中国水稻科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 383-395.DOI: 10.16819/j.1001-7216.2021.200603
黄锦文1,#, 吴珈谊1,#, 陈鸿飞1, 张志兴1, 方长旬1, 邵彩虹2, 林伟伟1, 翁佩莹1, 林文雄1,*()
Jinwen HUANG1,#, Jiayi WU1,#, Hongfei CHEN1, Zhixing ZHANG1, Changxun FANG1, Caihong SHAO2, Weiwei LIN1, Peiying WENG1, Wenxiong LIN1,*()
Wenxiong LIN
About author:
#These authors contributed equally to this work
【目的】再生稻是头季稻生长的延续。本研究尝试从根际微生态系统的变化来阐明机械化栽培下头季稻氮肥管理对头季-再生季水稻产量形成的影响,为再生稻高产高效栽培提供参考。【方法】以“甬优1540”为材料,通过2年的田间试验,在头季总施氮量(225.00 kg/hm2)不变的前提下,设置头季不同氮肥运筹处理,分析了机械化栽培下再生稻产量、根系伤流强度、根际土壤酶活性及其微生物多样性的变化特点。【结果】头季前氮后移施肥处理(N1、N2)有助于根系保持较高活力,尤其在头季生长中后期N1处理(基肥∶一次分蘖肥∶二次分蘖肥∶孕穗肥=3∶1∶2∶4)根系伤流强度比对照(N0)和当地常规施肥处理(N4)显著提高;N1处理两季总产量最高,2年平均达17 351.23 kg/hm2,比当地常规施肥处理(N4)提高了23.00%。土壤酶活性分析表明,蔗糖酶活性在头季齐穗期表现为N2>N1>N3>N4>N0,之后则表现为N1>N2>N3>N4>N0;过氧化氢酶与硝酸还原酶活性在头季生长期均表现为N1>N2>N3>N4>N0;脲酶活性从头季齐穗期至再生季齐穗始终表现为N1>N2>N3>N4>N0;各生育时期土壤酶活性与根系伤流强度间均呈显著或极显著正相关。细菌 16S rDNA 测序表明,施肥与不施肥处理细菌群落结构多样性差异显著,N1处理细菌 Chao1 指数和香农指数显著高于其他处理。菌群结构分析表明,施肥处理增加了与土壤碳氮循环、有机质含量及抗逆性密切相关的细菌数量,尤其是N1、N2处理硝化螺旋菌属相对丰度较高,有利土壤氮素循环。【结论】机械化栽培下,头季氮肥适当后移有利于再生稻根际微生态系统的改善,从而提高根系活力,促进水稻生长,获得两季水稻的高产。
黄锦文, 吴珈谊, 陈鸿飞, 张志兴, 方长旬, 邵彩虹, 林伟伟, 翁佩莹, 林文雄. 头季稻氮肥运筹对再生稻根际机能及产量的影响[J]. 中国水稻科学, 2021, 35(4): 383-395.
Jinwen HUANG, Jiayi WU, Hongfei CHEN, Zhixing ZHANG, Changxun FANG, Caihong SHAO, Weiwei LIN, Peiying WENG, Wenxiong LIN. Nitrogen Fertilizer Management for Main Crop Rice and Its Carrying-over Effect on Rhizosphere Function and Yield of Ratoon Rice[J]. Chinese Journal OF Rice Science, 2021, 35(4): 383-395.
处理 Treatment | B∶T1∶T2∶RB | 头季稻 Main crop rice | 再生稻 Ratoon rice | ||||||
B | T1 | T2 | RB | BP | SP | ||||
N0 | 0:0:0:0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | ||
N1 | 3:1:2:4 | 67.50 | 22.50 | 45.00 | 90.00 | 86.25 | 86.25 | ||
N2 | 3:2:1:4 | 67.50 | 45.00 | 22.50 | 90.00 | 86.25 | 86.25 | ||
N3 | 3:3:0:4 | 67.50 | 67.50 | 0.00 | 90.00 | 86.25 | 86.25 | ||
N4 | 4:3:0:3 | 90.00 | 67.50 | 0.00 | 67.50 | 86.25 | 86.25 |
表1 头季-再生季水稻不同施氮比例处理
Table 1 Different nitrogen fertilizer management of the main-ratoon rice. kg/hm2
处理 Treatment | B∶T1∶T2∶RB | 头季稻 Main crop rice | 再生稻 Ratoon rice | ||||||
B | T1 | T2 | RB | BP | SP | ||||
N0 | 0:0:0:0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | ||
N1 | 3:1:2:4 | 67.50 | 22.50 | 45.00 | 90.00 | 86.25 | 86.25 | ||
N2 | 3:2:1:4 | 67.50 | 45.00 | 22.50 | 90.00 | 86.25 | 86.25 | ||
N3 | 3:3:0:4 | 67.50 | 67.50 | 0.00 | 90.00 | 86.25 | 86.25 | ||
N4 | 4:3:0:3 | 90.00 | 67.50 | 0.00 | 67.50 | 86.25 | 86.25 |
年份 Year | 处理 Treatment | 头季稻产量 Yield of main crop rice | 再生季产量 Yield of ratoon rice | 两季总产量 Total yield |
2017 | N0 | 6352.65 c | 3968.36 c | 10321.01 c |
N1 | 10576.36 a | 6563.98 a | 17140.34 a | |
N2 | 9812.34 ab | 6158.74 a | 15971.08 ab | |
N3 | 9236.65 b | 5963.01 ab | 15199.66 ab | |
N4 | 8516.35 b | 5528.24 b | 14044.59 b | |
2018 | N0 | 7098.58 c | 2836.32 d | 9934.90 d |
N1 | 10458.65 a | 7103.47 a | 17562.12 a | |
N2 | 9583.21 ab | 6700.40 ab | 16283.61 ab | |
N3 | 9178.23 b | 5919.18 bc | 15097.41 bc | |
N4 | 8845.52 b | 5324.15 c | 14169.67 c | |
F值 | Y | NS | NS | NS |
F value | N | ** | ** | ** |
N×Y | NS | NS | NS |
表2 头季稻氮肥运筹对头季-再生季水稻产量的影响
Table 2 Changes of rice yield under different nitrogen application levels of the main cropping rice. kg/hm2
年份 Year | 处理 Treatment | 头季稻产量 Yield of main crop rice | 再生季产量 Yield of ratoon rice | 两季总产量 Total yield |
2017 | N0 | 6352.65 c | 3968.36 c | 10321.01 c |
N1 | 10576.36 a | 6563.98 a | 17140.34 a | |
N2 | 9812.34 ab | 6158.74 a | 15971.08 ab | |
N3 | 9236.65 b | 5963.01 ab | 15199.66 ab | |
N4 | 8516.35 b | 5528.24 b | 14044.59 b | |
2018 | N0 | 7098.58 c | 2836.32 d | 9934.90 d |
N1 | 10458.65 a | 7103.47 a | 17562.12 a | |
N2 | 9583.21 ab | 6700.40 ab | 16283.61 ab | |
N3 | 9178.23 b | 5919.18 bc | 15097.41 bc | |
N4 | 8845.52 b | 5324.15 c | 14169.67 c | |
F值 | Y | NS | NS | NS |
F value | N | ** | ** | ** |
N×Y | NS | NS | NS |
稻作类型 Cropping system | 处理 Treatment | 有效穗数 Effective panicle number /(×104·hm-2) | 每穗粒数 No. of grains per panicle | 千粒重 1000-grain weight/g | 结实率 Seed setting rate/% | 理论产量 Theoretical yield /(kg·hm-2) |
头季稻 Main cropping | N0 | 194.46 c | 183.72 c | 21.33 a | 93.29 a | 7104.38 c |
N1 | 273.17 a | 207.07 a | 20.81 a | 92.84 a | 10925.65 a | |
N2 | 252.02 ab | 212.99 a | 21.05 a | 92.96 a | 10504.02 a | |
N3 | 223.57 bc | 196.71 b | 21.35 a | 94.50 a | 8864.32 b | |
N4 | 226.23 bc | 189.20 c | 21.47 a | 93.68 a | 8593.92 b | |
再生稻 Ratoon cropping | N0 | 234.66 c | 95.96 b | 21.34 a | 74.94 c | 3675.70 d |
N1 | 346.98 a | 111.43 a | 21.23 a | 80.71 ab | 6565.22 a | |
N2 | 325.16 ab | 113.26 a | 21.17 a | 83.20 a | 6423.46 ab | |
N3 | 310.44 b | 108.66 ab | 21.44 a | 79.63 bc | 5699.54 bc | |
N4 | 297.58 b | 103.32 ab | 21.28 a | 82.69 a | 5350.69 c |
表3 头季-再生季水稻产量及产量构成因素变化(2年平均值)
Table 3 Grain yield and its components of main cropping and its ratoon rice.
稻作类型 Cropping system | 处理 Treatment | 有效穗数 Effective panicle number /(×104·hm-2) | 每穗粒数 No. of grains per panicle | 千粒重 1000-grain weight/g | 结实率 Seed setting rate/% | 理论产量 Theoretical yield /(kg·hm-2) |
头季稻 Main cropping | N0 | 194.46 c | 183.72 c | 21.33 a | 93.29 a | 7104.38 c |
N1 | 273.17 a | 207.07 a | 20.81 a | 92.84 a | 10925.65 a | |
N2 | 252.02 ab | 212.99 a | 21.05 a | 92.96 a | 10504.02 a | |
N3 | 223.57 bc | 196.71 b | 21.35 a | 94.50 a | 8864.32 b | |
N4 | 226.23 bc | 189.20 c | 21.47 a | 93.68 a | 8593.92 b | |
再生稻 Ratoon cropping | N0 | 234.66 c | 95.96 b | 21.34 a | 74.94 c | 3675.70 d |
N1 | 346.98 a | 111.43 a | 21.23 a | 80.71 ab | 6565.22 a | |
N2 | 325.16 ab | 113.26 a | 21.17 a | 83.20 a | 6423.46 ab | |
N3 | 310.44 b | 108.66 ab | 21.44 a | 79.63 bc | 5699.54 bc | |
N4 | 297.58 b | 103.32 ab | 21.28 a | 82.69 a | 5350.69 c |
相关因素 Correlative factor | 根系伤流强度 Root bleeding intensity | |||
头季齐穗期 Full heading stage of main crop | 头季成熟期 Ripening stage of main crop | 再生季齐穗期 Full heading stage of ratoon rice | 再生季成熟期 Ripening stage of ratoon rice | |
有效穗数Number of productive panicles | 0.8705** | 0.8789** | 0.6712** | 0.6977** |
每穗粒数Number of spikelet per panicle | 0.3786 | 0.4912 | 0.1752 | 0.5793* |
结实率Seed setting rate | 0.2888 | 0.3533 | 0.3841 | 0.4579 |
千粒重1000-grain weight | 0.3668 | 0.3049 | 0.2369 | 0.0464 |
产量Grain yield | 0.8669** | 0.9651** | 0.6682** | 0.8395** |
表4 水稻根系伤流强度与再生季产量及其构成因素的相关性
Table 4 Analysis of correlation between root bleeding intensity and grain yield and its components.
相关因素 Correlative factor | 根系伤流强度 Root bleeding intensity | |||
头季齐穗期 Full heading stage of main crop | 头季成熟期 Ripening stage of main crop | 再生季齐穗期 Full heading stage of ratoon rice | 再生季成熟期 Ripening stage of ratoon rice | |
有效穗数Number of productive panicles | 0.8705** | 0.8789** | 0.6712** | 0.6977** |
每穗粒数Number of spikelet per panicle | 0.3786 | 0.4912 | 0.1752 | 0.5793* |
结实率Seed setting rate | 0.2888 | 0.3533 | 0.3841 | 0.4579 |
千粒重1000-grain weight | 0.3668 | 0.3049 | 0.2369 | 0.0464 |
产量Grain yield | 0.8669** | 0.9651** | 0.6682** | 0.8395** |
测定指标 Item | 处理 Treatment | 生育时期Stage of growth | |||
头季齐穗期 Full heading stage of main crop | 头季成熟期 Ripening stage of main crop | 再生季齐穗期 Full heading stage of ratoon rice | 再生季成熟期 Ripening stage of ratoon rice | ||
蔗糖酶活性 Sucrase activity /(mg·kg-1d-1) | N0 | 12.95 e | 1.04 d | 5.87 d | 3.23 c |
N1 | 32.61 b | 7.15 a | 11.61 a | 7.48 a | |
N2 | 35.11 a | 3.37 b | 10.84 ab | 4.29 b | |
N3 | 18.92 c | 2.22 c | 9.95 b | 4.93 b | |
N4 | 14.83 d | 1.82 c | 7.46 c | 5.10 b | |
过氧化氢酶活性 Hydrogen peroxidase activity /(mL·g-1) | N0 | 1.29 d | 1.19 c | 1.33 b | 1.16 b |
N1 | 1.78 a | 1.57 a | 1.60 a | 1.40 a | |
N2 | 1.72 ab | 1.54 a | 1.60 a | 1.37 a | |
N3 | 1.64 bc | 1.41 b | 1.57 a | 1.35 a | |
N4 | 1.55 c | 1.32 bc | 1.52 a | 1.34 a | |
脲酶 Urease activity /(μg·g-1d-1) | N0 | 209.24 d | 168.87 c | 152.27 d | 125.11 b |
N1 | 393.72 a | 235.20 a | 263.19 a | 179.82 a | |
N2 | 375.15 a | 227.52 a | 249.72 ab | 170.45 a | |
N3 | 343.38 b | 198.88 b | 220.24 b | 168.44 a | |
N4 | 311.29 c | 188.56 b | 219.70 c | 160.45 a | |
硝酸还原酶 Nitrate reductase activity /(μg·g-1d-1) | N0 | 6.40 d | 3.51 d | 3.84 b | 1.59 b |
N1 | 10.37 a | 7.50 a | 8.27 a | 4.36 a | |
N2 | 9.85 ab | 6.91 ab | 7.84 a | 4.41 a | |
N3 | 8.60 bc | 6.07 b | 7.37 a | 4.31 a | |
N4 | 7.19 cd | 5.65 c | 7.33 a | 4.17 a |
表5 根际土壤酶活性随水稻生育时期变化情况
Table 5 Changes of enzymatic activities in rhizosphere soil during rice growth period.
测定指标 Item | 处理 Treatment | 生育时期Stage of growth | |||
头季齐穗期 Full heading stage of main crop | 头季成熟期 Ripening stage of main crop | 再生季齐穗期 Full heading stage of ratoon rice | 再生季成熟期 Ripening stage of ratoon rice | ||
蔗糖酶活性 Sucrase activity /(mg·kg-1d-1) | N0 | 12.95 e | 1.04 d | 5.87 d | 3.23 c |
N1 | 32.61 b | 7.15 a | 11.61 a | 7.48 a | |
N2 | 35.11 a | 3.37 b | 10.84 ab | 4.29 b | |
N3 | 18.92 c | 2.22 c | 9.95 b | 4.93 b | |
N4 | 14.83 d | 1.82 c | 7.46 c | 5.10 b | |
过氧化氢酶活性 Hydrogen peroxidase activity /(mL·g-1) | N0 | 1.29 d | 1.19 c | 1.33 b | 1.16 b |
N1 | 1.78 a | 1.57 a | 1.60 a | 1.40 a | |
N2 | 1.72 ab | 1.54 a | 1.60 a | 1.37 a | |
N3 | 1.64 bc | 1.41 b | 1.57 a | 1.35 a | |
N4 | 1.55 c | 1.32 bc | 1.52 a | 1.34 a | |
脲酶 Urease activity /(μg·g-1d-1) | N0 | 209.24 d | 168.87 c | 152.27 d | 125.11 b |
N1 | 393.72 a | 235.20 a | 263.19 a | 179.82 a | |
N2 | 375.15 a | 227.52 a | 249.72 ab | 170.45 a | |
N3 | 343.38 b | 198.88 b | 220.24 b | 168.44 a | |
N4 | 311.29 c | 188.56 b | 219.70 c | 160.45 a | |
硝酸还原酶 Nitrate reductase activity /(μg·g-1d-1) | N0 | 6.40 d | 3.51 d | 3.84 b | 1.59 b |
N1 | 10.37 a | 7.50 a | 8.27 a | 4.36 a | |
N2 | 9.85 ab | 6.91 ab | 7.84 a | 4.41 a | |
N3 | 8.60 bc | 6.07 b | 7.37 a | 4.31 a | |
N4 | 7.19 cd | 5.65 c | 7.33 a | 4.17 a |
相关因素 Correlative factors | 根系伤流强度Root bleeding intensity | |||
头季齐穗期 Full heading stage of main crop | 头季成熟期 Ripening stage of main crop | 再生季齐穗期 Full heading stage of ratoon rice | 再生季成熟期 Ripening stage of ratoon rice | |
蔗糖酶活性Sucrase activity | 0.8263** | 0.7572** | 0.8096** | 0.6776** |
过氧化氢酶活性Hydrogen peroxidase activity | 0.9077** | 0.9012** | 0.8023** | 0.7778** |
脲酶Urease activity | 0.8817** | 0.8999** | 0.8299** | 0.8073** |
硝酸还原酶Nitrate reductase activity | 0.8843** | 0.9272** | 0.6319* | 0.7565** |
表6 根系伤流强度与土壤酶活性的相关性分析
Table 6 Analysis of correlation between root bleeding intensity and soil enzyme activities.
相关因素 Correlative factors | 根系伤流强度Root bleeding intensity | |||
头季齐穗期 Full heading stage of main crop | 头季成熟期 Ripening stage of main crop | 再生季齐穗期 Full heading stage of ratoon rice | 再生季成熟期 Ripening stage of ratoon rice | |
蔗糖酶活性Sucrase activity | 0.8263** | 0.7572** | 0.8096** | 0.6776** |
过氧化氢酶活性Hydrogen peroxidase activity | 0.9077** | 0.9012** | 0.8023** | 0.7778** |
脲酶Urease activity | 0.8817** | 0.8999** | 0.8299** | 0.8073** |
硝酸还原酶Nitrate reductase activity | 0.8843** | 0.9272** | 0.6319* | 0.7565** |
处理 Treatment | 丰富度指数 Chao1 | 测序深度指数 Coverage/% | 多样性指数 Observed_species | 谱系多样性指数PD_whole_tree | 多样性指数 Shannon index |
N0 | 2360.54 c | 95.99 a | 1806.17 a | 153.99 c | 8.9740 b |
N1 | 2573.01 a | 95.79 a | 1831.97 a | 158.68 a | 9.1347 a |
N2 | 2485.21 ab | 95.93 a | 1787.54 a | 157.97 ab | 9.0994 ab |
N3 | 2387.45 bc | 96.15 a | 1780.33 a | 155.56 bc | 9.0424 ab |
N4 | 2412.10 bc | 96.06 a | 1783.77 a | 155.03 c | 9.0004 b |
表7 头季水稻生长后期根际土壤细菌群落多样性指数
Table 7 Diversity index of bacterial community in rhizosphere soil at the late stage of main rice.
处理 Treatment | 丰富度指数 Chao1 | 测序深度指数 Coverage/% | 多样性指数 Observed_species | 谱系多样性指数PD_whole_tree | 多样性指数 Shannon index |
N0 | 2360.54 c | 95.99 a | 1806.17 a | 153.99 c | 8.9740 b |
N1 | 2573.01 a | 95.79 a | 1831.97 a | 158.68 a | 9.1347 a |
N2 | 2485.21 ab | 95.93 a | 1787.54 a | 157.97 ab | 9.0994 ab |
N3 | 2387.45 bc | 96.15 a | 1780.33 a | 155.56 bc | 9.0424 ab |
N4 | 2412.10 bc | 96.06 a | 1783.77 a | 155.03 c | 9.0004 b |
图3 头季稻生长后期根际土壤细菌韦恩图圆圈相交部分表示共有微生物数目,非相交部分表示特有微生物数目
Fig. 3. Venn graph of bacterial OTUs in rhizosphere soil at the late stage of main rice. The intersecting part of the circles represents the number of common microorganisms, and the non-intersecting part represents the number of specific microorganisms.
图5 头季水稻生长后期根际土壤主要细菌相对丰度变化A–门水平差异;B–纲水平差异;C–属水平差异。
Fig. 5. Changes in the relative abundance of main bacteria in the rhizosphere soil at the late growth stage of main crop rice. A, Phylum level; B, Class level; C, Genus level.
属编号 Genus number | 微生物相对丰度Microbial relative abundance/% | 属名 Generic name | 功能 Function | ||||
N0 | N1 | N2 | N3 | N4 | |||
OTU_12 | 0.6884 | 0.8200 | 0.8715 | 1.0069 | 0.9402 | 红假单胞菌属Rhodopseudomonas | 固氮作用Nitrogen fixation |
OTU_20 | 0.2081 | 0.3250 | 0.3108 | 0.2937 | 0.2822 | 硝化螺旋菌属Nitrospira | 硝化作用Nitrification |
OTU_192 | 0.0458 | 0.0744 | 0.0591 | 0.0915 | 0.1163 | 罗氏菌属Rothia | 还原硝酸盐Reduced nitrate |
OTU_40 | 0.3013 | 0.3432 | 0.3341 | 0.3757 | 0.3700 | 土壤杆菌属Agrobacterium | 改善土壤质地Improve soil texture |
OTU_143 | 0.1812 | 0.3375 | 0.3299 | 0.2918 | 0.2212 | 酸杆菌菌属Acidobacteria | 有机质Organic matter |
OTU_199 | 0.0782 | 0.2002 | 0.1850 | 0.2498 | 0.3833 | 黏细菌属Myxobacteria | 抗逆性Resistance |
OTU_472 | 0.0667 | 0.0362 | 0.0114 | 0.0191 | 0.0286 | 厌氧绳菌属Anaerolineae | 降解碳水化合物Degraded carbohydrates |
OTU_106 | 0.2155 | 0.1602 | 0.1621 | 0.1316 | 0.1744 | 假双头斧形菌属Pseudolabrys | 耐药性Drug resistance |
OTU_298 | 0.1564 | 0.0629 | 0.0191 | 0.0420 | 0.0515 | 嘉利翁氏铁柄杆菌Gallionella | 浓缩和积累铁素Concentrate and accumulate iron |
表8 头季水稻生长后期根际土壤中主要功能菌及其相对丰度
Table 8 Main functional bacteria in rhizosphere soil and their relative abundance at the late growth stage of main crop rice.
属编号 Genus number | 微生物相对丰度Microbial relative abundance/% | 属名 Generic name | 功能 Function | ||||
N0 | N1 | N2 | N3 | N4 | |||
OTU_12 | 0.6884 | 0.8200 | 0.8715 | 1.0069 | 0.9402 | 红假单胞菌属Rhodopseudomonas | 固氮作用Nitrogen fixation |
OTU_20 | 0.2081 | 0.3250 | 0.3108 | 0.2937 | 0.2822 | 硝化螺旋菌属Nitrospira | 硝化作用Nitrification |
OTU_192 | 0.0458 | 0.0744 | 0.0591 | 0.0915 | 0.1163 | 罗氏菌属Rothia | 还原硝酸盐Reduced nitrate |
OTU_40 | 0.3013 | 0.3432 | 0.3341 | 0.3757 | 0.3700 | 土壤杆菌属Agrobacterium | 改善土壤质地Improve soil texture |
OTU_143 | 0.1812 | 0.3375 | 0.3299 | 0.2918 | 0.2212 | 酸杆菌菌属Acidobacteria | 有机质Organic matter |
OTU_199 | 0.0782 | 0.2002 | 0.1850 | 0.2498 | 0.3833 | 黏细菌属Myxobacteria | 抗逆性Resistance |
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