Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Identification of QTLs for Agronomic Traits Associated with Yield in a BC2F2 Population Between Oryza sativa and Oryza rufipogon

CHENG Gui-ping , FENG Jiu-huan , LIANG Guo-hua , LIU Xiang-dong , LI Jin-quan   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2006-09-10 Published:2006-09-10
  • Contact: LI Jin-quan



  1. 1华南农业大学 广东省植物分子育种重点实验室, 广东 广州 510642; 2扬州大学 植物功能基因组学教育部重点实验室, 江苏 扬州 225009; *通讯联系人,

Abstract: A BC2F2 population was developed from an interspecific cross between a cultivated rice variety Guanglu′ai 4 (Oryza sativa ssp. indica) and a wild rice line from Oryza rufipogon by using Guanglu′ai 4 as the maternal parent as well as the recurrent parent. The substitution segments of wild rice in the genetic background of the cultivated variety were analyzed in BC2F1s using 241 polymorphic SSR markers and QTLs controlling agronomic traits associated with yield were identified in BC2F2 using 24 polymorphic SSR markers. Twenty substitution segments were identified on seven chromosomes, including chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9 and 11. The total length of the substitution segments was 247.2 cM, and covered 16.21% of the rice haploid genome; the length of substitution segments ranged from 0.55 to 33.00 cM, with an average length 12.36 cM. Additionally, a total of 20 QTLs for eight traits associated with yield were identified in the population of 122 BC2F2s, and of which 55% had positive effect. Moreover, the QTLs controlling the traits associated with yield were found to be clustered, which agreed with the results from correlation analysis of the phenotypic traits

Key words: Oryza sativa, Oryza rufipogon, BC2F2 population, traits associated with yield, quantitative trait locus

摘要: 以广陆矮4号(Oryza sativa ssp. indica)为母本及轮回亲本,普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon)为父本,分单株连续回交2次,构建BC2F2群体。首先用241对具有双亲多态性的SSR标记对BC2F1单株进行代换片段分析,在此基础上,根据BC2F1的表型选产量较优的单株自交获得BC2F2群体,用代换片段上具有双亲杂合型基因型的24对SSR标记进行QTL定位。在所选的BC2F1单株上,共检测到分布于7条染色体上的20个野生稻的代换片段,平均每条染色体上有2.86个;代换片段长度最小为0.55 cM,最大为33.00 cM,平均长度为12.36 cM,总覆盖长度为247.20 cM,覆盖率为16.21%。利用BC2F2群体对14个产量相关性状进行QTL定位,共检测到控制8个性状的20个QTL。对性状表型值起增效作用的有11个,占总检出数的55%。控制产量相关性状的QTL存在簇状分布现象,这与表型相关分析结果相符合。

关键词: 栽培稻, 普通野生稻, BC2F2群体, 产量相关性状, 数量性状座位