中国水稻科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (2): 141-154.DOI: 10.16819/j.1001-7216.2021.0207
王丰*,#(), 廖亦龙#, 柳武革, 刘迪林, 曾学勤, 傅友强, 朱满山, 李金华, 付崇允, 马晓智, 霍兴
# 共同第一作者
Feng WANG*,#(), Yilong LIAO#, Wuge LIU, Diling LIU, Xueqing ZENG, Youqiang FU, Manshan ZHU, Jinhua LI, Chongyun FU, Xiaozhi MA, Xing HUO
About author:
#These authors contributed equally to this work
【目的】理想株型是水稻高产稳产的前提。本研究拟对不同年代育成的籼型三系杂交稻恢复系动态株型与光能利用效率进行综合评价,探讨恢复系光能高效利用的理想动态株型特征,为提高光能高效利用的高产稳产杂交稻育种效率提供理论依据。【方法】以明恢63、明恢82、蜀恢527、广恢998、广恢122、广恢128、广恢308和桂99等8个大面积应用的籼型杂交稻恢复系为供试材料,在华南生态条件下考查了其分蘖、叶面积指数(LAI)、透光率、叶片大小与开张角、叶色(SPAD值)等性状的动态变化,以及抽穗期光合速率、生育期、产量相关性状和光能利用率(RUE)等指标。【结果】各恢复系之间在株型动态变化、产量和光能利用率(RUE)等方面存在较大差异。良好的动态株型与光能利用率密切相关,最为接近华南生态条件下理想动态株型的广恢998和广恢308,光能利用率最高。根据聚类分析,广恢998、广恢308和明恢82属于光能高效利用的类群Ⅰ。其他恢复系归为类群Ⅱ。最后,根据华南的光温生态特点,提出了水稻光能高效利用的理想动态株型模式及育种选择关键指标:1)移栽后分蘖和叶面积发展快,LAI达到1.0的时间≤27 d;茎蘖数达到峰值所需时间≤38 d,分蘖力中等,最高茎蘖数≤600苗/m2;2)前期窄叶长披,移栽后15 d顶部3片完全叶平均长度为37 cm,平均宽度≤0.9 cm,开张角度≥80°;后期叶片窄直,抽穗后20 d顶部倒3叶平均开张角≤65°,平均长度为43 cm,平均宽度≤1.3 cm,属于中叶型,有利于后期群体通风透光;3)后期叶片转色好,不早衰,SPAD值维持在35~40,抽穗前20 d至抽穗后20 d之间的叶片SPAD值降幅≤13%;普通栽培条件下平均每穗总粒数180粒左右,有效穗数300穗/m2以上,结实率≥85%。【结论】广恢998和广恢308具有较为理想的动态株型和较高RUE,利用其配制的杂交稻天优998、博优998和五优308等连续多年成为我国华南稻区主导品种和国家与省级区试对照品种。说明通过选育光能高效利用的理想动态株型恢复系,是组配选育高产稳产杂交稻行之有效的重要途径。
王丰, 廖亦龙, 柳武革, 刘迪林, 曾学勤, 傅友强, 朱满山, 李金华, 付崇允, 马晓智, 霍兴. 籼型杂交稻恢复系动态株型与光能利用率评价[J]. 中国水稻科学, 2021, 35(2): 141-154.
Feng WANG, Yilong LIAO, Wuge LIU, Diling LIU, Xueqing ZENG, Youqiang FU, Manshan ZHU, Jinhua LI, Chongyun FU, Xiaozhi MA, Xing HUO. Evaluation of Dynamic Plant Type and Radiation Use Efficiency of indica Hybrid Rice Restorer Lines[J]. Chinese Journal OF Rice Science, 2021, 35(2): 141-154.
类型 Type | 恢复系 R line | 育成单位 Developed by | 组配的代表性杂交稻 Derivative hybrid rice combination |
一季中稻恢复系 Restorer lines for single-season hybrid rice | 蜀恢527 Shuhui 527 | 四川农业大学 Sichuan Agricultural University | D优527、II优527 D you 527, II you 527 |
明恢63 Minghui 63 | 福建省三明市农业科学研究所 Sanming Agricultural Science Research Institute, Fujian Province | 汕优63 Shanyou 63 | |
华南双季杂交稻恢复系 Restorer lines for double- cropping hybrid rice in South China | 明恢82 Minghui 82 | 汕优82 Shanyou 82 | |
广恢998 Guanghui 998 | 广东省农业科学院水稻研究所 Rice Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences | 博优998、天优998 Boyou 998, Tianyou 998 | |
广恢122 Guanghui 122 | 优优122、天优122 Youyou 122, Tianyou 122 | ||
广恢128 Guanghui 128 | 优优128、II优128 Youyou 128, II you 128 | ||
广恢308 Guanghui 308 | 五优308 Wuyou 308 | ||
桂99 Gui 99 | 广西区农业科学院水稻研究所 Rice Research Institute, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences | 汕优桂99、博优桂99 Shanyougui 99, Boyougui 99 |
表1 供试恢复系及其代表性杂交稻组合
Table 1 Restorer lines(R lines) and their representative hybrid rice combinations.
类型 Type | 恢复系 R line | 育成单位 Developed by | 组配的代表性杂交稻 Derivative hybrid rice combination |
一季中稻恢复系 Restorer lines for single-season hybrid rice | 蜀恢527 Shuhui 527 | 四川农业大学 Sichuan Agricultural University | D优527、II优527 D you 527, II you 527 |
明恢63 Minghui 63 | 福建省三明市农业科学研究所 Sanming Agricultural Science Research Institute, Fujian Province | 汕优63 Shanyou 63 | |
华南双季杂交稻恢复系 Restorer lines for double- cropping hybrid rice in South China | 明恢82 Minghui 82 | 汕优82 Shanyou 82 | |
广恢998 Guanghui 998 | 广东省农业科学院水稻研究所 Rice Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences | 博优998、天优998 Boyou 998, Tianyou 998 | |
广恢122 Guanghui 122 | 优优122、天优122 Youyou 122, Tianyou 122 | ||
广恢128 Guanghui 128 | 优优128、II优128 Youyou 128, II you 128 | ||
广恢308 Guanghui 308 | 五优308 Wuyou 308 | ||
桂99 Gui 99 | 广西区农业科学院水稻研究所 Rice Research Institute, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences | 汕优桂99、博优桂99 Shanyougui 99, Boyougui 99 |
恢复系 Restorer line | 前期Early stage | 中期Middle stage | 后期Late stage | ||||||||
17 DAT | 22 DAT | 27 DAT | 31 DAT | 15 DBH | 54 DAT | 71 DAT | 85 DAT | 20 DAH | |||
明恢63 Minghui 63 | 0.86±0.06 a | 1.31±0.03 | 1.77±0.09 | 2.13±0.10 a | 4.32±0.06 a | 4.93±0.08 a | 5.13±0.72 a | 4.72±0.55 a | 4.72±0.55 a | ||
明恢82 Minghui 82 | 0.40±0.07 bc | 0.64±0.03 | 0.89±0.05 | 1.08±0.10 cd | 2.21±0.07 c | 3.67±0.16 c | 4.61±0.47 ab | 3.56±0.5 bc | 4.21±0.36 ab | ||
广恢998 Guanghui 998 | 0.51±0.12 b | 0.80±0.12 | 1.10±0.14 | 1.33±0.16 c | 2.69±0.22 bc | 4.45±0.29 b | 3.83±0.15 c | 3.34±0.80 bc | 3.64±0.24 bc | ||
广恢122 Guanghui 122 | 0.28±0.04 c | 0.53±0.05 | 0.78±0.05 | 0.99±0.06 d | 2.60±0.13 bc | 3.83±0.18 c | 3.73±0.62 c | 3.74±0.42 bc | 3.74±0.50 bc | ||
广恢128 Guanghui 128 | 0.36±0.10 bc | 0.86±0.07 | 1.35±0.03 | 1.75±0.01 b | 3.02±0.06 b | 4.19±0.11 b | 4.19±0.25 bc | 3.60±0.13 bc | 3.87±0.13 bc | ||
广恢308 Guanghui 308 | 0.38±0.12 bc | 0.73±0.06 | 1.07±0.24 | 1.35±0.29 c | 2.27±0.26 c | 4.36±0.31 b | 3.54± 0.58 c | 3.13±0.66 c | 3.45±0.60 c | ||
桂99 Gui 99 | 0.23±0.13 c | 0.51±0.11 | 0.78±0.15 | 1.00±0.18 d | 2.54±0.06 c | 4.21±0.12 b | 4.14±0.51 bc | 3.42±0.22 bc | 3.81±0.27 bc | ||
蜀恢527 Shuhui 527 | 0.31 ±0.15 c | 0.67±0.18 | 1.02±0.21 | 1.31±0.23 c | 3.46±0.19 b | 4.40±0.25 b | 4.74±0.75 ab | 3.97±0.90 b | 4.09±0.88 b |
表2 不同时期LAI动态变化
Table 2 Dynamic changes of LAI during different growth stages.
恢复系 Restorer line | 前期Early stage | 中期Middle stage | 后期Late stage | ||||||||
17 DAT | 22 DAT | 27 DAT | 31 DAT | 15 DBH | 54 DAT | 71 DAT | 85 DAT | 20 DAH | |||
明恢63 Minghui 63 | 0.86±0.06 a | 1.31±0.03 | 1.77±0.09 | 2.13±0.10 a | 4.32±0.06 a | 4.93±0.08 a | 5.13±0.72 a | 4.72±0.55 a | 4.72±0.55 a | ||
明恢82 Minghui 82 | 0.40±0.07 bc | 0.64±0.03 | 0.89±0.05 | 1.08±0.10 cd | 2.21±0.07 c | 3.67±0.16 c | 4.61±0.47 ab | 3.56±0.5 bc | 4.21±0.36 ab | ||
广恢998 Guanghui 998 | 0.51±0.12 b | 0.80±0.12 | 1.10±0.14 | 1.33±0.16 c | 2.69±0.22 bc | 4.45±0.29 b | 3.83±0.15 c | 3.34±0.80 bc | 3.64±0.24 bc | ||
广恢122 Guanghui 122 | 0.28±0.04 c | 0.53±0.05 | 0.78±0.05 | 0.99±0.06 d | 2.60±0.13 bc | 3.83±0.18 c | 3.73±0.62 c | 3.74±0.42 bc | 3.74±0.50 bc | ||
广恢128 Guanghui 128 | 0.36±0.10 bc | 0.86±0.07 | 1.35±0.03 | 1.75±0.01 b | 3.02±0.06 b | 4.19±0.11 b | 4.19±0.25 bc | 3.60±0.13 bc | 3.87±0.13 bc | ||
广恢308 Guanghui 308 | 0.38±0.12 bc | 0.73±0.06 | 1.07±0.24 | 1.35±0.29 c | 2.27±0.26 c | 4.36±0.31 b | 3.54± 0.58 c | 3.13±0.66 c | 3.45±0.60 c | ||
桂99 Gui 99 | 0.23±0.13 c | 0.51±0.11 | 0.78±0.15 | 1.00±0.18 d | 2.54±0.06 c | 4.21±0.12 b | 4.14±0.51 bc | 3.42±0.22 bc | 3.81±0.27 bc | ||
蜀恢527 Shuhui 527 | 0.31 ±0.15 c | 0.67±0.18 | 1.02±0.21 | 1.31±0.23 c | 3.46±0.19 b | 4.40±0.25 b | 4.74±0.75 ab | 3.97±0.90 b | 4.09±0.88 b |
恢复系 Restorer line | 前期Early stage | 中期Middle stage | 后期Late stage | ||
17 DAT | 15 DBH | 20 DAH | |||
明恢63 Minghui 63 | 61.4±4.0 d | 15.6±8.4 d | 6.3±0.5 d | ||
明恢82 Minghui 82 | 79.9±7.0 ab | 31.7±1.9 a | 6.9±1.0 d | ||
广恢998 Guanghui 998 | 70.5±4.8 bc | 25.8±2.5 bc | 10.3±1.3 abc | ||
广恢122 Guanghui 122 | 82.5±3.4 bc | 27.3±5.9 ab | 10.1±0.6 abc | ||
广恢128 Guanghui 128 | 67.9±6.0 cd | 23.7±2.8 bc | 10.5±1.8 ab | ||
广恢308 Guanghui 308 | 71.6±3.3 bc | 26.9±4.5 b | 11.5±0.4 a | ||
桂99 Gui 99 | 80.9±6.7 a | 28.0±5.5 ab | 8.7±0.9 c | ||
蜀恢527 Shuhui 527 | 75.2±11.1 abc | 19.0±0.5 d | 8.8±0.2 bc |
表3 不同时期群体透光率变化动态
Table 3 Dynamics of light transmittance of population in different growth stages. %
恢复系 Restorer line | 前期Early stage | 中期Middle stage | 后期Late stage | ||
17 DAT | 15 DBH | 20 DAH | |||
明恢63 Minghui 63 | 61.4±4.0 d | 15.6±8.4 d | 6.3±0.5 d | ||
明恢82 Minghui 82 | 79.9±7.0 ab | 31.7±1.9 a | 6.9±1.0 d | ||
广恢998 Guanghui 998 | 70.5±4.8 bc | 25.8±2.5 bc | 10.3±1.3 abc | ||
广恢122 Guanghui 122 | 82.5±3.4 bc | 27.3±5.9 ab | 10.1±0.6 abc | ||
广恢128 Guanghui 128 | 67.9±6.0 cd | 23.7±2.8 bc | 10.5±1.8 ab | ||
广恢308 Guanghui 308 | 71.6±3.3 bc | 26.9±4.5 b | 11.5±0.4 a | ||
桂99 Gui 99 | 80.9±6.7 a | 28.0±5.5 ab | 8.7±0.9 c | ||
蜀恢527 Shuhui 527 | 75.2±11.1 abc | 19.0±0.5 d | 8.8±0.2 bc |
恢复系 R line | 移栽后15 d 3片完全叶 Top 3 complete leaves on 15DAT | 抽穗后20 d顶部3叶 Top 3 leaves on 20DAH | 抽穗后20 d剑叶 Flag leaf on 20 DAH | ||||||
平均叶长 Mean length/cm | 平均叶宽 Mean width/cm | 平均叶长 Mean length/cm | 平均叶宽 Mean width/cm | 剑叶长 Leaf length/cm | 剑叶宽 Leaf width/cm | 剑叶面积 Leaf area/cm2 | |||
明恢63 Minghui 63 | 39.1 | 1.1 | 44.3 | 1.7 | 37.6 | 2.0 | 56.4 | ||
明恢82 Minghui 82 | 34.2 | 0.9 | 41.7 | 1.5 | 33.8 | 1.8 | 45.6 | ||
广恢998 Guanghui 998 | 36.7 | 0.8 | 44.0 | 1.3 | 39.6 | 1.5 | 44.6 | ||
广恢122 Guanghui 122 | 36.8 | 0.8 | 45.7 | 1.5 | 38.0 | 1.9 | 54.2 | ||
广恢128 Guanghui 128 | 33.5 | 0.9 | 42.6 | 1.4 | 33.3 | 1.7 | 42.5 | ||
广恢308 Guanghui 308 | 35.9 | 0.9 | 42.5 | 1.2 | 38.5 | 1.5 | 43.3 | ||
桂99 Gui 99 | 39.2 | 1.1 | 45.7 | 1.5 | 36.2 | 1.8 | 48.9 | ||
蜀恢527 Shuhui 527 | 38.6 | 1.1 | 51.0 | 1.5 | 42.1 | 1.8 | 56.8 |
表4 不同生育时期顶部3片完全叶的长宽
Table 4 Length and width of the top 3 leaves at different growth stages.
恢复系 R line | 移栽后15 d 3片完全叶 Top 3 complete leaves on 15DAT | 抽穗后20 d顶部3叶 Top 3 leaves on 20DAH | 抽穗后20 d剑叶 Flag leaf on 20 DAH | ||||||
平均叶长 Mean length/cm | 平均叶宽 Mean width/cm | 平均叶长 Mean length/cm | 平均叶宽 Mean width/cm | 剑叶长 Leaf length/cm | 剑叶宽 Leaf width/cm | 剑叶面积 Leaf area/cm2 | |||
明恢63 Minghui 63 | 39.1 | 1.1 | 44.3 | 1.7 | 37.6 | 2.0 | 56.4 | ||
明恢82 Minghui 82 | 34.2 | 0.9 | 41.7 | 1.5 | 33.8 | 1.8 | 45.6 | ||
广恢998 Guanghui 998 | 36.7 | 0.8 | 44.0 | 1.3 | 39.6 | 1.5 | 44.6 | ||
广恢122 Guanghui 122 | 36.8 | 0.8 | 45.7 | 1.5 | 38.0 | 1.9 | 54.2 | ||
广恢128 Guanghui 128 | 33.5 | 0.9 | 42.6 | 1.4 | 33.3 | 1.7 | 42.5 | ||
广恢308 Guanghui 308 | 35.9 | 0.9 | 42.5 | 1.2 | 38.5 | 1.5 | 43.3 | ||
桂99 Gui 99 | 39.2 | 1.1 | 45.7 | 1.5 | 36.2 | 1.8 | 48.9 | ||
蜀恢527 Shuhui 527 | 38.6 | 1.1 | 51.0 | 1.5 | 42.1 | 1.8 | 56.8 |
恢复系 Restorer line | 前期(移栽后20 d)Early stage(20 DAT) | 抽穗后20 d 20 DAH | ||||
顶部第3叶 Top 3rd leaf | 剑叶 Flag leaf | 倒2叶 Top 2nd leaf | 倒3叶 Top 3rd leaf | 平均 Mean | ||
明恢63 Minghui 63 | 90.3 | 62.8 | 98.6 | 68.4 | 76.6 | |
明恢82 Minghui 82 | 61.5 | 65.8 | 56.8 | 67.9 | 63.5 | |
广恢998 Guanghui 998 | 85.8 | 64.1 | 72.4 | 66.6 | 67.7 | |
广恢122 Guanghui 122 | 90.1 | 61.8 | 75.7 | 81.6 | 73.0 | |
广恢128 Guanghui 128 | 82.2 | 67.8 | 71.3 | 62.7 | 67.3 | |
广恢308 Guanghui 308 | 52.4 | 31.7 | 36.5 | 33.6 | 33.9 | |
桂99 Gui 99 | 42.5 | 86.3 | 92.4 | 78.3 | 85.7 | |
蜀恢527 Shuhui 527 | 65.3 | 89.1 | 86.5 | 79.0 | 84.8 |
表5 前期顶部第3片叶的平均开张角度和抽穗后顶部3叶的开张角度
Table 5 Average opening angle of top 3rd leaf in the early stage and the opening angle of top 3 leaves after heading. °
恢复系 Restorer line | 前期(移栽后20 d)Early stage(20 DAT) | 抽穗后20 d 20 DAH | ||||
顶部第3叶 Top 3rd leaf | 剑叶 Flag leaf | 倒2叶 Top 2nd leaf | 倒3叶 Top 3rd leaf | 平均 Mean | ||
明恢63 Minghui 63 | 90.3 | 62.8 | 98.6 | 68.4 | 76.6 | |
明恢82 Minghui 82 | 61.5 | 65.8 | 56.8 | 67.9 | 63.5 | |
广恢998 Guanghui 998 | 85.8 | 64.1 | 72.4 | 66.6 | 67.7 | |
广恢122 Guanghui 122 | 90.1 | 61.8 | 75.7 | 81.6 | 73.0 | |
广恢128 Guanghui 128 | 82.2 | 67.8 | 71.3 | 62.7 | 67.3 | |
广恢308 Guanghui 308 | 52.4 | 31.7 | 36.5 | 33.6 | 33.9 | |
桂99 Gui 99 | 42.5 | 86.3 | 92.4 | 78.3 | 85.7 | |
蜀恢527 Shuhui 527 | 65.3 | 89.1 | 86.5 | 79.0 | 84.8 |
恢复系 Restorer line | SPAD值(叶绿素含量)SPAD value(chlorophyll content) | 抽穗期光合速率 Leaf photosynthetic rate at heading stage/(μmol·m-2 s-1) | |||
始穗前第20天 20 DBH | 抽穗期 Heading stage | 始穗后第20天 20 DAH | 变幅 Variance/% | ||
明恢63 Minghui 63 | 37.2±1.1 e | 38.7±0.6 c | 31.6±4.1 cd | 15.1 | 20.4±0.7 c |
明恢82 Minghui 82 | 41.0±0.8 c | 40.8±1.3 abc | 35.5±2.0 bc | 13.4 | 23.2±0.6 ab |
广恢998 Guanghui 998 | 43.5±0.7 a | 43.2±2.1 a | 38.1±1.6 ab | 12.0 | 23.8±0.1 a |
广恢122 Guanghui 122 | 41.7±1.0 bc | 40.9±0.6 bc | 34.4±4.6 bc | 17.7 | 22.0±0.6 abc |
广恢128 Guanghui 128 | 42.6±0.1 ab | 41.3±1.3 bc | 32.8±0.8 bc | 23.0 | 23.2±1.0 ab |
广恢308 Guanghui 308 | 43.2±0.4 a | 43.9±0.8 a | 40.4±1.9 a | 6.3 | 21.6±0.5 bc |
桂99 Gui 99 | 43.5±0.7 a | 42.6±0.3 ab | 39.6±1.9 ab | 9.0 | 20.7±0.8 cd |
蜀恢527 Shuhui 527 | 39.6±0.3 d | 38.8±0.8 d | 30.1±6.2 d | 20.7 | 21.5±0.8 bc |
表6 叶片的SPAD值与光合速率
Table 6 SPAD values and photosynthetic rate of leaves.
恢复系 Restorer line | SPAD值(叶绿素含量)SPAD value(chlorophyll content) | 抽穗期光合速率 Leaf photosynthetic rate at heading stage/(μmol·m-2 s-1) | |||
始穗前第20天 20 DBH | 抽穗期 Heading stage | 始穗后第20天 20 DAH | 变幅 Variance/% | ||
明恢63 Minghui 63 | 37.2±1.1 e | 38.7±0.6 c | 31.6±4.1 cd | 15.1 | 20.4±0.7 c |
明恢82 Minghui 82 | 41.0±0.8 c | 40.8±1.3 abc | 35.5±2.0 bc | 13.4 | 23.2±0.6 ab |
广恢998 Guanghui 998 | 43.5±0.7 a | 43.2±2.1 a | 38.1±1.6 ab | 12.0 | 23.8±0.1 a |
广恢122 Guanghui 122 | 41.7±1.0 bc | 40.9±0.6 bc | 34.4±4.6 bc | 17.7 | 22.0±0.6 abc |
广恢128 Guanghui 128 | 42.6±0.1 ab | 41.3±1.3 bc | 32.8±0.8 bc | 23.0 | 23.2±1.0 ab |
广恢308 Guanghui 308 | 43.2±0.4 a | 43.9±0.8 a | 40.4±1.9 a | 6.3 | 21.6±0.5 bc |
桂99 Gui 99 | 43.5±0.7 a | 42.6±0.3 ab | 39.6±1.9 ab | 9.0 | 20.7±0.8 cd |
蜀恢527 Shuhui 527 | 39.6±0.3 d | 38.8±0.8 d | 30.1±6.2 d | 20.7 | 21.5±0.8 bc |
恢复系 R line | 抽穗期 HD | 生育期 GD/d | 每穗总粒数 TGN | 结实率 SSR/% | 千粒重 TGW/g | 有效穗数 EPN | 稻谷产量 GY/(kg·m-2) | 光能利用率 RUE/% |
明恢63 Minghui 63 | 06-12 | 135 | 123.0 | 84.7 | 27.2 | 195.0±13.1 bc | 0.60±0.02 ab | 0.411±0.017 bc |
明恢82 Minghui 82 | 06-04 | 125 | 187.7 | 81.5 | 20.3 | 176.0±18.3 cd | 0.57±0.03 abc | 0.448±0.026 a |
广恢998 Guanghui 998 | 06-04 | 125 | 159.2 | 84.8 | 19.9 | 228.0±26.2 a | 0.61±0.02 a | 0.479±0.018 a |
广恢122 Guanghui 122 | 06-07 | 128 | 147.8 | 83.1 | 22.1 | 188.0±9.6 bc | 0.53±0.00 cd | 0.408±0.034 c |
广恢128 Guanghui 128 | 06-06 | 127 | 146.1 | 72.4 | 21.1 | 222.0±19.7 ab | 0.52±0.04 cd | 0.405±0.015 c |
广恢308 Guanghui 308 | 06-01 | 122 | 179.5 | 83.4 | 19.9 | 195.0±28.6 bc | 0.56±0.01 bc | 0.452±0.035 ab |
桂99 Gui 99 | 06-05 | 126 | 164.3 | 80.1 | 24.0 | 162.0±26.2 cd | 0.51±0.02 d | 0.393±0.035 bc |
蜀恢527 Shuhui 527 | 06-10 | 132 | 141.5 | 82.7 | 29.7 | 147.0±21.6 d | 0.53±0.04 cd | 0.384±0.012 c |
表7 稻谷产量性状与光能利用率
Table 7 Grain yield related traits and RUE.
恢复系 R line | 抽穗期 HD | 生育期 GD/d | 每穗总粒数 TGN | 结实率 SSR/% | 千粒重 TGW/g | 有效穗数 EPN | 稻谷产量 GY/(kg·m-2) | 光能利用率 RUE/% |
明恢63 Minghui 63 | 06-12 | 135 | 123.0 | 84.7 | 27.2 | 195.0±13.1 bc | 0.60±0.02 ab | 0.411±0.017 bc |
明恢82 Minghui 82 | 06-04 | 125 | 187.7 | 81.5 | 20.3 | 176.0±18.3 cd | 0.57±0.03 abc | 0.448±0.026 a |
广恢998 Guanghui 998 | 06-04 | 125 | 159.2 | 84.8 | 19.9 | 228.0±26.2 a | 0.61±0.02 a | 0.479±0.018 a |
广恢122 Guanghui 122 | 06-07 | 128 | 147.8 | 83.1 | 22.1 | 188.0±9.6 bc | 0.53±0.00 cd | 0.408±0.034 c |
广恢128 Guanghui 128 | 06-06 | 127 | 146.1 | 72.4 | 21.1 | 222.0±19.7 ab | 0.52±0.04 cd | 0.405±0.015 c |
广恢308 Guanghui 308 | 06-01 | 122 | 179.5 | 83.4 | 19.9 | 195.0±28.6 bc | 0.56±0.01 bc | 0.452±0.035 ab |
桂99 Gui 99 | 06-05 | 126 | 164.3 | 80.1 | 24.0 | 162.0±26.2 cd | 0.51±0.02 d | 0.393±0.035 bc |
蜀恢527 Shuhui 527 | 06-10 | 132 | 141.5 | 82.7 | 29.7 | 147.0±21.6 d | 0.53±0.04 cd | 0.384±0.012 c |
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