85±0.06 b | 3.18±0.16 c | 2.37±0.27 a | 10.51±0.13 c | ||
GSN100 | 6.79±0.20 a | 3.98±0.18 a | 2.03±0.10 b | 3.86±0.21 b | 2.07±0.13 a | 11.14±0.15 b | |||
GSN80 | 6.81±0.24 a | 3.82±0.17 a | 2.43±0.17 a | 3.82±0.08 b | 2.18±0.13 a | 12.06±0.15 a | |||
GSN70 | 6.84±0.40 a | 3.72±0.21 a | 2.19±0.19 ab | 4.35±0.03 a | 2.06±0.11 a | 11.34±0.12 b | |||
平均值Mean | 6.76±0.11 | 3.70±0.30 | 2.15±0.21 | 3.80±0.148 | 2.17±0.14 | 11.24±0.78 | |||
F值 F value | |||||||||
年度Year(Y) | 0.12 | 103.99** | 0.01 | 265.65** | 135.13* | 145.65** | |||
氮肥Nitrogen(N) | 10.15** | 2.13 | 8.15** | 18.24** | 0.09 | 18.19** | |||
Y×N | 5.17* | 2.73 | 0.3 | 4.14* | 3.27 | 2.58 |
表2 紫云英稻草联合还田与氮肥减量对水稻不同生育期各器官干物质量的影响
Table 2. Effect of straw-Chinese milk vetch returning and nitrogen reduction on dry weight of each part of rice at different growth stages. t/hm2
年度 Year | 处理 Treatment | 齐穗期Full heading stage | 成熟期Ripening stage | ||||||
茎鞘 Stem and sheath | 叶片 Leaf | 穗 Panicle | 茎鞘 Stem and sheath | 叶片 Leaf | 穗 Panicle | ||||
2020 | GN100 | 6.15±0.10 b | 3.63±0.22 a | 1.90±0.18 b | 4.17±0.40 b | 2.86±0.15 a | 8.55±0.33 c | ||
GSN100 | 7.13±0.34 a | 3.60±0.13 a | 2.16±0.13 ab | 4.44±0.37 b | 3.25±0.21 a | 10.46±1.27 b | |||
GSN80 | 6.58±0.07 b | 3.58±0.13 a | 2.41±0.05 a | 5.42±0.16 a | 3.05±0.08 a | 11.88±0.44 a | |||
GSN70 | 7.36±0.09 a | 3.41±0.09 a | 2.17±0.14 ab | 5.07±0.29 a | 3.15±0.34 a | 10.32±0.18 b | |||
平均值Mean | 6.81±0.55 | 3.55±0.10 | 2.16±0.21 | 4.77±0.58 | 3.08±0.17 | 10.30±1.36 | |||
2021 | GN100 | 6.60±0.02 a | 3.29±0.03 b | 1.85±0.06 b | 3.18±0.16 c | 2.37±0.27 a | 10.51±0.13 c | ||
GSN100 | 6.79±0.20 a | 3.98±0.18 a | 2.03±0.10 b | 3.86±0.21 b | 2.07±0.13 a | 11.14±0.15 b | |||
GSN80 | 6.81±0.24 a | 3.82±0.17 a | 2.43±0.17 a | 3.82±0.08 b | 2.18±0.13 a | 12.06±0.15 a | |||
GSN70 | 6.84±0.40 a | 3.72±0.21 a | 2.19±0.19 ab | 4.35±0.03 a | 2.06±0.11 a | 11.34±0.12 b | |||
平均值Mean | 6.76±0.11 | 3.70±0.30 | 2.15±0.21 | 3.80±0.148 | 2.17±0.14 | 11.24±0.78 | |||
F值 F value | |||||||||
年度Year(Y) | 0.12 | 103.99** | 0.01 | 265.65** | 135.13* | 145.65** | |||
氮肥Nitrogen(N) | 10.15** | 2.13 | 8.15** | 18.24** | 0.09 | 18.19** | |||
Y×N | 5.17* | 2.73 | 0.3 | 4.14* | 3.27 | 2.58 |
图 5 紫云英稻草联合还田与氮肥减量处理下水稻齐穗期后干物质对穗的贡献率 方柱上方相同小写字母表示处理间在5%水平上差异不显著;*, P<0.05。
Fig. 5. Contribution rate of dry matter to panicle after heading under straw-Chinese milk vetch returning and nitrogen reduction. Common lowercase letters above the bars indicate no significant difference among treatments at the 5% level; *, P<0.05.
年度 Year | 处理 Treatments | 齐穗期Full heading stage | 成熟期Ripening stage | ||||||
茎氮素累积量 Stem nitrogen accumulation | 叶氮素累积量 Leaf nitrogen accumulation | 穗氮素累积量 Panicle nitrogen accumulation | 茎氮素累积量 Stem nitrogen accumulation | 叶氮素累积量 Leaf nitrogen accumulation | 穗氮素累积量 Panicle nitrogen accumulation | ||||
2020 | GN100 | 37.35±0.42 c | 88.94±8.18 a | 19.50±1.34 b | 16.16±1.06 b | 23.30±1.89 c | 65.42±2.11 c | ||
GRN100 | 50.66±1.89 ab | 81.89±4.67 ab | 23.01±1.52 ab | 23.09±3.53 a | 37.13±2.35 a | 87.80±7.04 ab | |||
GRN80 | 54.21±2.05 a | 80.52±2.14 ab | 25.00±0.59 a | 25.87±0.94 a | 30.75±1.79 b | 94.94±5.00 a | |||
GRN70 | 48.33±2.17 b | 75.09±3.28 b | 23.51±2.06 ab | 25.11±1.12 a | 33.93±3.85 ab | 83.17±6.58 b | |||
平均值Mean | 47.64±7.27 | 81.61±5.70 | 22.76±2.33 | 22.56±4.42 | 31.38± 5.92 | 82.83±12.58 | |||
2021 | GN100 | 43.49±1.70 a | 86.62±0.67 b | 18.66±0.08 c | 19.80±0.37 c | 27.49±3.90 ab | 100.55±3.71 b | ||
GRN100 | 40.24±0.12 b | 91.50±1.27 a | 20.19±1.04 bc | 27.46±0.93 a | 29.66±0.62 a | 115.03±4.72 a | |||
GRN80 | 38.81±0.05 b | 80.53±2.02 c | 21.87±1.23 ab | 25.04±1.07 b | 23.54±0.62 b | 116.89±0.19 a | |||
GRN70 | 36.10±1.34 c | 74.19±2.64 d | 23.04±2.47 a | 23.95±0.37 b | 24.65±2.28 b | 102.64±3.38 b | |||
平均值Mean | 39.66±0.84 | 83.21±7.50 | 20.94±1.92 | 24.06±3.91 | 26.33±2.77 | 108.78±8.37 | |||
F值 F value | |||||||||
年度Year(Y) | 459.98** | 4.91 | 3.76 | 6.85 | 289.20** | 146.04** | |||
氮肥Nitrogen(N) | 15.39** | 8.21* | 6.42** | 40.90** | 10.08** | 27.66** | |||
Y×N | 44.76** | 1.63 | 0.72 | 6.74** | 8.02** | 3.24 |
表3 紫云英稻草联合还田与氮肥减量对水稻不同生育期各器官氮素累积量的影响
Table 3. Effect of straw-Chinese milk vetch returing and nitrogen reduction on nitrogen accumulation in different organs of rice at different growth stages. kg/hm2
年度 Year | 处理 Treatments | 齐穗期Full heading stage | 成熟期Ripening stage | ||||||
茎氮素累积量 Stem nitrogen accumulation | 叶氮素累积量 Leaf nitrogen accumulation | 穗氮素累积量 Panicle nitrogen accumulation | 茎氮素累积量 Stem nitrogen accumulation | 叶氮素累积量 Leaf nitrogen accumulation | 穗氮素累积量 Panicle nitrogen accumulation | ||||
2020 | GN100 | 37.35±0.42 c | 88.94±8.18 a | 19.50±1.34 b | 16.16±1.06 b | 23.30±1.89 c | 65.42±2.11 c | ||
GRN100 | 50.66±1.89 ab | 81.89±4.67 ab | 23.01±1.52 ab | 23.09±3.53 a | 37.13±2.35 a | 87.80±7.04 ab | |||
GRN80 | 54.21±2.05 a | 80.52±2.14 ab | 25.00±0.59 a | 25.87±0.94 a | 30.75±1.79 b | 94.94±5.00 a | |||
GRN70 | 48.33±2.17 b | 75.09±3.28 b | 23.51±2.06 ab | 25.11±1.12 a | 33.93±3.85 ab | 83.17±6.58 b | |||
平均值Mean | 47.64±7.27 | 81.61±5.70 | 22.76±2.33 | 22.56±4.42 | 31.38± 5.92 | 82.83±12.58 | |||
2021 | GN100 | 43.49±1.70 a | 86.62±0.67 b | 18.66±0.08 c | 19.80±0.37 c | 27.49±3.90 ab | 100.55±3.71 b | ||
GRN100 | 40.24±0.12 b | 91.50±1.27 a | 20.19±1.04 bc | 27.46±0.93 a | 29.66±0.62 a | 115.03±4.72 a | |||
GRN80 | 38.81±0.05 b | 80.53±2.02 c | 21.87±1.23 ab | 25.04±1.07 b | 23.54±0.62 b | 116.89±0.19 a | |||
GRN70 | 36.10±1.34 c | 74.19±2.64 d | 23.04±2.47 a | 23.95±0.37 b | 24.65±2.28 b | 102.64±3.38 b | |||
平均值Mean | 39.66±0.84 | 83.21±7.50 | 20.94±1.92 | 24.06±3.91 | 26.33±2.77 | 108.78±8.37 | |||
F值 F value | |||||||||
年度Year(Y) | 459.98** | 4.91 | 3.76 | 6.85 | 289.20** | 146.04** | |||
氮肥Nitrogen(N) | 15.39** | 8.21* | 6.42** | 40.90** | 10.08** | 27.66** | |||
Y×N | 44.76** | 1.63 | 0.72 | 6.74** | 8.02** | 3.24 |
年度 Year | 处理 Treatment | 垩白粒率 Chalky grain rate/% | 垩白度 Chalkiness/% | 出糙率 Brown rice rate/% | 精米率 Milled rice rate/% | 精整米率 Head rice rate/% |
2020 | GN100 | 12.01±0.74 a | 3.49±0.21 a | 80.40±0.31 a | 70.51±0.54 a | 64.93±1.11 a |
GSN100 | 10.31±0.57 a | 2.91±0.14 b | 79.72±0.11 a | 69.68±0.50 a | 64.78±1.14 a | |
GSN80 | 11.78±1.53 a | 3.59±0.38 a | 80.12±0.65 a | 70.19±0.54 a | 64.39±0.93 a | |
GSN70 | 12.19±1.67 a | 3.67±0.48 a | 79.88±1.33 a | 69.74±1.66 a | 62.84±2.43 a | |
平均值Mean | 11.57±0.86 | 3.41±0.34 | 80.03±0.30 | 70.03±0.39 | 64.24±0.69 | |
2021 | GN100 | 9.06±0.13 a | 2.46±0.03 a | 80.04±0.50 a | 71.67±0.41 b | 66.75±0.49 a |
GSN100 | 6.87±0.10 bc | 2.26±0.08 b | 79.24±0.20 a | 70.42±0.09 d | 66.32±0.33 a | |
GSN80 | 6.68±0.33 c | 1.85±0.03 c | 79.00±0.21 a | 73.02±0.25 a | 66.12±0.22 a | |
GSN70 | 7.20±0.16 b | 1.85±0.01 c | 78.44±0.20 a | 70.98±0.29 c | 65.26±0.56 a | |
平均值Mean | 7.45±1.09 | 2.11±0.31 | 79.18±0.66 | 71.70±1.12 | 66.12±0.63 | |
F值 F value | ||||||
年度Year(Y) | 79.70* | 116.87** | 18.58* | 100.64** | 15.36* | |
氮肥Nitrogen(N) | 6.44** | 10.69** | 4.66* | 3.91* | 2.16 | |
Y×N | 3.37 | 4.86 | 0.77 | 3.67* | 0.54 |
表4 紫云英稻草联合还田与氮肥减量对水稻外观品质和加工品质的影响
Table 4. Effect of straw-Chinese milk vetch returning and nitrogen reduction on rice appearance quality and processing quality.
年度 Year | 处理 Treatment | 垩白粒率 Chalky grain rate/% | 垩白度 Chalkiness/% | 出糙率 Brown rice rate/% | 精米率 Milled rice rate/% | 精整米率 Head rice rate/% |
2020 | GN100 | 12.01±0.74 a | 3.49±0.21 a | 80.40±0.31 a | 70.51±0.54 a | 64.93±1.11 a |
GSN100 | 10.31±0.57 a | 2.91±0.14 b | 79.72±0.11 a | 69.68±0.50 a | 64.78±1.14 a | |
GSN80 | 11.78±1.53 a | 3.59±0.38 a | 80.12±0.65 a | 70.19±0.54 a | 64.39±0.93 a | |
GSN70 | 12.19±1.67 a | 3.67±0.48 a | 79.88±1.33 a | 69.74±1.66 a | 62.84±2.43 a | |
平均值Mean | 11.57±0.86 | 3.41±0.34 | 80.03±0.30 | 70.03±0.39 | 64.24±0.69 | |
2021 | GN100 | 9.06±0.13 a | 2.46±0.03 a | 80.04±0.50 a | 71.67±0.41 b | 66.75±0.49 a |
GSN100 | 6.87±0.10 bc | 2.26±0.08 b | 79.24±0.20 a | 70.42±0.09 d | 66.32±0.33 a | |
GSN80 | 6.68±0.33 c | 1.85±0.03 c | 79.00±0.21 a | 73.02±0.25 a | 66.12±0.22 a | |
GSN70 | 7.20±0.16 b | 1.85±0.01 c | 78.44±0.20 a | 70.98±0.29 c | 65.26±0.56 a | |
平均值Mean | 7.45±1.09 | 2.11±0.31 | 79.18±0.66 | 71.70±1.12 | 66.12±0.63 | |
F值 F value | ||||||
年度Year(Y) | 79.70* | 116.87** | 18.58* | 100.64** | 15.36* | |
氮肥Nitrogen(N) | 6.44** | 10.69** | 4.66* | 3.91* | 2.16 | |
Y×N | 3.37 | 4.86 | 0.77 | 3.67* | 0.54 |
年度 Year | 处理 Treatment | 直链淀粉含量 Amylose content/% | 蛋白质含量 Protein content/% | 胶稠度 Gel consistency/mm |
2020 | GN100 | 19.02±0.29 a | 6.72±0.15 a | 90.67±4.10 a |
GSN100 | 18.63±0.32 a | 6.60±0.40 ab | 85.78±1.02 bc | |
GSN80 | 18.93±0.15 a | 6.18±0.14 b | 83.22±2.46 c | |
GSN70 | 19.16±0.36 a | 6.25±0.18 b | 89.22±1.02 ab | |
平均值Mean | 18.93±0.23 | 6.44±0.26 | 87.22±3.36 | |
2021 | GN100 | 21.35±0.86 a | 8.17±0.05 a | 76.20±2.48 b |
GSN100 | 19.74±0.38 b | 7.69±0.08 b | 78.21±0.89 b | |
GSN80 | 19.21±1.15 bc | 7.69±0.37 b | 80.51±3.86 b | |
GSN70 | 17.70±0.64 c | 7.82±0.13 b | 85.73±2.51 a | |
平均值Mean | 19.50±1.50 | 7.84±0.23 | 80.29±4.04 | |
F值 F value | ||||
年度Year(Y) | 11.74 | 215.32** | 376.03** | |
氮肥Nitrogen(N) | 8.30** | 6.50** | 5.70 | |
Y×N | 10.01** | 7.09** | 1.36 |
表5 紫云英稻草联合还田与氮肥减量对水稻营养品质和蒸食品质的影响
Table 5. Effect of straw-Chinese milk vetch returning and nitrogen reduction on rice nutritional quality and cooking quality.
年度 Year | 处理 Treatment | 直链淀粉含量 Amylose content/% | 蛋白质含量 Protein content/% | 胶稠度 Gel consistency/mm |
2020 | GN100 | 19.02±0.29 a | 6.72±0.15 a | 90.67±4.10 a |
GSN100 | 18.63±0.32 a | 6.60±0.40 ab | 85.78±1.02 bc | |
GSN80 | 18.93±0.15 a | 6.18±0.14 b | 83.22±2.46 c | |
GSN70 | 19.16±0.36 a | 6.25±0.18 b | 89.22±1.02 ab | |
平均值Mean | 18.93±0.23 | 6.44±0.26 | 87.22±3.36 | |
2021 | GN100 | 21.35±0.86 a | 8.17±0.05 a | 76.20±2.48 b |
GSN100 | 19.74±0.38 b | 7.69±0.08 b | 78.21±0.89 b | |
GSN80 | 19.21±1.15 bc | 7.69±0.37 b | 80.51±3.86 b | |
GSN70 | 17.70±0.64 c | 7.82±0.13 b | 85.73±2.51 a | |
平均值Mean | 19.50±1.50 | 7.84±0.23 | 80.29±4.04 | |
F值 F value | ||||
年度Year(Y) | 11.74 | 215.32** | 376.03** | |
氮肥Nitrogen(N) | 8.30** | 6.50** | 5.70 | |
Y×N | 10.01** | 7.09** | 1.36 |
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