中国水稻科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1): 38-46.DOI: 10.16819/j.1001-7216.2021.0401
杨晓龙1, 程建平1, 汪本福1, 李阳1, 张枝盛1, 李进兰3, 李萍2,*()
Xiaolong YANG1, Jianping CHENG1, Benfu WANG1, Yang LI1, Zhisheng ZHANG1, Jinlan LI3, Ping LI2,*()
Ping LI
摘要: 目的 研究灌浆期干旱对不同类型水稻叶片生理性状和产量的影响,为干旱气候条件下水稻栽培提供参考。方法 以节水抗旱稻旱优113和普通杂交稻扬两优6号(YLY6)为材料,设置传统淹水灌溉、灌浆期干旱胁迫两个处理,分别测定水稻的产量及产量构成、稻米品质(加工品质、外观品质和营养品质)、干物质生产及分配、叶片生理活性(叶片水势、气叶温差和光合速率)等。结果 与传统淹水灌溉相比,灌浆期干旱胁迫下水稻叶片水势、气叶温差均显著下降,最终导致叶片光合速率降低;但是在复水后2~15 d,叶片的各生理指标可以得到恢复,与对照没有显著差异;水稻产量没有明显变化,产量的稳定主要得益于前期充足的干物质积累使籽粒充分灌浆,结实率显著升高;稻米的碾磨品质没有显著影响,但扬两优6号的外观品质显著降低,却改善了旱优113的外观品质。同时,蛋白质含量升高在一定程度上改善了稻米营养品质。结论 水稻灌浆期适度干旱可以在稳定产量的基础上改善稻米品质。因此,适当在生育后期阶段减少水分的投入,不仅可节约农业用水,稳定籽粒产量,还有利于稻米品质的改善。
杨晓龙, 程建平, 汪本福, 李阳, 张枝盛, 李进兰, 李萍. 灌浆期干旱胁迫对水稻生理性状和产量的影响[J]. 中国水稻科学, 2021, 35(1): 38-46.
Xiaolong YANG, Jianping CHENG, Benfu WANG, Yang LI, Zhisheng ZHANG, Jinlan LI, Ping LI. Effects of Drought Stressat Grain Filling Stage on Rice Physiological Characteristics and Yield[J]. Chinese Journal OF Rice Science, 2021, 35(1): 38-46.
品种 Variety | 年份 Year | 处理 Treatment | 有效穗数 No. of productive panicles(×104·hm-2) | 每穗实粒数 No. of filled grains per panicle | 结实率 Seed setting rate/% | 千粒重 1000-grain weight/g | 实际产量 Grain yield/(t·hm-2) |
扬两优6号 YLY6 | 2014 | F | 196 a | 166 a | 77.8 a | 26.3 a | 10.35 a |
MS | 205 a | 178 a | 74.2 b | 25.1 b | 9.98 a | ||
2018 | F | 202 a | 211 a | 75.8 b | 27.6 a | 9.02 a | |
MS | 196 a | 191 a | 81.8 a | 26.4 b | 9.23 a | ||
旱优113 HY113 | 2014 | F | 188 a | 178 a | 74.8 b | 27.1 a | 10.06 a |
MS | 180 a | 156 b | 77.8 a | 26.2 b | 9.84 a | ||
2018 | F | 195 a | 183 a | 70.7 b | 27.4 a | 6.07 a | |
MS | 189 a | 157 b | 77.3 a | 26.2 b | 6.03 a | ||
品种V | ns | * | * | ** | ** | ||
处理T | ns | * | * | ** | ns | ||
品种×处理V×T | ns | * | * | ** | ** |
表1 灌浆期干旱胁迫处理对水稻产量及其构成的影响
Table 1 Effect of drought stress at grain filling stage on yield and its components.
品种 Variety | 年份 Year | 处理 Treatment | 有效穗数 No. of productive panicles(×104·hm-2) | 每穗实粒数 No. of filled grains per panicle | 结实率 Seed setting rate/% | 千粒重 1000-grain weight/g | 实际产量 Grain yield/(t·hm-2) |
扬两优6号 YLY6 | 2014 | F | 196 a | 166 a | 77.8 a | 26.3 a | 10.35 a |
MS | 205 a | 178 a | 74.2 b | 25.1 b | 9.98 a | ||
2018 | F | 202 a | 211 a | 75.8 b | 27.6 a | 9.02 a | |
MS | 196 a | 191 a | 81.8 a | 26.4 b | 9.23 a | ||
旱优113 HY113 | 2014 | F | 188 a | 178 a | 74.8 b | 27.1 a | 10.06 a |
MS | 180 a | 156 b | 77.8 a | 26.2 b | 9.84 a | ||
2018 | F | 195 a | 183 a | 70.7 b | 27.4 a | 6.07 a | |
MS | 189 a | 157 b | 77.3 a | 26.2 b | 6.03 a | ||
品种V | ns | * | * | ** | ** | ||
处理T | ns | * | * | ** | ns | ||
品种×处理V×T | ns | * | * | ** | ** |
图1 灌浆期干旱胁迫下土壤水势的动态变化 YLY6–扬两优6号;HY113–旱优113。F–传统淹水灌溉;MS–灌浆期干旱胁迫。
Fig. 1. Dynamic changes of soil water potential under drought stress during grain filling stage YLY6, Yangliangyou 6; HY113, Hanyou 113.F, Traditional flooding; MS, Drought stress at grain filling stage.
品种 Variety | 年份 Year | 处理 Treatment | 糙米率 Brown rice rate/% | 精米率 Milled rice rate/% | 整精米率 Head rice rate/% | 垩白粒率 Chalky kernel rate/% | 垩白度 Chalkiness/% | 长宽比 Length-width ratio |
扬两优6号 YLY6 | 2014 | F | 82.1 a | 71.7 a | 67.6 a | 15.1 b | 5.63 b | 2.83 a |
MS | 81.8 a | 71.5 a | 67.1 a | 20.8 a | 7.89 a | 2.90 a | ||
2018 | F | 81.3 a | 70.5 a | 67.5 a | 31.1 b | 8.77 b | 2.91 a | |
MS | 80.1 a | 70.0 a | 66.9 a | 37.4 a | 11.3 a | 2.92 a | ||
旱优113 HY113 | 2014 | F | 81.4 a | 71.0 a | 59.8 a | 30.0 a | 7.97 a | 3.00 a |
MS | 80.5 a | 69.5 a | 60.3 a | 24.3 b | 6.12 b | 2.99 a | ||
2018 | F | 79.8 a | 70.0 a | 66.3 a | 38.6 a | 8.27 a | 2.90 a | |
MS | 79.4 a | 69.2 a | 66.4 a | 25.2 b | 5.97 b | 2.91 a | ||
品种V | ns | ns | ns | ** | ** | ns | ||
处理T | ns | ns | ns | ** | ** | ns | ||
品种×处理V×T | ns | ns | ns | ** | ** | ns |
表2 灌浆期干旱胁迫处理对稻米加工、外观品质的影响
Table 2 Effect of drought stress at grain filling stage on rice milling and appearance quality.
品种 Variety | 年份 Year | 处理 Treatment | 糙米率 Brown rice rate/% | 精米率 Milled rice rate/% | 整精米率 Head rice rate/% | 垩白粒率 Chalky kernel rate/% | 垩白度 Chalkiness/% | 长宽比 Length-width ratio |
扬两优6号 YLY6 | 2014 | F | 82.1 a | 71.7 a | 67.6 a | 15.1 b | 5.63 b | 2.83 a |
MS | 81.8 a | 71.5 a | 67.1 a | 20.8 a | 7.89 a | 2.90 a | ||
2018 | F | 81.3 a | 70.5 a | 67.5 a | 31.1 b | 8.77 b | 2.91 a | |
MS | 80.1 a | 70.0 a | 66.9 a | 37.4 a | 11.3 a | 2.92 a | ||
旱优113 HY113 | 2014 | F | 81.4 a | 71.0 a | 59.8 a | 30.0 a | 7.97 a | 3.00 a |
MS | 80.5 a | 69.5 a | 60.3 a | 24.3 b | 6.12 b | 2.99 a | ||
2018 | F | 79.8 a | 70.0 a | 66.3 a | 38.6 a | 8.27 a | 2.90 a | |
MS | 79.4 a | 69.2 a | 66.4 a | 25.2 b | 5.97 b | 2.91 a | ||
品种V | ns | ns | ns | ** | ** | ns | ||
处理T | ns | ns | ns | ** | ** | ns | ||
品种×处理V×T | ns | ns | ns | ** | ** | ns |
品种 Variety | 年份 Year | 处理 Treatment | 蛋白质含量 Protein content/% | 直链淀粉含量 Amylose content/% | 消减值 Alkali spreading value |
扬两优6号 | 2014 | F | 8.8 b | 16.8 a | 7.17 a |
YLY6 | MS | 10.0 a | 16.8 a | 7.20 a | |
2018 | F | 11.5 b | 17.1 a | 7.21 a | |
MS | 12.9 a | 17.0 a | 7.18 a | ||
旱优113 | 2014 | F | 8.4 b | 16.7 a | 7.13 a |
HY113 | MS | 10.0 a | 16.9 a | 7.30 a | |
2018 | F | 8.0 b | 17.6 a | 7.11 a | |
MS | 9.8 a | 17.7 a | 7.12 a | ||
品种V | ** | ns | ns | ||
处理T | ** | ns | ns | ||
品种×处理V×T | ** | ns | ns |
表3 灌浆期干旱胁迫处理对稻米营养品质的影响
Table 3 Effect of drought stress at grain filling stage on rice nutrition quality.
品种 Variety | 年份 Year | 处理 Treatment | 蛋白质含量 Protein content/% | 直链淀粉含量 Amylose content/% | 消减值 Alkali spreading value |
扬两优6号 | 2014 | F | 8.8 b | 16.8 a | 7.17 a |
YLY6 | MS | 10.0 a | 16.8 a | 7.20 a | |
2018 | F | 11.5 b | 17.1 a | 7.21 a | |
MS | 12.9 a | 17.0 a | 7.18 a | ||
旱优113 | 2014 | F | 8.4 b | 16.7 a | 7.13 a |
HY113 | MS | 10.0 a | 16.9 a | 7.30 a | |
2018 | F | 8.0 b | 17.6 a | 7.11 a | |
MS | 9.8 a | 17.7 a | 7.12 a | ||
品种V | ** | ns | ns | ||
处理T | ** | ns | ns | ||
品种×处理V×T | ** | ns | ns |
图2 灌浆期干旱及复水对干物质积累的影响 YLY6–扬两优6号;HY113–旱优113。F–传统淹水灌溉;MS–灌浆期干旱胁迫。
Fig. 2. Effect of drought stress and rehydration at the filling stage on dry matter accumulation. YLY6, Yangliangyou 6; HY113, Hanyou 113.F, Traditional flooding; MS, Drought stress at grain filling stage.
品种 Variety | 处理 Treatment | 干旱胁迫前BDS | 干旱胁迫中DS | 复水后15d ARD 15 | ||||||||
茎鞘 Stem | 叶片 Leaf | 穗 Panicle | 茎鞘 Stem | 叶片 Leaf | 穗 Panicle | 茎鞘 Stem | 叶片 Leaf | 穗 Panicle | ||||
扬两优6号 YLY6 | F | 53.0 a | 32.0 a | 15.0 a | 41.0 a | 23.0 a | 36.0 b | 34.0 a | 18.0 a | 48.0 b | ||
MS | 51.0 a | 33.0 a | 16.0 a | 41.0 a | 19.0 b | 40.0 a | 34.0 a | 15.0 b | 51.0 a | |||
旱优113 HY113 | F | 50.0 a | 31.0 a | 19.0 a | 39.0 a | 24.0 a | 37.0 b | 38.0 a | 18.0 b | 44.0 a | ||
MS | 50.0 a | 32.0 a | 18.0 a | 39.0 a | 22.0 b | 39.0 a | 39.0 a | 20.0 a | 41.0 b |
表4 灌浆期干旱胁迫及复水对不同器官干物质分配的影响(2018)
Table 4 Effect of drought stress and rehydration at grain filling stage on the distribution rate in different organs of dry matter in rice (2018). %
品种 Variety | 处理 Treatment | 干旱胁迫前BDS | 干旱胁迫中DS | 复水后15d ARD 15 | ||||||||
茎鞘 Stem | 叶片 Leaf | 穗 Panicle | 茎鞘 Stem | 叶片 Leaf | 穗 Panicle | 茎鞘 Stem | 叶片 Leaf | 穗 Panicle | ||||
扬两优6号 YLY6 | F | 53.0 a | 32.0 a | 15.0 a | 41.0 a | 23.0 a | 36.0 b | 34.0 a | 18.0 a | 48.0 b | ||
MS | 51.0 a | 33.0 a | 16.0 a | 41.0 a | 19.0 b | 40.0 a | 34.0 a | 15.0 b | 51.0 a | |||
旱优113 HY113 | F | 50.0 a | 31.0 a | 19.0 a | 39.0 a | 24.0 a | 37.0 b | 38.0 a | 18.0 b | 44.0 a | ||
MS | 50.0 a | 32.0 a | 18.0 a | 39.0 a | 22.0 b | 39.0 a | 39.0 a | 20.0 a | 41.0 b |
图3 灌浆期干旱及复水对叶片水势和气叶温差的影响 YLY6–扬两优6号;HY113–旱优113;F–传统淹水灌溉;MS–灌浆期干旱胁迫;BDS–干旱胁迫处理前;DS–干旱胁迫中;ARD 15–干旱胁迫结束,复水后15 d。
Fig. 3. Effect of drought stress and rehydration at grain filling stage on leaf water potential and air-leaf temperature gap YLY6, Yangliangyou 6; HY113, Hanyou 113; F, Traditional flooding; MS, Drought stress at grain filling stage; BDS, Before drought stress; DS, Drought stress; ARD 15, 15 days after rehydration. ARD2, Two days after rehydration.
图4 灌浆期干旱及复水对叶片光合速率的影响 YLY6–扬两优6号;HY113–旱优113;F–传统淹水灌溉;MS–灌浆期干旱胁迫;BDS–干旱胁迫处理前;DS–干旱胁迫中;ARD 15–干旱胁迫结束,复水后15 d。
Fig. 4. Effect of drought stress and rehydration at grain filling stage on leaf photosynthetic rate YLY6, Yangliangyou 6; HY113, Hanyou 113; F, Traditional flooding; MS, Drought stress at grain filling stage; BDS, Before drought stress; DS, Drought stress; ARD 15, 15 days after rehydration. ARD2, Two days after rehydration.
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