基于MAGIC群体的水稻抽穗期和产量相关性状全基因组 关联分析
魏秀彩, 刘金栋, 刘利成, 黎用朝, 潘孝武, 董铮, 刘文强, 熊海波, 闵军, 李小湘
Genome-wide Association Analysis of Rice Heading Date and Yield-related Traits Based on MAGIC Population
Xiucai WEI, Jindong LIU, Licheng LIU, Yongchao LI, Xiaowu PAN, Zheng DONG, Wenqiang LIU, Haibo XIONG, Jun MIN, Xiaoxiang LI
中国水稻科学 . 2020, (4): 325 -331 .  DOI: 10.16819/j.1001-7216.2020.0107