Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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The Approach of Breeding Japonica Photo-thermo-sensitive Genic Male Sterile Rice Adapting to Climate Condition of the North of China

Gao Yong; Yang Zhenyu; Wei Yaolin; Zhao Yinchun; Gao Riling; Hua Zetian; Pan Qimin   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1996-01-10 Published:1996-01-10


高勇1; 杨振玉1; 魏耀林1; 赵迎春;1 高日玲1; 华泽田1; 潘启民2   

  1. 1 北方杂交水稻研究中心,沈阳110101;2 江苏省连云港市农业局,连云港222002

Abstract: The response to photoperiod and temperature of different types P(T) GMS rice (photo-thermosensitive genic male sterile rice), were studied by means of treating light length in pots and sequential sowing in fields. The results indicated that P(T)GMS rice tested were classified into two types: P(T) GMS and thermo-sensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) rice according to condition inducing fertility alteration (FA). The P(T)GMS rice, for example Nongken 585, was induced sterility under long light length and high temperature (HT), and fertility under short daylength and low temperature (LT). The FA in TGMS rice was mainly controlled by daily average temperature at sensitive phase but not by photoperiod. The TGMS rice was subdivided Into the positive TGMS(P-TGMS) rice and the negative TGMS(n-TGMS) rice. The P-TGMS rice were induced sterility by HT and fertility by LT. In contrast with P-TGMS rice, the n-TGMS rice were fertile under HT and sterile under LT. In contrast with P-TGMS rice, the n-TGMS rice were fertile under HT and sterile under LT. The critical temperature for FA of Hengnong-3S was about 27℃, i.e. fertility above 27℃ and sterility below 27℃. The tatics of breeding pratical japonica P(T) GMS adapting to the north were suggested.

Key words: photo-thermosensitive genic male sterile rice, response to photoperiod and temperature, two-line hybrid rice

摘要: 分别在沈阳设置盆栽人工控制光长试验和连云港进行分期播种试验,研究了农垦58S、培矮64S、衡农-1S和衡农-3S对光温的反应。参试的两用核不育水稻的育性表达对光长核温度的反应不同。一类为高温条件下不育,低温条件下可育;;另一类为高温下可育,低温下不育。北方的低温加大了选育实用型光温敏核不育水稻的难度。提出了辽宁以北地区实用型两用不育系的选育策略核光温临界指标。

关键词: 光温敏核不育, 光温反应, 两系法杂交水稻