中国水稻科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 529-537.DOI: 10.16819/j.1001-7216.2018.8001
张敏娟1,2, 李帅军1,2, 陈琼琼1, 景秀清1, 陈坤明1, 石春海3,*(), 李文强1,*(
Minjuan ZHANG1,2, Shuaijun LI1,2, Qiongqiong CHEN1, Xiuqing JING1, Kunming CHEN1, Chunhai SHI3,*(), Wenqiang LI1,*(
Chunhai SHI, Wenqiang LI
目的 株高是农作物的重要农艺性状之一。导致株高变矮的原因很多,最受关注的是赤霉素(GA)和油菜素内酯(BR)对株高的影响,其调控机制的阐明对于植物科学基础研究及遗传育种研究均具有重要意义。方法 利用γ射线诱变水稻材料9311,获得一个矮化少蘖突变体,命名为dlt3 (dwarf and low-tillering 3),通过形态学调查手段分析dlt3突变体的株高、分蘖数、叶夹角、叶形态和结实率等性状,通过叶枕部位的伸直情况和α-淀粉酶活性检测分析其对外源BR和GA应答的敏感性,通过构建遗传群体和筛选分子标记对其进行基因定位,并利用基于iTRAQ的定量蛋白质组学技术分析dlt3突变体的蛋白质组表达谱。结果 表型分析显示dlt3突变体具有半矮化、少分蘖、叶夹角减小、叶表面皱褶、叶形变短变宽和结实率降低等多个突变表型;突变体对GA正常应答,而对BR处理表现为不应答。遗传分析显示dlt3突变因单个基因隐性突变导致;利用分子标记将dlt3基因定位在第6染色体标记RM2615和R6M14之间。定量蛋白质组学分析在dlt3突变体中鉴定到330个差异表达蛋白,包括222个上调和108个下调表达蛋白。其中,4个差异表达蛋白与BR信号途径直接相关;多个差异表达蛋白与水稻株高或生长发育调控直接相关;此外,多个差异表达蛋白,如丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶、Ca2+结合蛋白和锌指结构域蛋白等在dlt3突变体中大量富集。结论 dlt3是一个BR不敏感的矮化少蘖突变体,DLT3基因突变引起BR信号途径的异常,进而可能导致胞内蛋白磷酸化信号转导和转录激活途径受到广泛影响,从而引起植株生长发育等多方面性状异常。
张敏娟, 李帅军, 陈琼琼, 景秀清, 陈坤明, 石春海, 李文强. 水稻矮化少蘖突变体dlt3的基因定位和蛋白质组学分析[J]. 中国水稻科学, 2018, 32(6): 529-537.
Minjuan ZHANG, Shuaijun LI, Qiongqiong CHEN, Xiuqing JING, Kunming CHEN, Chunhai SHI, Wenqiang LI. Genetic Mapping and Proteomic Analysis of the Dwarf and Low-tillering Mutant dlt3 in Rice[J]. Chinese Journal OF Rice Science, 2018, 32(6): 529-537.
图1 野生型与突变体dlt3的表型特征及农艺性状比较^ A, B分别为分蘖期植株和叶片;C~H分别为成熟期的植株(C)、叶中部(D)、叶枕(E)、穗(F)、茎秆各节间(G)和植株上部三片功能叶的形态(H)。左为野生型,右为突变体dlt3。图中所显示数值为平均数±标准差(n=12)。**表示突变体与野生型间的差异达0.01显著水平。
Fig. 1. Phenotypic characterization of WT and dlt3 mutant.^ A and B, Plant and leaf blade at the tillering stage. C to H, Morphology of mature plant, middle portion of blade, lamina joint, panicle, internodes and top three leaf blades. The left represents wild type and the right the dlt3 mutant. Mean±SD, n=12. **Difference between mutant and WT was significant at 0.01 level.
图2 野生型与突变体dlt3对外源GA(A)和BR(B)的应答分析
Fig. 2. Responses of WT and dlt3 to exogenous GA and BR based on the changes of α-amylase activity(A) and lamina inclination(B).
标记名称 Marker name | 正向引物序列(5′-3′) Forward primer sequence | 反向引物序列(5′-3′) Reverse primer sequence | 染色体 Chromosome | 物理位置 Physical position/kb |
表1 本研究中dlt3基因定位所用分子标记及序列
Table 1 Molecular markers and its sequences used for genetic mapping of dlt3 in this study.
标记名称 Marker name | 正向引物序列(5′-3′) Forward primer sequence | 反向引物序列(5′-3′) Reverse primer sequence | 染色体 Chromosome | 物理位置 Physical position/kb |
图3 分子标记连锁分析及基因定位^ A为dlt3基因的连锁分子标记RM3408、RM276、R6M14和RM527检测部分F2突变体单株的电泳分析结果;B为dlt3基因的初定位结果,目的基因被定位在第6染色体分子标记RM2615和R6M14区间。*代表重组单株。
Fig. 3. Genetic linkage analysis and molecular mapping of dlt3 gene.^ A, Genotyping of F2 mutant plants by dlt3-linked molecular markers RM3408, RM276, R6M14 and RM527; B, Genetic mapping of dlt3 gene by the molecular markers. *Recombinant.
蛋白登录号 Protein accession | 水稻基因号 RAP_locus | 蛋白质功能描述 Protein description | 表达量变化 Ratio (dlt3/WT) | P值 P-value | 上(下)调 Regulation |
油菜素内酯相关蛋白 Brassinosteroid related proteins | |||||
Q6Z730 | Os02g0122300 | Translation initiation factor eIF3 subunit domain containing protein, Brassinosteroid receptor kinase (BRI1)-interacting protein 121, BIP121 | 0.651 | 1.08×10-2 | Down |
Q0JBZ3 | Os04g0501600 | AT hook, DNA-binding, conserved site domain containing protein, brassinosteroid receptor kinase (BRI1)-interacting protein 106, BIP106 | 1.372 | 9.26×10-3 | Up |
Q6K624 | Os02g0612800 | AT hook, DNA-binding, conserved site domain containing protein, brassinosteroid receptor kinase (BRI1)-interacting protein 135, BIP135 | 1.374 | 4.11×10-2 | Up |
Q0J5J5 | Os08g0430500 | 14-3-3 protein, Florigen receptor, G-box factor 14-3-3c protein, OsGF14c | 3.355 | 3.15×10-3 | Up |
生长素相关蛋白 Auxin related proteins | |||||
Q0DSY8 | Os03g0280000 | Similar to MDR-like ABC transporter, P-Glycoprotein 13, OsABCB13, OsPGP13 | 1.329 | 2.71×10-2 | Up |
Q0IR61 | Os11g0673200 | Similar to Auxin-induced beta-glucosidase | 1.828 | 1.65×10-2 | Up |
Q84QW4 | Os08g0524400 | Protein of unknown function DUF568, DOMON-like domain containing protein, auxin-responsive family protein AIR12 | 1.857 | 4.48×10-2 | Up |
激酶和磷酸酯酶相关蛋白 Kinase and phosphatase related proteins | |||||
Q0D6J6 | Os07g0472400 | Serine/threonine protein kinase-related domain containing protein | 0.548 | 1.01×10-2 | Down |
Q69NF8 | Os09g0529900 | Pyruvate/Phosphoenolpyruvate kinase, catalytic core domain containing protein | 0.716 | 8.12E-03 | Down |
Q5Z8F2 | Os01g0337600 | Suppressor of Mek, PH domain-like protein | 0.697 | 1.38×10-2 | Down |
Q0D4F7 | Os07g0628700 | Similar to Receptor protein kinase | 1.328 | 1.51×10-2 | Up |
Q5QLG3 | Os01g0682500 | Similar to Protein Kinase C630.09c | 1.431 | 1.86×10-3 | Up |
Q2R2T6 | Os11g0549615 | Ser/Thr protein phosphatase family protein, purple acid phosphatase 3a | 1.889 | 2.72×10-2 | Up |
Q0IP84 | Os12g0236400 | Adenylate kinase A (EC (ATP-AMP transphosphorylase) | 1.471 | 1.44×10-2 | Up |
Q60DT7 | Os05g0190500 | Similar to acid phosphatase, HAD superfamily phosphatase, VEGETATIVE STORAGE PROTEIN 2, OsVSP2 | 1.550 | 3.50×10-2 | Up |
Q6AVA8 | Os05g0405000 | floury endosperm 4, pyruvate orthophospate dikinase, OsPBDK | 1.641 | 7.29×10-4 | Up |
Q6H444 | Os09g0279400 | Rhodanese-like domain containing protein, Rhodanese / Cell cycle control phosphatase superfamily protein | 2.096 | 8.54×10-3 | Up |
Q0IPL3 | Os12g0189300 | Pyruvate/Phosphoenolpyruvate kinase, catalytic core domain containing protein | 2.248 | 6.06×10-4 | Up |
Q6KA61 | Os02g0285800 | Similar to GTP-binding protein typA (Tyrosine phosphorylated protein A) | 3.491 | 3.91×10-4 | Up |
Q7XQZ5 | Os04g0661300 | ATP/GTP binding protein | 1.356 | 1.09×10-2 | Up |
Q0JQ62 | Os01g0179700 | Similar to GTP-binding protein YPTM2, ras-related protein, OsRab1 | 1.302 | 2.27×10-2 | Up |
Q0DH67 | Os05g0489600 | ADP-ribosylation factor, Ras-related small GTP-binding family protein | 1.608 | 3.99×10-3 | Up |
Q84T71 | Os03g0854100 | Similar to ARF GAP-like zinc finger-containing protein ZIGA2, GTPase-activating protein | 1.322 | 3.38×10-3 | Up |
钙结合蛋白 Ca2+ binding related proteins | |||||
Q6F334 | Os05g0491000 | EF-Hand type domain containing protein, calmodulin-like protein 9, OsCML9 | 0.621 | 1.71×10-3 | Down |
Q84VG0 | Os08g0117400 | Calmodulin-related calcium sensor protein, Ser/Thr kinase/calmodulin, OsCML7, OsSTKC | 0.732 | 7.55×10-3 | Down |
Q0DFA8 | Os06g0104400 | IQ calmodulin-binding motif family protein | 1.458 | 1.17×10-4 | Up |
Q0D7H6 | Os07g0246200 | Similar to calreticulin, CRT | 1.325 | 6.48×10-6 | Up |
锌指结构域蛋白 Zinc finger containing proteins | |||||
Q6K977 | Os02g0831100 | Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 19 | 0.400 | 4.02×10-3 | Down |
Q2R4J4 | Os11g0472000 | Zinc finger CCCH-type domain containing protein 63 | 0.436 | 2.02×10-3 | Down |
Q6Z6E6 | Os02g0203700 | Zinc finger family protein, SRZ1 | 0.563 | 5.50×10-3 | Down |
Q5NAV3 | Os01g0257400 | Zinc finger CCCH-type domain containing protein, OsC3H5 | 0.638 | 1.30×10-2 | Down |
Q6YUR8 | Os02g0121100 | Zinc finger CCHC-type domain containing protein, cold shock domain protein 1, CSD protein 1 | 0.679 | 8.90×10-3 | Down |
Q6K4N0 | Os02g0789400 | Similar to 9G8-like SR protein, RNA recognition motif and CCHC-type zinc finger domains containing protein | 1.332 | 4.31×10-2 | Up |
Q75LJ7 | Os03g0836200 | Similar to RNA-binding protein RZ-1, zinc finger-containing glycine-rich RNA-binding protein 1 | 1.374 | 2.39×10-3 | Up |
Q6YTY3 | Os07g0608400 | PHD/F-BOX containing protein, PHD zinc finger protein ALFIN-LIKE 9 | 1.313 | 1.73×10-2 | Up |
水稻株型调控相关蛋白 Regulation of plant architecture and growth related proteins | |||||
Q6EU14 | Os02g0672200 | Similar to AGO1 homologous protein, OsAGO1a | 0.471 | 1.96×10-3 | Down |
Q2QN08 | Os12g0583500 | Broad Complex BTB domain with non-phototropic hypocotyl 3 NPH3 domain, BTB domain containing protein | 0.375 | 9.84×10-3 | Down |
Q0J0F4 | Os09g0513000 | Similar to TGB12K interacting protein 3, ankyrin repeat domain containing protein, XA21 binding protein 25 | 0.712 | 3.06×10-2 | Down |
Q10L71 | Os03g0356700 | Villin/gelsolin superfamily protein, Actin binding protein, Regulation of plant architecture, VLN2 | 1.350 | 2.66×10-2 | Up |
Q0ITK1 | Os11g0247300 | Tubulin/FtsZ domain containing protein, Cell elongation and division, TWISTED DWARF 1, Tubulin alpha-2, small and round seed 5, TID1, TubA2, SRS5 | 2.936 | 3.45×10-3 | Up |
Q0DH37 | Os05g0494000 | Cytochrome P450 | 1.507 | 4.15×10-3 | Up |
Q2R176 | Os11g0615200 | SSXT family protein, GRF-interacting factor 2, protein binding/transcription coactivator | 1.428 | 2.04×10-2 | Up |
Q7XHW8 | Os07g0681000 | Zinc-binding domain of translation initiation factor 2 beta | 1.429 | 4.84×10-4 | Up |
Q0JAK9 | Os04g0592400 | Protein transport protein-related, t-snare domain containing protein | 1.574 | 9.88×10-4 | Up |
Q0JP92 | Os01g0235400 | Similar to Importin-alpha re-exporter, Cellular apoptosis susceptibility protein homolog | 2.102 | 1.54×10-2 | Up |
表2 iTRAQ定量蛋白质组学分析鉴定到的部分差异表达蛋白
Table 2 Selected differentially expressed proteins identified by iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic analysis.
蛋白登录号 Protein accession | 水稻基因号 RAP_locus | 蛋白质功能描述 Protein description | 表达量变化 Ratio (dlt3/WT) | P值 P-value | 上(下)调 Regulation |
油菜素内酯相关蛋白 Brassinosteroid related proteins | |||||
Q6Z730 | Os02g0122300 | Translation initiation factor eIF3 subunit domain containing protein, Brassinosteroid receptor kinase (BRI1)-interacting protein 121, BIP121 | 0.651 | 1.08×10-2 | Down |
Q0JBZ3 | Os04g0501600 | AT hook, DNA-binding, conserved site domain containing protein, brassinosteroid receptor kinase (BRI1)-interacting protein 106, BIP106 | 1.372 | 9.26×10-3 | Up |
Q6K624 | Os02g0612800 | AT hook, DNA-binding, conserved site domain containing protein, brassinosteroid receptor kinase (BRI1)-interacting protein 135, BIP135 | 1.374 | 4.11×10-2 | Up |
Q0J5J5 | Os08g0430500 | 14-3-3 protein, Florigen receptor, G-box factor 14-3-3c protein, OsGF14c | 3.355 | 3.15×10-3 | Up |
生长素相关蛋白 Auxin related proteins | |||||
Q0DSY8 | Os03g0280000 | Similar to MDR-like ABC transporter, P-Glycoprotein 13, OsABCB13, OsPGP13 | 1.329 | 2.71×10-2 | Up |
Q0IR61 | Os11g0673200 | Similar to Auxin-induced beta-glucosidase | 1.828 | 1.65×10-2 | Up |
Q84QW4 | Os08g0524400 | Protein of unknown function DUF568, DOMON-like domain containing protein, auxin-responsive family protein AIR12 | 1.857 | 4.48×10-2 | Up |
激酶和磷酸酯酶相关蛋白 Kinase and phosphatase related proteins | |||||
Q0D6J6 | Os07g0472400 | Serine/threonine protein kinase-related domain containing protein | 0.548 | 1.01×10-2 | Down |
Q69NF8 | Os09g0529900 | Pyruvate/Phosphoenolpyruvate kinase, catalytic core domain containing protein | 0.716 | 8.12E-03 | Down |
Q5Z8F2 | Os01g0337600 | Suppressor of Mek, PH domain-like protein | 0.697 | 1.38×10-2 | Down |
Q0D4F7 | Os07g0628700 | Similar to Receptor protein kinase | 1.328 | 1.51×10-2 | Up |
Q5QLG3 | Os01g0682500 | Similar to Protein Kinase C630.09c | 1.431 | 1.86×10-3 | Up |
Q2R2T6 | Os11g0549615 | Ser/Thr protein phosphatase family protein, purple acid phosphatase 3a | 1.889 | 2.72×10-2 | Up |
Q0IP84 | Os12g0236400 | Adenylate kinase A (EC (ATP-AMP transphosphorylase) | 1.471 | 1.44×10-2 | Up |
Q60DT7 | Os05g0190500 | Similar to acid phosphatase, HAD superfamily phosphatase, VEGETATIVE STORAGE PROTEIN 2, OsVSP2 | 1.550 | 3.50×10-2 | Up |
Q6AVA8 | Os05g0405000 | floury endosperm 4, pyruvate orthophospate dikinase, OsPBDK | 1.641 | 7.29×10-4 | Up |
Q6H444 | Os09g0279400 | Rhodanese-like domain containing protein, Rhodanese / Cell cycle control phosphatase superfamily protein | 2.096 | 8.54×10-3 | Up |
Q0IPL3 | Os12g0189300 | Pyruvate/Phosphoenolpyruvate kinase, catalytic core domain containing protein | 2.248 | 6.06×10-4 | Up |
Q6KA61 | Os02g0285800 | Similar to GTP-binding protein typA (Tyrosine phosphorylated protein A) | 3.491 | 3.91×10-4 | Up |
Q7XQZ5 | Os04g0661300 | ATP/GTP binding protein | 1.356 | 1.09×10-2 | Up |
Q0JQ62 | Os01g0179700 | Similar to GTP-binding protein YPTM2, ras-related protein, OsRab1 | 1.302 | 2.27×10-2 | Up |
Q0DH67 | Os05g0489600 | ADP-ribosylation factor, Ras-related small GTP-binding family protein | 1.608 | 3.99×10-3 | Up |
Q84T71 | Os03g0854100 | Similar to ARF GAP-like zinc finger-containing protein ZIGA2, GTPase-activating protein | 1.322 | 3.38×10-3 | Up |
钙结合蛋白 Ca2+ binding related proteins | |||||
Q6F334 | Os05g0491000 | EF-Hand type domain containing protein, calmodulin-like protein 9, OsCML9 | 0.621 | 1.71×10-3 | Down |
Q84VG0 | Os08g0117400 | Calmodulin-related calcium sensor protein, Ser/Thr kinase/calmodulin, OsCML7, OsSTKC | 0.732 | 7.55×10-3 | Down |
Q0DFA8 | Os06g0104400 | IQ calmodulin-binding motif family protein | 1.458 | 1.17×10-4 | Up |
Q0D7H6 | Os07g0246200 | Similar to calreticulin, CRT | 1.325 | 6.48×10-6 | Up |
锌指结构域蛋白 Zinc finger containing proteins | |||||
Q6K977 | Os02g0831100 | Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 19 | 0.400 | 4.02×10-3 | Down |
Q2R4J4 | Os11g0472000 | Zinc finger CCCH-type domain containing protein 63 | 0.436 | 2.02×10-3 | Down |
Q6Z6E6 | Os02g0203700 | Zinc finger family protein, SRZ1 | 0.563 | 5.50×10-3 | Down |
Q5NAV3 | Os01g0257400 | Zinc finger CCCH-type domain containing protein, OsC3H5 | 0.638 | 1.30×10-2 | Down |
Q6YUR8 | Os02g0121100 | Zinc finger CCHC-type domain containing protein, cold shock domain protein 1, CSD protein 1 | 0.679 | 8.90×10-3 | Down |
Q6K4N0 | Os02g0789400 | Similar to 9G8-like SR protein, RNA recognition motif and CCHC-type zinc finger domains containing protein | 1.332 | 4.31×10-2 | Up |
Q75LJ7 | Os03g0836200 | Similar to RNA-binding protein RZ-1, zinc finger-containing glycine-rich RNA-binding protein 1 | 1.374 | 2.39×10-3 | Up |
Q6YTY3 | Os07g0608400 | PHD/F-BOX containing protein, PHD zinc finger protein ALFIN-LIKE 9 | 1.313 | 1.73×10-2 | Up |
水稻株型调控相关蛋白 Regulation of plant architecture and growth related proteins | |||||
Q6EU14 | Os02g0672200 | Similar to AGO1 homologous protein, OsAGO1a | 0.471 | 1.96×10-3 | Down |
Q2QN08 | Os12g0583500 | Broad Complex BTB domain with non-phototropic hypocotyl 3 NPH3 domain, BTB domain containing protein | 0.375 | 9.84×10-3 | Down |
Q0J0F4 | Os09g0513000 | Similar to TGB12K interacting protein 3, ankyrin repeat domain containing protein, XA21 binding protein 25 | 0.712 | 3.06×10-2 | Down |
Q10L71 | Os03g0356700 | Villin/gelsolin superfamily protein, Actin binding protein, Regulation of plant architecture, VLN2 | 1.350 | 2.66×10-2 | Up |
Q0ITK1 | Os11g0247300 | Tubulin/FtsZ domain containing protein, Cell elongation and division, TWISTED DWARF 1, Tubulin alpha-2, small and round seed 5, TID1, TubA2, SRS5 | 2.936 | 3.45×10-3 | Up |
Q0DH37 | Os05g0494000 | Cytochrome P450 | 1.507 | 4.15×10-3 | Up |
Q2R176 | Os11g0615200 | SSXT family protein, GRF-interacting factor 2, protein binding/transcription coactivator | 1.428 | 2.04×10-2 | Up |
Q7XHW8 | Os07g0681000 | Zinc-binding domain of translation initiation factor 2 beta | 1.429 | 4.84×10-4 | Up |
Q0JAK9 | Os04g0592400 | Protein transport protein-related, t-snare domain containing protein | 1.574 | 9.88×10-4 | Up |
Q0JP92 | Os01g0235400 | Similar to Importin-alpha re-exporter, Cellular apoptosis susceptibility protein homolog | 2.102 | 1.54×10-2 | Up |
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