Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Studies on Grain Qualities and Agronomic Characters of Early Season Indica Rice Cultivars Tested in Regional Trials During

Guo Yinyan; Zhang Yunkang; Ye Mingju; Hu Bingmin; Chen Kunrong   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1997-07-10 Published:1997-07-10


郭银燕 1;张云康 2;叶明巨 3;胡秉民 1;陈昆荣 4   

  1. 1 浙江农业大学农学系,杭州 310029; 2 中国水稻研究所,杭州 310006;3 浙江省龙泉市农业科学研究所,浙江龙泉 323700; 4 浙江省种子公司,杭州 310016

Abstract: The trends of improvment of grain qualities and agronomic characters of the early season indica rice cultivars tested in the regional trial of Zhejiang Province during the "Eighth Five-Year Plan" period were analyzed. In comparison with the cultivars tested in the "Seventh Five-Year Plan" period, the grain qualities of the cultivars in "Eighth Five-Year Plan" period were much more improved accompanied by a tendency of growth period shortening. panicle number decreasing and panicle enlarging, especially in late maturing rice cultivars. In terms of various quality characters, most of the cultivars tested were, however, not satisfactory in head milled rice recovery, chalkness ratio, chalkness area and grain shape. Analysis of various variance components of the qualities to be ameliorated showed that head milled rice recovery was affected by cultivar × year interaction an a larger extent than by cultivars effect, while other qualities were mainly affected by cultivar effect.

Key words: agronomic character, early season indica rice , regional trials, rice quality, statistical analysis

摘要: 探讨了浙江省“八五”早籼区试品种品质、农艺性状进展趋势。结果表明,“八五”参试品种较“七五”参试品种品质有极显著提高,而且有着生育期缩短、有效穗数减少、穗型增大趋势,迟熟组尤为明显。分析“八五”参试品种各项品质性状表现,参试品种品质仍不理想,大多数品种整精米率、垩白率、垩白面积、粒型表现欠佳。剖析待改良品质的各效应方差分量发现,除整精米率品种×年份互作效应高于品种效应以外,其余品质性状均以品种效应为主。

关键词: 早籼品种, 区域试验, 统计分析, 品质, 农艺性状