Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Resistance in Two Hybrid Rice Combinations and Their Parents to the Whitebacked Planthopper, Sogatella furcifera

LIU Guang-jie 1; SOGAWA Kazushige 2; PU Zheng-guo 3; YANG Ying-song 4; QIAO Qing-chun 3; SHEN Jun-hui 1; XIE Xue-mei 3; CHEN Shi-gao 3; SHI Dun-gui 3   

  1. (1Chinese National Center for Rice Improvement; China National Rice Research Institute; Hangzhou 310006; China; 2Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences; Tsukuba 305-8686; Japan; 3Xiushan Station of Plant Protection and Quarantine; Chongqing 409900; 4College of Plant Protection; Southwest Agricultural University, Chongqing 100716, China)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2003-05-30 Published:2003-05-30


刘光杰1;寒川一成2;蒲正国3;杨英松4 谯青春3;沈君辉1;谢雪梅3; 陈仕高3;石敦贵3   

  1. 1中国水稻研究所 国家水稻改良中心, 浙江 杭州 310006; E-mail:; 2日本国际农林水产业研究中心, 日本 筑波 305-8686; 3重庆市秀山县植保植检站, 重庆 秀山 409900; 4西南农业大学 植物保护学院, 重庆 北碚 400716

Abstract: The resistance of hybrid rice combinations and their parents to the whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera was evaluated by field investigation of S. furcifera populations and rice yield losses, honeydew measurement, oviposition and egg development in Fuyang, Zhejiang and Xiushan, Chongqing. Field experiments revealed that number of nymphs on the CMS lines Xieqingzao A and Zhenshan 97A were 371.1 and 292.5 insects per plant, respectively, indicating the super-susceptibility to S. furcifera rather higher than the susceptible check TN1. Number of nymphs on the hybrids Shanyou 63 and Xieyou 9308 was similar with that on TN1. The super-susceptibility in the hybrids originated from the susceptibility of its parent of the CMS lines. Under no insecticide management, percentages of 1000-grain loss and yield loss in the susceptible hybrids could reach up to approximately 22% and 78%, respectively. At the same time, the CMS lines would die completely. These findings revealed that the more S. furcifera occurred, the lighter 1000-grain weight and the higher percentage of yield losses appeared in rice. Honeydew measurement demonstrated that the restorer lines Minghui 63 and 9308 possessed certain tolerance to S. furcifera. There were no significant difference on number of eggs-laying and percentage of egg developed between hybrids and their parents. Improvement of hybrids with insect resistance was also discussed.

Key words: Sogatella furcifera, insect resistance, hybrid rice, cytoplasm male sterile line, restorer line

摘要: 采用田间白背飞虱种群调查和水稻产量、室内白背飞虱蜜露量、产卵量及卵发育率测定,在浙江富阳和重庆秀山两地研究了杂交稻组合及其亲本材料对白背飞虱的抗虫性。田间试验结果表明:不育系协青早A和珍汕97A表现出对白背飞虱比感虫对照品种TN1更感虫的“超感虫性”,稻株上的若虫量分别高达371.1和292.5只/丛。在杂交稻汕优63和协优9308上的若虫数量与TN1上的相当,杂交稻的感虫性主要来源于其不育系亲本。在无杀虫剂防治的情况下,感虫杂交稻组合的千粒重和产量损失率高达22%和78%左右,不育系材料被完全毁灭,表现为虫量越大,千粒重下降幅度越大,产量损失率越高。蜜露量测定表明,恢复系明恢63和9803具有一定的耐虫性。白背飞虱在杂交稻及其亲本上的产卵量和卵发育率没有显著差异。还对杂交稻抗虫性的改良进行了讨论。

关键词: 白背飞虱, 抗虫性, 杂交稻, 不育系, 恢复系