Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Effect of Milling Degree on Some Quality Characteristics of Milled Rice

Luo Yukun; Min Jie; Wu Xujun; Chen Yuying; Lin Ronghui   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1989-10-10 Published:1989-10-10


罗玉坤; 闵捷; 吴戌君; 陈玉英; 林榕辉   

  1. 中国水稻研究所

Abstract: The effect of milling degree from 0 to 20% by weight on some quality characteristics of milled rice were studied with 5 medium to long-grain indica varieties. The results indicated that the quality characteristics were influenced significantly by the milling degree. Correlations between milling degree and whiteness, alkaline spreading value, gel consistency and amylose content of milled rice were all positive, whereas negative between milling degree and head milled rice recovery, the ratio of length to width of the kernels, and crude protein of milled rice.

Key words: Rice quality, Milling degree, Quality Characteristics, Milled rice

摘要: 以5个中至长粒形的籼稻品种为材料,研究了碾米精度对稻米品质的影响。结果表明,精度对以精米为对象的各项米质指标的影响十分显著,其中精度与精米的白度、胶稠度、糊化温度及直链淀粉含量等米质指标成正相关,而与精米的整米率、长宽比以及蛋白质含量等米质指标成负相关。

关键词: 稻米品质, 碾米精度, 米质指标, 精米