Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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The Fecundity and Survival Simulation Modes of Experimental Population of Sogatella furcifera under Various Diet Condition

Qin Houguo; Ye Zhengxiang; Li Hua   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1994-04-10 Published:1994-04-10


秦厚国;叶正襄;李 华   

  1. 江西省农业科学院,南昌330200

Abstract: The life parameters of Sogatella furcifera on rice at 5 growing stages (seedling, tillering, elongation, booting, heading) were studied. There were no significant differences among hatching rates of egg at 5 growing stages of rice plant. The survival rate of nymphs feeding on rice plant at elongation stage was the highest. Times of egg oviposition per female, egg number of a day per female, total egg number per female, daily survival rate of adult duration were the most when adults fed on rice plant at tillering stage. They were second in sequence when adults fed on rice plant at elongation stage. Based on experimental results of survival rate of nymph and adult, the experimental population simulation modes of survival rate of Sogatella furcifera were developed.

Key words: Fecundity, Growing stage of rice, Sogatella furcifera, Survival rate

摘要: 白背飞虱在5个生育期(苗期、分蘖期、拔节期、孕穗期、齐穗期)稻株上所产的卵,期孵化率差异不明显。若虫以取食拔节期稻株存活率最高。成虫产卵次数、日产卵量、总产卵量、各天存活率则以取食分蘖期稻株为最多。根据若、成虫存活率试验结果,建立了白背飞虱在不同水稻生育期上实验种群存活率模拟模型。

关键词: 繁殖力, 白背飞虱, 存活率, 模拟模型