Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Analysis on Genetic Characters of Gel Consistency in the Crosses between japonica and indica Rices

Tang Shengxiang; Zhang Yunkang; Yu Hanyong; Wang Lei   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1996-10-10 Published:1996-10-10


汤圣祥;张云康;余汉勇;王 磊   

  1. 中国水稻研究所,杭州310006

Abstract: Inheritance of gel consistency (GC) in 5 japonica/indica crosses each with 9 populations (P1, P2, F1, F1', F2, B1, B1', B2, B2' ) was studied by single grain analysis. The result indicated the monogenic control and modifiers affection for the expression of GC which is an endosperm trait under triploid. Hard GC was expressed as a dominant trait over medium and soft ones, and medium GC was dominant over soft one. The additive-dominance model was generally adequate for the inheritance. ReplaceFont('ChDivSummary','采用胶稠度单籽粒分析法,对32设计的5个籼粳交组合,每组合9个同期收获的遗传群体(P1.P2,F1,F1’,F2,B1,B1’,B2,B2’)的稻米胶调度进行了遗传研究。结果表明,籼粳稻米的胶稠度受到主效基因和若干微效基因的控制,主效基因为复等位基因,硬对中等或软,中等对软胶稠度表现显性。胶稠度具有质量-数量遗传特性,适合3N胚乳的加性-显性遗传模型。');ReplaceFont('EnDivSummary','Inheritance of gel consistency (GC) in 5 japonica/indica crosses each with 9 populations (P1,P2,F1, F1\', F2,B1,B1\',B2,B2\' )was studied by single grain analysis. The result indicated the monogenic control and modifiers affection for the expression of GC which is an endosperm trait under triploid. Hard GC was expressed as a dominant trait over medium and soft ones, and medium GC was dominant over soft one. The additive-dominance model was generally adequate for the inheritance.');if(document.getElementById('ChDivSummary') != null && document.getElementById('ChDivSummary').innerHTML!=""){CutSpan('ChDivSummary',500);DisplaySpanDiv('ChDivSummary');ClearSummaryOnLoad('SummaryLinkChID','SummaryLinkEnID');} if(document.getElementById('EnDivSummary') != null && document.getElementById('EnDivSummary').innerHTML!=""){CutSpan('EnDivSummary',1000);DisplaySpanDiv('EnDivSummary');ClearSummaryOnLoad('SummaryLinkEnID','SummaryLinkChID');}ReplaceChar1('ChDivSummary');ReplaceChar('ChDivSummary');ReplaceChar1('EnDivSummary');ReplaceChar('EnDivSummary');

Key words: gel consistency, inheritance, intersubspecific hybrid rice

摘要: 采用胶稠度单籽粒分析法,对3×2设计的5个籼粳交组合,每组合9个同期收获的遗传群体 (P1, P2, F1, F1', F2, B1, B1', B2, B2' )的稻米胶稠度进行了遗传研究。结果表明,籼粳稻米的胶稠度受到主效基因和若干微效基因的控制,主效基因为复等位基因,硬对中等或软,中等对软胶稠度表现显性。胶稠度具有质量数量遗传特性,适合3N胚乳的加性显性遗传模型。

关键词: 籼粳交, 胶稠度, 遗传模型