陈丽明, 杨陶陶, 熊若愚, 谭雪明, 黄山, 曾勇军, 潘晓华, 石庆华, 张俊, 曾研华
Effect of Free-air Temperature Increasing on Activities of Enzymes Involved in Starch Synthesis and Accumulation of Double-cropping indica Rice
CHEN Liming, YANG Taotao, XIONG Ruoyu, TAN Xueming, HUANG Shang, ZENG Yongjun, PAN Xiaohua, SHI Qinghua, ZHANG Jun, ZENG Yanhua
中国水稻科学 . 2023, (2): 166 -177 .  DOI: 10.16819/j.1001-7216.2023.220414