Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Genetic Expression for Quality Traits of Rice Grain in Japonica Hybrids

Li Xin; Mo Huidong; Wang Anmin; Xu Chengwu; Zhu Yihua; Yu Hengxiu   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1999-10-10 Published:1999-10-10


李 欣1;莫惠栋1;王安民2;徐辰武1;朱毅华1;于恒秀1   

  1. 1 扬州大学 农学院 农学系,江苏 扬州 225009; 2 江苏省泰州市农业经济委员会,江苏 泰州 225300

Abstract: A statistical method recently proposed by Mo et al. for analysing the inheritance of seed trait in p + q + 2pq mating design was used to investigate the genetic expression of nine quality traits in japonica hybrid rice. The parents were p= 4 maintainers and q = 7 restorers. The results showed: (1)The expression of brown, milled, and head rice rates (BRR, MRR, HRR), grain length (GL), grain width (GW), and chalkiness score (CS) in hybrids was subject to the diploid maternal genotypes and no genetic segregation occurred among F2 grains born on F1 plant. However, very significant segregation was found among F2 grains in gelatinization temperature (GT), amylose content (AC), and gel consistency (GC). This indicated that the inheritance of GT, AC, and GC was mainly controlled under the endosperm genotype. (2) The additive variation was principal component in all traits except AC. But the variance due to F2 grain segregation had a considerable share intotal genetic variance in AC, GT, and GC traits. This suggested further that the three traits were mainly controlled by triploid endosperm genotyps. (3) The result of reciprocals showed there was a significant cytoplasmic effect in all nine qualitytraits, but their shares were not large, only from 2. 49% (GT) to 29. 3% (MRR) and concentrating from 2% to 5%. Although variation was also observed among traits or crosses.

Key words: hybrid rice, rice quality, genetic expression, cytoplasmic effect

摘要: 应用莫惠栋等新近提出的p+q+2pq交配设计及其分析方法,分析了粳型杂种9个品质性状的遗传表达,试验材料p=4, q=7。结果表明:(1)糙米率、精米率、整精米率、粒长、粒宽和垩白率6个性状的遗传受母株基因型控制,它们在F2米粒间(着生在F1植株上)没有发生遗传分离,而糊化温度、直链淀粉含量和胶稠度3个性状在F2米粒间有显著的遗传分离,因此主要受胚乳基因型控制。(2)除直链淀粉含量外,其余8个性状的遗传变异均以加性方差为主。在直链淀粉含量、糊化温度和胶稠度3个性状中,种子性状分离方差都占有较高比例,进一步证明了F2种子的这3个性状的遗传主要是由胚乳自身的基因型决定的。(3)正反交测验的结果表明,9个品质性状均存在显著的细胞质效应,但细胞质遗传方差仅占遗传总方差的2.49%(糊化温度)~29.3%(精米率),多数性状集中在2%与5%之间,所以品质性状的细胞质遗传效应在总体上是不大的,但在性状间存在差异。

关键词: 杂交水稻, 稻米品质, 遗传表达, 细胞质效应